buckeye wrote on 2022-11-18, 15:49:Why do through all the trouble of buying Twitter and then basically "torpedo" it. Something ain't jiving here.
gerry wrote on 2022-11-18, 11:41:i think some people, like musk, are buoyed up on their own enthusiasm and their own popularity (well, number of followers and apparent activity in terms of responses) and that of those who they see as their peers (other well known people). they forget that take out the top few 1000 accounts and the whole things becomes a dustbowl with little activity. its an illusion
so in conclusion, losing grip on reality leads to bad decisions!
Well my thoughts are actually simpler: Musk's net worth is 191.4 billion USD. If he lost the 44 billion USD by bankrupting twitter, that still leaves him with 147 billion USD. However, it seems to be naive to assume that the loss of Musk's net worth is a linear function of the money he burned to drive Twitter to the ground: there is still the loss of trust and reputation, among others. Let say, if Twitter went bankrupt, Musk's net worth would go down by 150 billion.That still leaves him with around 40 billion USD, which is more than enough for a comfortable life.
On the other hand, Twitter would be dead, and I believe it is a great thing.

(Above and below) typical shits made in a cesspool.
Why didn't Twitter ban the two? Are Twitter really serious in combating hate speech? Or only hate speech they don't like?
Shits like cancel culture (which is basically a modern-day version of Salem witch burnings) also flourish on Twitter.
Look, I don't even have a Twitter account, but I have seen enough to believe that Twitter deserves to die.
Never thought this thread would be that long, but now, for something different.....
Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman.