1. I don't play on my actual hardware nearly as often as I should. Like others have said, I spend a lot of time setting it all up, doing any necessary repairs, for it to sit for weeks at a time not getting used. I only have 2 "retro" systems setup, so that's not the issue. If I'm truthful, I just don't have the time and space I need to truly enjoy them as I want. However, I won't make the same mistake I did several years back and sell it all off. It's far too expensive to replace it these days.
2. I love emulation and virtual machines! Let's be honest, the hardware we all grew up on and love isn't getting any younger, and while I truly do love having the real hardware in my hands and running my games, I am no purist. In fact, I own no game consoles anymore, and I had a large collection of them and games, sold them all off years ago, and while I may regret that from time to time, replacing them all with Raspberry Pi machines that look just like them and play all the games just fine has made my life so much easier.
3. In my old age, I have forgotten more than I will ever know. Much of it comes back when I get on one of my nostalgic retro kicks, but not all of it. I find myself having to refresh my memory much more often, only to forget it all as the hardware sits for long periods of time. Nostalgia is one hell of a drug, and it keeps me repeating that process over and over.
4. I love my modern activities just as much, if not more, than my retro ones! 3D printing, modern gaming, learning to use Ubuntu with some level of competency, designing modern tools and circuits using micro-controllers or an SBC, learning to program it all, and I thoroughly enjoy building modern "retro" and homebrew systems like the Z80-MBC2. I spend far more time doing those things than any of my "retro activities".
I think that about covers my retro confessions, for now. 😀