The golem texture sizes are 196x118 and 392x 237. Dunno if you can spot anything in the assembly. There are other textures of this size.
The functions used for this VL_Lookup, VL_InstallTextureMap (possibly the basic variant), and sometimes VL_SetSrcBase though this might be carried out a direct command buffer write (VL_AddToCmdList(2) with 4096 and then the VRAM address of the surface poked into the resulting buffer). VL_Lookup(0, 0, texwidth, texheight) is a dead giveaway and VL_PointSurface with the dimensions of the texture.
VL_Lookup is called even if r_surfacelookup is disabled for this texture. Behaviour's altered after calling V_GetLargestBuffer which has a size parameter for the largest buffer possible. This returns a v_buffer_group pointing to allocated memory and the size of the buffer. By altering the size you can control whether the golems are rendered.
I'll finish my testing of the next build and do an alpha and store release before moving on.
Developer of RReady - Rendition Verité Wrapper.