First post, by willinliv
I am working on my latest Win98 machine, based around an Asrock GE Pro-M2 (bios 2.80) with two 128GB SSD into SATA>IDE adapters. Initial Win98 install with no issue, but when adding second drive I find that boot time is delayed as ‘Auto-detecting Pri Master…’ / ‘Auto-detecting Pri Slave…’ message is introduced. Both drives are eventually detected after 20seconds or so, and seems to boot normally with no other issues. The same is required before entering BIOS where the drives are set to Auto.
I am using these adapters which have the slave/master pins:
“NFHK EP-014 SATA Disk to IDE/PATA 40Pin Motherboard Converter Adapter PCBA for Desktop & 2.5 3.5 inch Hard Disk Drive” … _fed_asin_title
I have my C: drive set as Master on the adapter and positioned at 80pin cable end, and D: drive as Slave and at midway point. I have tried various combinations: master/slave as above; no jumpers (maybe relying on cable select?); jumper only on slave. All have this imposed speed bump. Quick boot does not override the motherboards desire to detect.
If I shift the second drive (with the adapter) to the secondary IDE (so only one drive on each connection then all loads nice and fast). If I add to the second IDE a CDROM set as Slave then this reintroduces the delay. Interestingly replacing the SSD with an IDE HDD on the secondary things are nice and fast again (so not effected). So for me at least, with this board, it seems to have an issue if two of these adapters are on the same cable.
I have seen this post Auto-Detecting Pri Master..Press <ESC> to abort_, however in that post the drives weren’t being detected. I may well pump for Startech to see if issue goes away, but wondered if anyone else had had issues with these adapters?
Many thanks, Will