First post, by brian105

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I decided to multiboot my K6 system that already has 98se, by installing NT 4 and XP. I currently have a Maxtor SATA card in it, which is basically just a rebranded Promise SATA 150 TX2 Plus (even says so in device manager.)

I wrote the Maxtor drivers to a floppy, booted NT 4's setup, and while I can select the device driver to use, it then says I have no hard drives plugged in and can't proceed with setup.
I also tried the original Promise drivers on a floppy, and got the same result.

Strangely, the original Promise drivers work just fine in XP's setup, so I thought maybe the PCI IDs don't match in the NT 4 and XP .inf's.
But both share these IDs:


Additionally, here is what the Maxtor's inf for 98 (which is working now) has:


Seems the same to me. So, I'm at a loss as to what to do. If anybody has a similar experience and figured it out, please share what you did!

Presario 5284: K6-2+ 550 ACZ @ 600 2v, 256MB PC133, GeForce4 MX 440SE 64MB, MVP3, Maxtor SATA/150 PCI card, 16GB Sandisk U100 SATA SSD
2007 Desktop: Athlon 64 X2 6000+, Asus M2v-MX SE, Foxconn 7950GT 512mb, 4GB DDR2 800, Audigy 2 ZS, WinME/XP

Reply 1 of 10, by Horun

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Ok so you tried the actual NT4 driver and it does not work on your motherboard + the SATA controller. What motherboard and BIOS ? Are they pre 1998 ??
Which version of NT4 ? Are you at SP5 ? added: NT4 SP5 is 1999 like Win98SE. Original NT4 is 1996 like Win95b
Just some thoughts: Inside the driver I dl'd is NT4, Win98-ME, Win2000, Win2003 and XP.
Going by release dates only: Win98SE = May 1999, WinXP = October 2001. NT4 = August 1996. So IMHO it working under a 3 year older OS than 98SE or Win2k will be hit and miss... and may depend heavily on the BIOS.
My guess is that if a Slot1/SlotA would probably not be an issue..... just some thoughts...

Last edited by Horun on 2023-08-19, 02:09. Edited 2 times in total.

Hate posting a reply and then have to edit it because it made no sense 😁 First computer was an IBM 3270 workstation with CGA monitor. Stuff: https://archive.org/details/@horun

Reply 2 of 10, by jakethompson1

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Have you tried UniATA?

Reply 3 of 10, by brian105

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Horun wrote on 2023-08-19, 02:03:
Ok so you tried the actual NT4 driver and it does not work on your motherboard + the SATA controller. What motherboard and BIOS […]
Show full quote

Ok so you tried the actual NT4 driver and it does not work on your motherboard + the SATA controller. What motherboard and BIOS ? Are they pre 1998 ??
Which version of NT4 ? Are you at SP5 ? added: NT4 SP5 is 1999 like Win98SE. Original NT4 is 1996 like Win95b
Just some thoughts: Inside the driver I dl'd is NT4, Win98-ME, Win2000, Win2003 and XP.
Going by release dates only: Win98SE = May 1999, WinXP = October 2001. NT4 = August 1996. So IMHO it working under a 3 year older OS than 98SE or Win2k will be hit and miss... and may depend heavily on the BIOS.
My guess is that if a Slot1/SlotA would probably not be an issue..... just some thoughts...

Motherboard is a Compaq MVP3 based board from 1999. I believe the NT 4 image is SP1, but I can't upgrade it because I'm adding the driver during the NT 4 install process. IIRC drivers for NT 4 never needed service pack upgrades but I'm not sure

jakethompson1 wrote on 2023-08-19, 02:07:

Have you tried UniATA?

Didn't know this existed, I'll try it and report back.

Presario 5284: K6-2+ 550 ACZ @ 600 2v, 256MB PC133, GeForce4 MX 440SE 64MB, MVP3, Maxtor SATA/150 PCI card, 16GB Sandisk U100 SATA SSD
2007 Desktop: Athlon 64 X2 6000+, Asus M2v-MX SE, Foxconn 7950GT 512mb, 4GB DDR2 800, Audigy 2 ZS, WinME/XP

Reply 4 of 10, by Sphere478

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Put the nt install files on the drive from another computer and a copy of dos. Boot the drive to dos, open setup from dos it will install, install drivers from windows

I think I recall there being a special way to start setup from dos but I forget what that was but I know xp had it, and I assume so did nt


Start the install from a more modern computer on a different controller ,
And transplant it at first restart. It will boot the drive to setup

Sphere's PCB projects.
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SUCCESSFUL K6-2+ to K6-3+ Full Cache Enable Mod
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Reply 5 of 10, by ediflorianUS

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2k drivers should work also, you can copy files to nt4/2k startup disks.

My 80486-S i66 Project

Reply 6 of 10, by brian105

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I got NT 4 working normally by passing through the SSD to VMWare on a different computer. I then installed NT 4 the normal way, updated to SP6a, and added the SCSI drivers for both uniata and Promise. After putting the drive back into the K6 computer, NT 4 booted!

Presario 5284: K6-2+ 550 ACZ @ 600 2v, 256MB PC133, GeForce4 MX 440SE 64MB, MVP3, Maxtor SATA/150 PCI card, 16GB Sandisk U100 SATA SSD
2007 Desktop: Athlon 64 X2 6000+, Asus M2v-MX SE, Foxconn 7950GT 512mb, 4GB DDR2 800, Audigy 2 ZS, WinME/XP

Reply 7 of 10, by Horun

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Great !

Hate posting a reply and then have to edit it because it made no sense 😁 First computer was an IBM 3270 workstation with CGA monitor. Stuff: https://archive.org/details/@horun

Reply 8 of 10, by ElectroSoldier

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You need an NT4 CD with SP5+ intergrated.

Reply 9 of 10, by Horun

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You cannot slipstream a full SP into NT4, it will not work proper for a CD install. MS didn't start including the ability until Win2000 SP2 (according to MSFN.org).
So the way you did it is the only good way. Glad you got it working.
Added: I would have tried Sp5 first, because with Sp6 there is a bug where if you update certain drivers you have to re-install the SP6 (orSp6a) update.... does not happen with Sp5 AFAIK.

Hate posting a reply and then have to edit it because it made no sense 😁 First computer was an IBM 3270 workstation with CGA monitor. Stuff: https://archive.org/details/@horun

Reply 10 of 10, by Ricimer

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I had NT4 install issues with a highpoint 1640 sata1 controller. Freedos, 98SE and 2000 were fine.

NT4 setup insisted it wasn't detected on my PR440FX. I used a 1520 which is almost the same controller chip on my P3 build which was fine with NT4.

Eventually i was able to install NT by setting MPS in bios to 1.1 instead of 1.4. After SP6 I was able to change back to MPS 1.4.

I'm guessing there are some APIC issues with the NT4 SP1 installer/hal.