any Thinkpad fans?

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First post, by oldhighgerman

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Anyone own a 700c.

Reply 1 of 7, by ratfink

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no, nearest is that i used to have a 701c and 701cs if i have the numbers right, the butterfly keyboard ones. upgraded one of them to the faster cpu, upgraded the ram, upgraded the hard drive, installed linux, faffed with wifi drivers, got bored and then sold them. long time ago. they seemed pretty flimsy so i would be mildly surprised to find one today.

Reply 2 of 7, by hornet1990

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My first expsoure to Thinkpads was the 600 in 1999. Boxy as hell but rock solid, although as we found out the keyboards couldn't take a good drunken mashing! Good enough with the P2 processor to run Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun for our multiplayer sessions, and I found the trackpoint nub inifintely better than current day trackpads, especially for gaming.

My last one was my own Edge 13 with an Athlon Neo x2 and Radeon graphics back in 2010/11. Nice little machine which got infinitely better when I replaced the HDD with an SSD, also ran cooler and the fan spun up a lot less. Unfortunately it became the family internet machine so I never got to take it away with me as I'd intended, and only lasted just over 3 years before dying though.

I'd still recommend Lenovo's today over many other brands, but the build quality is absolutely nothing like as good as they were back then.

Reply 3 of 7, by Intel486dx33

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I have a few 750c with Docking Stations and sound cards

Reply 4 of 7, by dormcat

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I'm not a fan but due to some coincidences I once have had up to five ThinkPads at hand. 😅 They were:

  • X31 (hand-me-down; currently unable to power on)
  • X32 (hand-me-down)
  • X60 (hand-me-down)
  • X200 (salvaged from e-waste)
  • Edge E120 (salvaged from e-waste; sold to a friend's mom looking for a small, simple laptop)

Other than being expensive, IMO a major reason that hindered its popularity was the delayed adoption of trackpads, which could coexist with TrackPoint much earlier. Yes, I know many ThinkPad fans love the "nipple" but quality does not necessary equate to popularity.

Reply 5 of 7, by Unknown_K

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No 700c, but I have these:

310ED, 350C, 360C, 365C, 365XD, 380D, 380XD, 380Z, 390E, 390X, 560X, 600, 600E, 701C, 750CS, 755C, 755CD, 760C, 760CD, 760ED, 760EL, 760XD, 760XL, 765L, 765D, 770, 770E, 770Z, T21, T22, T23, T30, A20P, A21P, A22M, A30, A31, A31P, T40, T42, T43P, T60, T61, R32, R40, R52, T400, T500, W510

Collector of old computers, hardware, and software

Reply 7 of 7, by gmaverick2k

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T480 modded for silence as my mobile workhorse. Been through a bit

"What's all this racket going on up here, son? You watchin' yer girl cartoons again?"