Hey All, Not sure if this is the correct forum, but I tried dosbox to move out of an old environment. This kinda worked, but much of the functionality was lost. I saw something here on this forum in regards to dosbox-x. This 90% works for my needs
Task? Move an old program called OAii which is essentially a Access 2.1
The application itself is works well in doxbox-x (thanks), but the printing function errors out with "infoe.prt" could not be found. Welp, its most definitely in the U directory as defined. Any thoughts on whats wrong? Here is my config - i Mount 2 drives, F (where the data is) and U (the working directory Userfolder). The current functionality in the "XP" environment is the user selects the data file (working) and selects print (not working) which initiates a "save to file" to the users U drive.
# This is the configuration file for DOSBox-X 2023.10.06. (Please use the latest version of DOSBox-X)
# Lines starting with a # are comment lines and are ignored by DOSBox-X.
# They are used to (briefly) document the effect of each option.
# To write out ALL options, use command 'config -all' with -wc or -writeconf options.
fullscreen = false
fulldouble = false
fullresolution = desktop
windowresolution = original
windowposition =
display = 0
output = ttf
videodriver =
transparency = 0
maximize = false
autolock = false
autolock_feedback = beep
middle_unlock = manual
clip_mouse_button = right
clip_key_modifier = shift
clip_paste_bios = default
clip_paste_speed = 30
sensitivity = 100
usesystemcursor = false
mouse_emulation = locked
mouse_wheel_key = -1
waitonerror = true
priority = higher,normal
mapperfile = mapper-dosbox-x.map
usescancodes = auto
overscan = 0
titlebar = OAii
showbasic = false
showdetails = false
showmenu = false
logfile =
debuggerrun = debugger
language =
title =
fastbioslogo = true
startbanner = false
bannercolortheme = default
dpi aware = auto
quit warning = auto
working directory option = default
working directory default =
show advanced options = false
resolve config path = true
hostkey = mapper
mapper send key = ctrlaltdel
ime = auto
synchronize time = false
machine = svga_s3
captures = capture
autosave =
saveslot = 1
savefile =
saveremark = true
forceloadstate = false
a20 = mask
memsize = 16
nocachedir = false
freesizecap = cap
convertdrivefat = true
frameskip = 0
aspect = false
aspect_ratio = 0:0
char9 = true
euro = -1
doublescan = true
scaler = normal2x
glshader = none
pixelshader = none
autofit = true
monochrome_pal = green
pc-98 BIOS copyright string = false
pc-98 fm board = auto
pc-98 enable 256-color = true
pc-98 enable 16-color = true
pc-98 enable grcg = true
pc-98 enable egc = true
pc-98 bus mouse = true
pc-98 force ibm keyboard layout = auto
pc-98 try font rom = true
pc-98 anex86 font =
dosv = off
getsysfont = true
fontxsbcs =
fontxsbcs16 =
fontxsbcs24 =
fontxdbcs =
fontxdbcs14 =
fontxdbcs24 =
showdbcsnodosv = auto
yen = false
fepcontrol = both
vtext1 = svga
vtext2 = xga
use20pixelfont = false
j3100 = off
j3100type = default
j3100colorscroll = false
vmemsize = -1
vmemsizekb = 0
high intensity blinking = true
memory io optimization 1 = true
scanline render on demand = auto
vsyncmode = off
vsyncrate = 75
core = auto
fpu = true
rdtsc rate = 0
segment limits = true
cputype = auto
cycles = auto
cycleup = 10
cycledown = 20
turbo = false
apmbios = true
integration device = false
isapnpbios = true
aux = true
allow output port reset = true
controllertype = auto
auxdevice = intellimouse
font =
fontbold =
fontital =
fontboit =
colors =
outputswitch = auto
winperc = 60
ptsize = 0
lins = 0
cols = 0
righttoleft = false
wp =
bold = true
italic = true
underline = true
strikeout = false
printfont = true
autodbcs = true
blinkc = true
gbk = false
chinasea = false
dosvfunc = false
voodoo_card = auto
voodoo_maxmem = true
glide = false
lfb = full_noaux
splash = true
nosound = false
sample accurate = false
swapstereo = false
rate = 48000
blocksize = 1024
prebuffer = 25
mpu401 = intelligent
mpubase = 0
mididevice = default
midiconfig =
samplerate = 48000
mpuirq = -1
mt32.romdir =
mt32.model = auto
fluid.driver = default
fluid.soundfont =
sbtype = sb16
sbbase = 220
irq = 7
listen to recording source = false
recording source = silence
dma = 1
hdma = 5
enable speaker = false
sbmixer = true
oplmode = auto
oplemu = default
oplrate = 48000
oplport =
retrowave_bus = serial
retrowave_port =
hardwarebase = 220
goldplay = true
blaster environment variable = true
gus = false
gusrate = 48000
gusmemsize = -1
gus master volume = 0.00
gusbase = 240
gusirq = 5
gusdma = 3
gustype = classic
ultradir = C:\ULTRASND
innova = false
samplerate = 22050
sidbase = 280
quality = 0
pcspeaker = true
pcrate = 65536
tandy = auto
tandyrate = 48000
disney = false
ps1audio = off
ps1audiorate = 22050
joysticktype = auto
timed = true
autofire = false
swap34 = false
buttonwrap = false
serial1 = dummy
serial2 = dummy
serial3 = disabled
serial4 = disabled
serial5 = disabled
serial6 = disabled
serial7 = disabled
serial8 = disabled
serial9 = disabled
phonebookfile = phonebook-dosbox-x.txt
# parallel2: see parallel1
# parallel3: see parallel1
# parallel4: see parallel1
# parallel5: see parallel1
# parallel6: see parallel1
# parallel7: see parallel1
# parallel8: see parallel1
# parallel9: see parallel1
# dongle: Enable dongle
parallel1 = printer
parallel2 = disabled
parallel3 = disabled
parallel4 = disabled
parallel5 = disabled
parallel6 = disabled
parallel7 = disabled
parallel8 = disabled
parallel9 = disabled
dongle = false
# printer: Enable printer emulation.
# dpi: Resolution of printer (default 360).
# width: Width of paper in 1/10 inch (default 85 = 8.5'').
# height: Height of paper in 1/10 inch (default 110 = 11.0'').
# printoutput: Output method for finished pages:
# png : Creates PNG images (default)
# ps : Creates PostScript
# bmp : Creates BMP images (very huge files, not recommended)
# printer : Send to an actual printer in Windows (specify a printer, or Print dialog will appear)
# multipage: Adds all pages to one PostScript file or printer job until CTRL-F2 is pressed.
# device: Specify the Windows printer device to use. You can see the list of devices from the Help
# menu ('List printer devices') or the Status Window. Then make your choice and put either
# the printer device number (e.g. 2) or your printer name (e.g. Microsoft Print to PDF).
# Leaving it empty will show the Windows Print dialog (or '-' for showing once).
# docpath: The path (directory) where the output files are stored.
# fontpath: The path (directory) where the printer fonts (courier.ttf, ocra.ttf, roman.ttf, sansserif.ttf, script.ttf) are located.
# openwith: Start the specified program to open the output file.
# openerror: Start the specified program to open the output file if an error had occurred.
# printdbcs: Allows DOSBox-X to print Chinese/Japanese/Korean DBCS (double-byte) characters when these code pages are active.
# If set to auto (default), this is enabled only for the TrueType font (TTF) output with the DBCS support enabled.
# Only applicable when using a DBCS code page (932: Japanese, 936: Simplified Chinese; 949: Korean; 950: Traditional Chinese)
# Possible values: true, false, 1, 0, auto.
# shellhide: If set, the command window will be hidden for openwith/openerror options on the Windows platform.
# timeout: (in milliseconds) if nonzero: the time the page will be ejected automatically after when no more data arrives at the printer.
printer = true
dpi = 360
width = 85
height = 110
printoutput = printer
multipage = false
device = -
docpath = .
fontpath = FONTS
openwith =
openerror =
printdbcs = auto
shellhide = false
timeout = 0
xms = true
xms handles = 0
shell configuration as commands = false
hma = true
hard drive data rate limit = 0
floppy drive data rate limit = 0
ansi.sys = true
log console = false
share = true
file access tries = 3
network redirector = true
minimum mcb free = 0
ems = true
umb = true
quick reboot = false
ver = 5.0
lfn = auto
fat32setversion = ask
shellhigh = auto
automount = true
automountall = false
mountwarning = true
autofixwarning = false
startcmd = false
starttranspath = true
startwait = true
startquiet = false
vmware = true
int33 = true
mouse report rate = 0
keyboardlayout = auto
customcodepage =
dbcs = true
dos clipboard device enable = false
dos clipboard device name = CLIP$
dos clipboard api = true
dos idle api = true
ipx = false
ne2000 = false
nicbase = 300
nicirq = 3
macaddr = random
backend = auto
[ethernet, pcap]
realnic = list
timeout = default
[ethernet, slirp]
ipv4_network =
ipv4_netmask =
ipv4_host =
ipv4_nameserver =
ipv4_dhcp_start =
[ide, primary]
enable = true
pnp = true
[ide, secondary]
enable = true
pnp = true
[ide, tertiary]
enable = false
pnp = true
[ide, quaternary]
enable = false
pnp = true
[ide, quinternary]
enable = false
pnp = true
[ide, sexternary]
enable = false
pnp = true
[ide, septernary]
enable = false
pnp = true
[ide, octernary]
enable = false
pnp = true
[fdc, primary]
enable = false
pnp = true
mode = ps2
rem = This section is the 4DOS.INI file, if you use 4DOS as the command shell
rem = This section is DOS's CONFIG.SYS file, not all CONFIG.SYS options supported
break = off
numlock =
shell =
dos = high, umb
fcbs = 100
files = 200
country =
lastdrive = U
set prompt = $P$G
set temp =
install =
installhigh =
device =
devicehigh =
# Lines in this section will be run at startup.
# You can put your MOUNT lines here.
mount u U:\OAII
mount f F:\
spi.exe p=F:\Database\oaii