My read wire wound unit with the red protoboard would be the prototype/POC. The first JLCPCB unit would normally be called an "alpha" phase unit from my experience. It is semantics nonetheless.
I ran some tests with Alpha 2, but first I took a baseline with Alpha 1. The setup is slightly different from before - I have L2 cache installed now and am using a junky Trident board rather than an ET4000AX. The change in graphics cards was a precaution. The addition of L2 was for testing something else prior.
I took some baseline measurements with this slightly modified setup.
The trimmer was set such that Vout on the VRM reads 4.02 V on the DMM. This equates to 4.11 V max, 4.03 V min on scope with 10x probe. This translates to 4.08 Vrms on scope w/10x.
Recall from previous FFT measurements, the largest noise swing was at 5 KHz, the second largest at 80 MHz, so these are the two scales I will reference.
Alpha 1
Cin = 10 uF cer
Cout = 22 uF tant
central Cin = 10 uF, 100 nF, 220 nF, 10 uF
central Cout = 10 uF, 100 nF, 220 nF, 10 uF
PGA pins Cout = 8x 100 nF, 3x 10 nF, 4x 47 nF
5 KHz : Vpp = 90 mV
80 MHz : Vpp = 42 mV
5 KHz : Vpp = 84 mV
80 MHz : Vpp = 18 mV
Alpha 2
Cin = 10 uF cer
Cout = 22 uF tant
5 KHz : Vpp = 426 mV OUTCH!
Alpha 2
Cin = 10 uF cer
Cout = 22 uF tant
PGA pins Cout = 8x 100 nF
5 KHz : Vpp = 128 mV
5 KHz : Vpp = 92 mV
It looks like there's at least 40 mV of noise we want to reduce. What do you guys think - first target the central regions with large 1210 sized ceramics, or target the rest of the PGA pins with 10 nF, 1 nF, 47 pF, etc caps? I was thinking to target the central core first, similar to how Alpha 1 was tuned.
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