Thank you!
Yeah, the starting is a glitch, but also not really that problematic. In the end it's just 1-2 additional clicks. Would be cool if it can be fixed, but not a big deal.
The dropped frames: Once I see it to open GL it just caps the framerate to 60. So there is ano way to avoid that 15 frames are dropped per second. But yeah, on software its mostly when doing something in the interface. But if that notification could be removed, that would be great.
Yeah, I was thinking about whether this could work as filter as well. I mean in theory you could also just add it to the input cocnfiguration, that would also do the job. But the filters right now also seem a bit unintuitive.
You'd usually assume that when you set the output, this is the output you get, and not just another requirement.
Ofc changing that, and having the output and all scalers and so on in the "filters" (and possibly renaming that to "processing" or somthing) would be cool, but probably also tons of additional work.
Ofc that way you could do fancy things like:
Input 320x200 -> Scale to 1280x1000 (linear) - > Center and add black border -> Output as 1920x1080
Input 800x600 -> Scale to 1440x1080 (area) -> Put left and add black border -> Output as 1920x1080
Not sure I'd use these last 2 steps personally though, as thats likely better be handled via OBS. and the whole process would take more screenspace. And OBS will not windowcapture anything which is not visible on screen.
I also tried to find ways for conditional scaling in OBS, but OBS also doesnt offer any functionality for that. There are multiple approaches, but none of them works
Tried to use the card as camera, but in this case it ignores the resolution requirement, tried to window capture VCS, and also gamecapture the original Software (VCS on the other hand is not detected as game, only as "window") , but the name of the application is only used for "hooking", a change doesnt "unhook" it.