I did some more investigating today.
Turns out the unit is indeed a dual plane socket. The regulator at the back seems to step 3.3v (which I assume comes from the pci slot) down to 2.8v
Again, don’t see any jumpers to change it,
The two planes in the socket are indeed separated verified with ohm meter.
Looks like when a single plane cpu is installed it probably just shorts the 2.8v to 3.3 and calls it a day.
Anyway, this means for any fun cpus I have to either hack the linear regulator to supply a lower voltage, (if it can do that at all…) or use a interposer.
The logical first choice that comes to mind for 2.8v would be a pentium 233 mmx.
However, the socket 5/7 ecosystem was quite diverse,
Rise made a 366 which I believe was 2.8v and later ones that were 2.2v or 2.0v however if memory serves, it was a PR rating, actual clock was 250mhz? Its performance may be comparable to a 233 mmx. (Maybe)
Winchip had a 266 mhz part that ran at 3.3v it however would probably be slower than a 233mmx
K6 chips had the 233mhz ANR that may work, but again, the 233 mmx might be as fast, certainly a easier pick to find. And from the looks of it, this orange pc would undervolt a ANR by about 0.3v
Cyrix however….
They made chips with 2.9v ratings forever it seems.. all the way to 366gp which is a PR rating. They had a 4x multiplier that was able to be selected, and at 66mhz fsb would be a 266mhz part. That chip would probably be a bit more snappy at most things than a 233mmx. But perhaps not wiping the board.
I’m going to say a overclocked 366gp is certainly worth looking into for those reading this looking to upgrade their own.
I however, will likely use a interposer or modify this card to get down to 2.0-2.2v where the king is the k6-3+ 400 (@66fsb)
Rise cpu voltage and multiplier settings
Re: Cyrix 400gp multiplier settings
Idt Winchip 1, 2, 2a and 2b differences
So to get 4x bf2 needs a pull up resistor, the orange pc only seems to have settings for bf0,bf1. An easy socket mod to be sure.