Reply 160 of 407, by BEEN_Nath_58

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LGR gives the proof that content shouldn't be forced. Making a content has an interest curve, delivering it to audience and them consuming it should go hand in hand. If I lose interest, I don't watch it and same goes for a lot of other people. Interests must resonate or it will become a daily course for viewers. I would rather have an youtuber that makes 2 videos per week for 2 months, then takes a break because he's bored with it and same for the viewers, and then he returns back and so the viewers because it feels fresh and not bland. Plus the gap also allows you to create some hype for the content.

previously known as Discrete_BOB_058

Reply 161 of 407, by Shponglefan

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maxtherabbit wrote on 2024-01-20, 16:48:

I'll defend it. The anti gun side has abused the public's susceptibility to "feelings" for decades to advance their political agenda. Many on our side are fed up with that and overtly rejecting the entire precept that feeling sad about a tragedy is justification for gun legislation.

I'm going quote what 8-Bit specifically said, because I think people are still missing my point.

This is what he said verbatim: "Hey, Moms Demand Action. Look, I'm out shopping with my rifle. You know, I get a perverse pleasure out of this because it makes steam come out of Shannon Watts' ears. See you all later."

These comments are accompanied with what I can only describe as a maniacal-looking grin.

What rubs me the wrong way is the comment about taking "perverse pleasure" in what he is describing as deliberately antagonizing other people. He's being deliberately mean. And especially when the context involves murdered school children, I can't understand how he thought this was okay. At best, it's grossly insensitive. At worst, he is demonstrating the qualities of being a cruel person.

That's why I don't watch his videos any more.

Pentium 4 Multi-OS Build
486 DX4-100 with 6 sound cards
486 DX-33 with 5 sound cards

Reply 162 of 407, by ThinkpadIL

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Rank Oldbie
StriderTR wrote on 2024-01-20, 05:35:
My 2 cents... […]
Show full quote

My 2 cents...

1. If someone I like uploads content I'm not interested in. I just don't watch it. Old tactic from my childhood I used on TV shows, still works great in an all digital world.
2. I don't care what anyone on YT does, they have to live their own lives however they choose, and I say more power to them. I don't feel I have any place to critique anyone other than myself.


zb10948 wrote on 2024-01-20, 17:11:
There is a lot of good content, and the quantity keeps increasing. […]
Show full quote

There is a lot of good content, and the quantity keeps increasing.

The people you've been mentioning are Youtubers, there is a difference between a Youtuber and a streamer or somebody that just records and uploads his work. The latter aren't tied to Youtube metas or dramas.

By the way I think the original advice given is legit, if you don't like a specific video from a Youtuber don't watch it, if the content ratio gets bad for you, stop following that Youtuber.

Same with everything, music, arts, literature, software, you name it. Whenever someone tries to get commercially successful there's a chance he will diversify and alienate some of the core audience.
There is absolutely no reason to look at entire scene by the behaviour of a few big names. Like I said, a lot of smaller channels with great content, YT "retro" is blooming and far from dead. By the day videos of repairing battery damage for mainboards increase. The chance that your leaky mainboard video repair is popping up is increasing. And everything else - if a platform is obscure, hardware or software, it will be resurrected, put to YT, and the chance of that happening just increases as time goes by.

There is a POV difference, I don't look at this as entertainment but source of knowledge. From that perspective it is absurd to claim situation was better yesterday.

This tactics also has a right to exist.

But I personally if after few years of visiting some good restaurant and enjoying its menu, one day will get a bad meal, first I'll ask a waitress to take it back and to bring a good one instead. And only after I'll make sure that this restaurant is hopeless I'll go looking for other good one instead.

Reply 163 of 407, by Intel486dx33

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There has Never been such an abundance of Computer hardware in America.
How many computers do you own ?…..
Back in 1990’s Most Americans only had one family computer at home.
They were to expensive.

As long as the electronics are still good people will use it.

Only Apple is Trying to Change this by turning there Macs into Disposable credit card readers.
A Internet Appliance that will charge you for everything.
And forcing people to upgrade their Macs when Apple chooses NOT to support it anymore.
It’s the Rotten Apple Master Plan.
Apple controls the Apple Eco-system.
They don’t want you on it if you don’t have fully certified and supported hardware because Apple wants to Bill you for everything.
( MONEY ) $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Last edited by Intel486dx33 on 2024-01-31, 11:41. Edited 7 times in total.

Reply 164 of 407, by ThinkpadIL

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maxtherabbit wrote on 2024-01-20, 16:48:

I'll defend it. The anti gun side has abused the public's susceptibility to "feelings" for decades to advance their political agenda. Many on our side are fed up with that and overtly rejecting the entire precept that feeling sad about a tragedy is justification for gun legislation.

Well, you have to agree, that it is quite a weird kind of reaction to start dancing with an assault rifle on your back in a public place after a mass shooting tragedy. It is the same like dancing on the smoking debris of Chernobyl nuclear powerplant shouting "nothing will stop me using a nuclear power".

You may not accept it, but calls for more restrictions after any tragedy is quite a natural and adequate way to react. I understand that there are anti-gun activists who exploit those tragedies in order to push their political agenda, but the only thing you can do in such a situations is to bring condolences to victims families and to propose your own plan how to avoid similar tragedies in a future while showing examples where guns actually saved human lives in order to prevent a complete ban. But dancing with a gun in a supermarket? Not every four-year-old kid would think of doing this.

Reply 165 of 407, by maxtherabbit

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ThinkpadIL wrote on 2024-01-20, 18:16:
maxtherabbit wrote on 2024-01-20, 16:48:

I'll defend it. The anti gun side has abused the public's susceptibility to "feelings" for decades to advance their political agenda. Many on our side are fed up with that and overtly rejecting the entire precept that feeling sad about a tragedy is justification for gun legislation.

Well, you have to agree, that it is quite a weird kind of reaction to start dancing with an assault rifle on your back in a public place after a mass shooting tragedy. It is the same like dancing on the smoking debris of Chernobyl nuclear powerplant shouting "nothing will stop me using a nuclear power".

You may not accept it, but calls for more restrictions after any tragedy is quite a natural and adequate way to react. I understand that there are anti-gun activists who exploit those tragedies in order to push their political agenda, but the only thing you can do in such a situations is to bring condolences to victims families and to propose your own plan how to avoid similar tragedies in a future while showing examples where guns actually saved human lives in order to prevent a complete ban. But dancing with a gun in a supermarket? Not every four-year-old kid would think of doing this.

It's not something I would do personally, no. But, I can understand and sympathize with the sentiment.

As for the rest of what you said - I reject (as you anticipated) that it is an "adequate" way to react and I further reject that the onus is on my side to propose something to console these people. Deaths from school shootings are frankly statistically insignificant, despite what the media would have you believe. They are used by certain political elements specifically because of the affect they have on people's heartstrings not because they are genuinely a prevalent threat.

Reply 166 of 407, by ThinkpadIL

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maxtherabbit wrote on 2024-01-20, 20:13:

... Deaths from school shootings are frankly statistically insignificant, despite what the media would have you believe. ...

Well, I can't even find the words to respond ...

Reply 167 of 407, by maxtherabbit

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ThinkpadIL wrote on 2024-01-20, 20:20:
maxtherabbit wrote on 2024-01-20, 20:13:

... Deaths from school shootings are frankly statistically insignificant, despite what the media would have you believe. ...

Well, I can't even find the words to respond ...

That's honestly a response perfectly emblematic of that side. Rather than attempt to debunk my statements as untrue, all you do is express indignation that I won't bend the knee to the touchy-feelies.

Reply 168 of 407, by MadMac_5

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maxtherabbit wrote on 2024-01-20, 20:27:
ThinkpadIL wrote on 2024-01-20, 20:20:
maxtherabbit wrote on 2024-01-20, 20:13:

... Deaths from school shootings are frankly statistically insignificant, despite what the media would have you believe. ...

Well, I can't even find the words to respond ...

That's honestly a response perfectly emblematic of that side. Rather than attempt to debunk my statements as untrue, all you do is express indignation that I won't bend the knee to the touchy-feelies.

We're WAY off-topic here, but I will defer to The Onion's classic line of "'No Way To Prevent This,' Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens". I live in Canada where handguns and weapons like the AR-15 are considered restricted weapons (more stringent background checks, only allowed to transport between home and specified gun range/club, no concealed OR open carry options for those who aren't law enforcement or active-duty military), and the idea of open carry of a gun JUST BECAUSE is a completely foreign idea to me.

As to the decline of retro computing YouTube channels, part of it is the decline in YouTube revenue in general. LGR mentioned in a Patreon update that his YouTube revenue was down about a third this past year, and so were views, and even powerhouse modern computing channels like Linus Tech Tips and Gamers Nexus are relying more and more on revenue from Floatplane/merchandise than before. Hell, the reason why so a lot of video essayists came together to create Nebula was so they didn't have to feel pressured to upload short-form content on a weekly (at least) schedule, and to have the freedom to cover niche topics without worrying about whether it would engage well with The Algorithm. I think the interest in retro PC hardware is as strong as ever, but monetizing it to pay the bills is a much bigger challenge than it used to be.

Most of us probably use YouTube on a desktop browser client or on a TV, but every time I try to use the mobile app to look up a link I am startled at how utterly challenging it is to find what I want; and a LOT of people view YouTube on their phones. Trying to view my Subscription feed is nearly futile, what with Shorts and other content being sprinkled in between listings of things I am actually interested in. 😒

Reply 169 of 407, by ThinkpadIL

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maxtherabbit wrote on 2024-01-20, 20:27:
ThinkpadIL wrote on 2024-01-20, 20:20:
maxtherabbit wrote on 2024-01-20, 20:13:

... Deaths from school shootings are frankly statistically insignificant, despite what the media would have you believe. ...

Well, I can't even find the words to respond ...

That's honestly a response perfectly emblematic of that side. Rather than attempt to debunk my statements as untrue, all you do is express indignation that I won't bend the knee to the touchy-feelies.

It's not an indignation, it is rather a bewilderment. To have an empathy for others sufferings is a part of human nature and wanting to avoid bad things in a future is a natural thing. This way humanity tries to make life better.

Anyway, I don't wanna judge you or The 8-Bit Guy or anyone else. And I guess we rather go back to the main topic.

Reply 170 of 407, by Errius

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I think the point is that 'hard cases make bad law'. When considering the justice of a law you need to consider the average case, not exceptional cases, however sensational and newsworthy they may be.

It reminds me of the abortion debate in Ireland. Groups seeking to overturn Ireland's abortion laws would focus on cases of very young girls who had been raped and were forced by law to bear the child of their rapists. This is obviously wrong and unjust, but how common are such cases really? Does this really represent the typical abortion use case? IIRC, in the Irish case the existing abortion laws were kept, but the law was amended to allow case-by-case exceptions in situations like this. This angered the extremists on both sides, but was a good compromise IMHO.

Is this too much voodoo?

Reply 171 of 407, by badmojo

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maxtherabbit wrote on 2024-01-20, 20:27:

That's honestly a response perfectly emblematic of that side. Rather than attempt to debunk my statements as untrue, all you do is express indignation that I won't bend the knee to the touchy-feelies.

So the number of children being killed in American schools by gun violence needs to hit a certain percentage of the population before it's worth worrying about? What a perverse view of the world.

Life? Don't talk to me about life.

Reply 172 of 407, by Fujoshi-hime

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maxtherabbit wrote on 2024-01-20, 20:27:

That's honestly a response perfectly emblematic of that side. Rather than attempt to debunk my statements as untrue, all you do is express indignation that I won't bend the knee to the touchy-feelies.

Wow, it suddenly got all 'Teenaged Edgelord' in this thread.

Reply 173 of 407, by analog_programmer

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The 8-bit guy's channel has become an 8-bit marketplace for his new toys based on ancient technologies and his games. Channels like LGR's, which is limited mostly to "le'me show ya what retro gear/game I got in a form of my stencil subjective review", have never been interesting to me. There's no way I'd waste my time watching something like that.

There are already plenty of these channel types in YT and I think most of them will disappear over time, 'cause their prime goal is not the hobby itslef, but monetization and earning through YT.

I mostly watch videos from channels with retro hardware repairs/restorations (tony359, Epictronics, BuB, Necroware, vswitchzero) or with actual upgrades or comparison reviews (CPU galaxy, Phil's computerlab, Necroware). But I'm noticing a bad tendency with them too, which is again related to the retro parts market trends - for example whoever uploads videos with 3dfx videocards repairs has much more popularity than the others.

P.S. As for the flaming offtopic here...
The "usual suspects" as always can't hold back their political bull**it even in technical forums like this. Cars, trucks, motorcycles etc. (including electric ones) also kill people, so ban them too! 😁 Since antiquity, only slaves has no right to own weapons, respectively has no right of self-defense.

Last edited by analog_programmer on 2024-01-21, 10:33. Edited 1 time in total.

from СМ630 to Ryzen gen. 3
engineer's five pennies: this world goes south since everything's run by financiers and economists
this isn't voice chat, yet some people, overusing online communications, "talk" and "hear voices"

Reply 174 of 407, by maxtherabbit

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badmojo wrote on 2024-01-21, 03:11:
maxtherabbit wrote on 2024-01-20, 20:27:

That's honestly a response perfectly emblematic of that side. Rather than attempt to debunk my statements as untrue, all you do is express indignation that I won't bend the knee to the touchy-feelies.

So the number of children being killed in American schools by gun violence needs to hit a certain percentage of the population before it's worth worrying about? What a perverse view of the world.

What's perverse is encroaching on the natural rights of hundreds of millions of people in an effort to assuage the suffering of a tiny handful.

I bet you thought locking down the entire populace over a virus with a <1% mortality rate was justified too.

Reply 175 of 407, by maxtherabbit

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Fujoshi-hime wrote on 2024-01-21, 05:01:
maxtherabbit wrote on 2024-01-20, 20:27:

That's honestly a response perfectly emblematic of that side. Rather than attempt to debunk my statements as untrue, all you do is express indignation that I won't bend the knee to the touchy-feelies.

Wow, it suddenly got all 'Teenaged Edgelord' in this thread.

Edgelord would imply that I'm making disingenuous statements simply to rile people and enjoy the response. Nothing could be further from the truth. These arguments are the inevitable outcome of forcing groups of people with fundamentally different worldviews to cohabitate, and the response I've gotten only serves as a somber reminder that my answers to such foundational questions as "What is virtue?" or "What constitutes making the world a better place?" are no doubt radically different from yours.

Reply 176 of 407, by ThinkpadIL

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maxtherabbit wrote on 2024-01-21, 10:13:
badmojo wrote on 2024-01-21, 03:11:
maxtherabbit wrote on 2024-01-20, 20:27:

That's honestly a response perfectly emblematic of that side. Rather than attempt to debunk my statements as untrue, all you do is express indignation that I won't bend the knee to the touchy-feelies.

So the number of children being killed in American schools by gun violence needs to hit a certain percentage of the population before it's worth worrying about? What a perverse view of the world.

What's perverse is encroaching on the natural rights of hundreds of millions of people in an effort to assuage the suffering of a tiny handful.

I bet you thought locking down the entire populace over a virus with a <1% mortality rate was justified too.

There is a small logical problem in your philosophy that, it seems, you do not recognize. When you're talking about statistical insignificancy what you're saying is actually something like that- "100 kids killed in school shootings is too little for changing the law, let's wait when will be killed at least 100,000 and then we will change it". In other words you simply propose to sentence to death 99,900 innocent people before making any changes.

Reply 177 of 407, by DerBaum

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If you turn Humans in percentage they lose ... humanity.


Reply 178 of 407, by Jo22

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Rank l33t++
DerBaum wrote on 2024-01-21, 17:59:

If you turn Humans in percentage they lose ... humanity.


Reminds me of a quote from ST: Insurrection:
"How many people does it take, Admiral, before it becomes wrong? Hmm? A thousand, fifty thousand, a million?"

Source: https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Star_Trek:_Insurrection

Last, but not least..

“The measure of a society is how it treats its weakest members.”

“The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons.”

“A society should be judged not by how it treats its outstanding citizens but by how it treats its criminals.”

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”

"Time, it seems, doesn't flow. For some it's fast, for some it's slow.
In what to one race is no time at all, another race can rise and fall..." - The Minstrel

//My video channel//

Reply 179 of 407, by matze79

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Rank l33t

i only watch retro channels some times if they have a solution to a problem i face.
but its boring to watch a 30 minute video just to find a few second solution.

Sometimes comparision videos are useful.
But yeah content exploded and is already exploited commercially.

Like the bushcraft youtubers.. they all do their kind of advertising for weird "energydrinks" and other stuff..

i personally dont like videos where minutes of minutes are talked instead then getting to the point.

https://www.retrokits.de - blog, retro projects, hdd clicker, diy soundcards etc
https://www.retroianer.de - german retro computer board