In case you were also looking for a blue PCI NIC and 1394 card, here are two model numbers from my own stash. I can't speak to the quality/reliability of these cards, only that they are blue!
Netgear FA310TX Rev 2. However it's only 10/100 not gigabit. And honestly it's slightly more "teal" than it is blue, but it's closer IRL than in the photos.
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Belkin F5U503 Rev S-1
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XP: A64 3000+ S754 / 2GB DDR / 500GB SATA / Audigy1
2K: AXP 1700+ @ 1.61 / 1GB DDR / 120GB IDE / X800XL / Audigy 2ZS
98SE: P3 500 / 512MB SDR / 120GB IDE / V3 3000 AGP / Vortex2
95: P200 MMX / 32MB SDR / 3.2GB IDE
DOS/3.11: Acer 1120SX, 386SX-20