Reply 40 of 1721, by zyzzle
BitWrangler wrote on 2023-03-06, 19:52:Dang, trying to remember what I was doing in 1996 to just turn on CD input to a card all the time, so if you were in DOS and stuck a CD and hit play on the drive, you just heard it, no messing. So I'd hope, that would stick in a game that just put out CD audio and hoped you had it turned on.
Need MSCDEX.EXE and a CDROM driver interface driver loaded. SHSCD.SYS by Jason Brooks (?) works well, as many other such as OAKCDROM.SYS. But, not sure about modern SATA-drives in DOS. I think Jason Brooks DOS utilities, which include a dos RAM DISK and Virtual CD-ROM emulator as well, will work with real physical SATA CD / DVD drives in DOS.
You also need that audio cable, as already mentioned, physically connected from the CD drive to the motherboard or sound card itself. Don't think many "modern" motherboards, particularly laptops even have such a connector any more.