Ugh! I saw this article too the other day and I *knew* I shouldn't click on it, because Digital Trends is completely worthless... but I clicked anyway out of morbid curiosity.
What a lame list.
1. The 480 wasn't very well received, that's for sure... and it ran way too hot. I had a 470 and was happy to replace it with a 560 Ti as soon as I could because of the temps and noise, but it was still a pretty powerful card. And heck, nvidia even updated the 4xx series to support DX12 a full seven years after release. Sure, it wasn't great, but that's pretty awesome support. This is probably the weakest card on THEIR list though, for sure.
2. The GTX 970 was a fantastic graphics card and is still useful today for many many people. It was also available at a fantastic price fairly early on. All the "3.5GB" thing did for me was put ~$30 back in my pocket when I was still very happy using the card for several more years. A friend of mine now has it and he's very happy to play older\lighter games with no issues what so ever.
3. 1060 3GB? It was not a great card and it suffered from poor naming... but it filled a small gap in their lineup, even if the specs were gimped.
4...5... 2080 and 3080... blah... what are we even talking about here? It's like they just watched a couple of angst filled tech-tuber videos about recent video cards and then put these on the list because they had the most screaming\crying in them.
No mention of:
The groundbreaking... and yet almost entirely useless and forgotten (other than at Vogons) NV1
The Geforce 4MX series (not bad cards but should NOT have been called Geforce 4 and likely set back the adoption of pixel shaders in games significantly)
The FX series (specifically the 5600 and 5800 Ultra... not much to say here...)
Geforce 6200TC "Turbo Cache" cards with *32bit* memory interfaces... (yeah... turbo, mhmm)
The 7950GX2 (hot, noisy, SLI turd sammich which was very often slower than the 7900 GTX and was made irrelevant by the infinitely better 8800 GTX only *5 months later* )
Honorable mention: anything suffering from their bad solder issues, especially motherboard chipsets with IGPs like the 6150SE or laptops\AIOs with 8400GS or 8400GT.
... okay, sorry... had a bit of PTSD there I think.
Anyway, yes a lot of their newer stuff has been priced very high and hasn't come down, but to suggest that any of their recent cards are among the worst they've put out is absurd. If they were putting out garbage their cards wouldn't hold their value so well in comparison to AMD's.