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it's another way to find MT-32
It's MTD-32.
*** New Board for D-110 , It can update PCM & TONE Flash Memory without ROM Writer via USB.
***Possible to share your LA32 PCM & TONE to friend
*** installed 2X bigger Flash for special space , simple change orignal D-110 , MT-32 and your Patch.
MT-32 is one of the most of rare item in the retro world, if you are crazy man for dos game and other retro games.
But MT-32 is very expensive and difficult to buy on the market.
How to give good expierence and remember your memories?
a few month ago , I thought It can be possible to make MT-32 sound on the Roland D-110 because it has the same Platform works with LA32 .
realized I've got big trust and Other guys already post big information about MT-32
it is a little bit difference btw MT-32 and D-110 , Only expand PCM Sample ROM , Tone Binary Space and correct connection between LA32 and PCM54HP.
first find correct map of PCM and TONE map , We can easily find good way with Munt MT-32 emulator's Open-source Code.
and it is required to find and analysis D-110 tone map and PCM data , built-up D110's map and after we can do implant
MT-32 tone param and PCM data into the D-110 with relocated address.
I did not spend big time to make D-110's map , attemp to find a bit of diamond in the 128Kbytes tone data.
half of ROM fill in ROM-Play data which is modified Midi format data with Rhythm parameters.
finally make all map for D-110 tone ROM parameters and relocated Tone parameter in side of D-110 Tone ROM.
D-110 has separated Mask ROM for TONE parameters and it required some hardware rework(rewiriring) to
replace EEPROM ( OE , CS , A16 ) and open the hole to inject MT-32's tone parameter safely.
we don't hang out outside thesedays , digging more and more in home...
Succeeded to port MT-32 sound into the D-110 with modified PCM and Tone.
compare MT-32 and D-110's SysExclusive Message , most of games transfer own tones at starting time.
firstly prevent this problem we have to convert some sysex messages at runtime.
easily figure out this problem with adding a small mcu board (like bluepill )to exchange sysex vlaues at the run-time.
;protect D-110 has high limit key parameter , in case of MT32 it is dummy data.
I've attated some pictures not include my modified D110 tone ROM binary , it has some legal issue to release it.
explain in side of MTD-32 :