First post, by ux-3

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I am currently trying to run dos-games that use resolutions of 1280x1024, namely Operation Crusader, America Invades and Stalingrad. The Setup menu only allows me resolutions up to 1024x786. 1280x1024 is greyed out in dosbox, but available. (Played it before, on a legacy machine).

What can I do to convince Dosbox or the game to do the 1280x1024? It would be the native resolution of my TFT, so it does make a real difference to me.

Thanks for advice.

Reply 1 of 13, by DosFreak

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I want to say DosBox supports a max res of 1024x768.

You can try downloading yhkwong's CVS build of DosBox that includes Vasyl's SVA chipset patch that might support 1280x1024.

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Reply 2 of 13, by valnar

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What video card was in your real DOS machine back then?


Reply 3 of 13, by =zum=

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I got a monitor from 94, is attached to my 486, although the videoboard might support 1280x1024, the monitor is just crazy in that resolution, but that's only my comment, i can't believe there exist dos games that even got further of 800x600

Reply 4 of 13, by ripsaw8080

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Settlers II Gold supports 1024x768 through VESA, there are probably others.

Reply 5 of 13, by ux-3

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@Valnar: Back then I used something based on trio S3.
@Zum: There where quite a few towards the end.

@Dosfreak: Thanks for the clue. When I searched this topic, I saw your avatar a few times, so perhaps you have another clue to my alternative approach:
I can start the game directly from WinXP, using VDMS. But my TFT always tells me, I am out of Range, no matter which resolution I pick (the refresh rate will be under 60 Hz). I tried to force the refresh rate in the Nvidia drivers, but that trick just won't work here. This happens with all selectable solutions. Any idea?

Thanks anyway!

Last edited by ux-3 on 2007-09-09, 09:28. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 6 of 13, by ux-3

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I just tried the cvs build that was suggested, but had no success. I tried with VGA on regular and demo setting. Should I have done something else too?

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Reply 7 of 13, by vasyl

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Try setting svgachipset in dosbox.conf to et4000new, that's the only setting that supports 1280x1024. It may work but only if your game is running in 16-color mode -- Tseng cards were limited to 1MB of video memory then.
In theory, the emulated S3 has everything to run in 1280x1024 but the mode is not listed in mode table in int10_modes.cpp. It's fairly easy to add (render_scalers.h needs to be adjusted as well).

Reply 8 of 13, by ux-3

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Thanks vasyl,
I just gave it a try. Now the setup programm refuses to see a SVGA card and quits. Using the univbe that comes with the game, the card is recognized as an ET4000 and I can select a resolution up to 1024x768. So nothing is gained.
I am also pretty sure, the game does more than 16 colors.

I read the UniVBE readme, and manually set the size of VRAM to 2 MB using -m2048. Setup now allows for 1280x1024, but the game crashes when started.

I have no idea how to add another resolution, so I will have to wait, till someone manages this or figure a way to run under XP directly.

Reply 9 of 13, by ux-3

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Just a short add-on.

I just checked two things:

1. I hooked up a CRT to the XP machine. On XP the games don't run but crash in 1280x1024. Apparently, the VGA card gives a signal that the TFT can't catch. So this time, it isn't interlaced output that spoils it.

2. I hooked up my genuine physical Dosbox and started the game. It needed no univbe or anything, it willingly went to 1280x1024 at 60Hz, with 256 colors it seemed. These days, I am using a diamond Viper 330 in it.

So if someone could and would add more resolutions, I'd be greatfull.


Reply 10 of 13, by DosFreak

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Only reason DosBox doesn't support higher resolutions is because most DOS games didn't use resolutions higher than 640x480 all that much, in earlier versions DosBox was much slower so higher resolutions weren't realistic and also to reduce the # of stupid questions by users asking why Duke3D runs slow @ 1600x1200 in DosBox. 😀

I think it's likely DosBox will have higher resolutions in the future and on that day the Quake 1 @ 1600x1200 benchmarking can begin!

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Reply 11 of 13, by wd

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Doubt it will go beyong 1024x768, scaler caches grow too big then.
And for those 2-3 games it's not worth anyways.

Reply 12 of 13, by ux-3

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Well, these are strategy games, so there isn't much need for high frame rates but for high resolution.
Since I've upgraded from my 3200+ to a C2D at 2400 MHz, I seem to have a new version of dosbox anyway, or so it seems.

Retro PC warning: The things you own end up owning you.

Reply 13 of 13, by leileilol

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i liked playing cyberbykes at 1280x1024 too 🙁

long live PCem