Yesterday I wanted to see if I can undervolt the Pentium II and III processors. At least for the speeds up to 533 MHz.
The Pentium III Tualatin core (default 1,5V) was on 1,3V already and I have currently no means to lower it further. Works fine even up to 1000MHz. I remember Swaaye wrote about his Tualatin running fine with just 1,1V.
The Pentium III Coppermine core impressed me: SL3VA (default 1,65V) accepted all voltages, it ended up at the lowest setting: 1,3V (measured 1,325V). Let it run Quake for an hour without any problems. I tape-modded the other two coppermine core CPUs (in the picture on the right), as native slot-1 leaves me no jumpers. They behave similar, but need more testing.
The benefit is that they don't really need a fan at 1,3V at 533MHz or less. So up to 533 MHz the Coppermine core is practically the same as a Tualatin core. Making SL3VA, SL3XG and especially the ES more interesting for my use.
Next in line was a Pentium II Deschutes core (default 2,0V). 1,8V with 400MHz was not a reliable combination for the SL2QF. Raised it back to 1,9V which did not cause any problems yet. This processor was originally in the package on the left of it. I removed the package to read the L2 cache specs, and add L2 cache cooling and a new fan.
Also shown is the Pentium II Klamath core SL2HD with its heavy heatsink. Defaults to 2,8V. Maybe I will mess with it later.