First post, by kant explain

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I have to think ...

I have a chassis and a stack of Multibus boards. Tje chassis is for.an 80286, not sure if that predates the IBM PC/AT. But maybe.

(I have a IBM PC/AT also).

It's kimd of weird. Maybe I have early onset dimentia.

I have a Sony System 35 model 10, no keyboard.

I don't focus on old. Just groovy.

I have 2 Canon AS-100s. 1982.

Shoot my collection is looking kind of lamo.

Alright proceed -

Reply 2 of 18, by kant explain

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I have a real nice Epson keyboard. I want to say it's for the oldest model.

Reply 3 of 18, by gca

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My oldest two are a Phillips G7000 and a CPC464.

Reply 4 of 18, by Deano

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The oldest not in storage, is a Pravetz 8m about 83-84 and a IBM/XT clone (not sure the age yet).
I have a ZX81 in storage, think that is probably the oldest (81-82)

Game dev since last century

Reply 5 of 18, by AppleSauce

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I used to have a commodore 64 and that would have been my oldest but I sold it , so currently my oldest is an amiga 500 and 1200. Everything else is late 90s and after.

Reply 6 of 18, by Shponglefan

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kant explain wrote on 2023-12-01, 01:36:

I have a real nice Epson keyboard. I want to say it's for the oldest model.

Is it one of these keyboards?

The attachment Epson Q503A keyboard.jpg is no longer available

This is the earliest Epson keyboard I have, a model Q503A. Has an 8-pin DIN connector.

Pentium 4 Multi-OS Build
486 DX4-100 with 6 sound cards
486 DX-33 with 5 sound cards

Reply 7 of 18, by shamino

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About a year ago I bought an Atari 800XL. I didn't have an A8 back then but it got me interested ever since I learned about them in the 2000s.
I adapted a PSU for it and connected the SVideo signal, but the keyboard is unusable and needs to be replaced. It's a common problem with them. I haven't wanted to spend the money, so I haven't touched it since.

In the x86 realm my oldest are a couple of 486 boards and a 1993 Pentium board.
The ISA-only 486 has battery damage. I desoldered a bunch of parts but still have more to go. The parts I removed are stuck into a sheet of paper labeling where they go, but I got sidetracked. I hope I don't lose/confuse that mess before I finally get it back together. Some of those parts might also need to be replaced due to how contaminated they are from the battery.

The Pentium is 2nd oldest, I think it's the original Intel socket-4 board. It improves on the 486 by using a Dallas chip. I bought a replacement for that chip and I think the board works but haven't tested it thoroughly.

The VLB 486 board is newer than the Pentium and uses a coin cell battery. It was an eBay bargain a few months ago, it was having some flaky issues but after a lot of chip reseating, deOxiting, and some resoldering, I *think* it's all fixed and reliable now.

Everything else is socket 7+ so I'd class them as "modern" from a long range point of view. Things got more standardized pretty fast at that point.

Reply 8 of 18, by megatron-uk

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Commodore PET 2000 series, so 1977-1978ish.

Have some TV game systems (IE Pong/Tennis) that possibly predate it, but that's my oldest fully working computer.

My collection database and technical wiki:

Reply 9 of 18, by Vynix

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That would be my Macintosh LC II from 1993-ish, followed by my P233 rig that I think is around 1994-95..

Proud owner of a Shuttle HOT-555A 430VX motherboard and two wonderful retro laptops, namely a Compaq Armada 1700 [nonfunctional] and a HP Omnibook XE3-GC [fully working :p]

Reply 10 of 18, by ThinkpadIL

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My oldest one is Sharp PC-1500 Pocket Computer, so 1981.

Reply 11 of 18, by chinny22

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I suspect it'll be one of my 486's probably this one. Like many I threw out so much good stuff in the early 2000's 🙁
I accidently got a TCS9510 486 VLB PC

Reply 12 of 18, by NTG2001

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Actual oldest computer I own would be two VIC-20s, but if we count based on the architecture, then it would be my TI-99/4A. Although the TI is one of the later revision beige ones with an Alps keyboard which is from around '82 or '83 I think. So, physically oldest would still be the VIC-20.

Reply 13 of 18, by SpectriaForce

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Here's my oldest, an early 1998 theme pc:

The attachment 84734627272.jpg is no longer available

Guess what's inside 😀

Reply 14 of 18, by kant explain

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Shponglefan wrote on 2023-12-02, 18:04:
Is it one of these keyboards? […]
Show full quote
kant explain wrote on 2023-12-01, 01:36:

I have a real nice Epson keyboard. I want to say it's for the oldest model.

Is it one of these keyboards?

Epson Q503A keyboard.jpg

This is the earliest Epson keyboard I have, a model Q503A. Has an 8-pin DIN connector.

Looks just like that. I paid too much on ebay. Figured I'd get a jumpstart on securimg an original E1 for myself. As I guess I was experiencing a hankering.

Reply 15 of 18, by HomeLate

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My oldest is an IBM Display Writer from 1980, complete with display, dual floppy drives, keyboard and (massive) printer.

Second, more usable, Sinclair ZX81 and TI-99/4A... both released in 1981.

PC-'compatible' is an IBM 5150. It still works but it's hardly used.

Reply 16 of 18, by kant explain

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Doesn't the Display Writer have an 8088?

Reply 17 of 18, by HomeLate

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kant explain wrote on 2023-12-15, 13:26:

Doesn't the Display Writer have an 8088?

It had a 8086 and ran proprietary software (Display Write). I do believe you could run DOS or CP/M from floppy.

Reply 18 of 18, by RandomStranger

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I don't have anything older than THIS. I also don't have any interest in owning anything older or anything that isn't IBM compatible.

sreq.png retrogamer-s.png