First post, by iraito

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I'm almost done with another period correct build from 2005\6 and yesterday i thought of putting a period correct sound card into the mix, admittedly i took for granted that just choosing any X-Fi card would give me hardware EAX 5.0, that was before i learned about "Xtreme" shenanigans...
Apparently i got kind of lucky and ended up buying a card with an actual emu20k1 chip on it but i want to be sure that the SB0670 card is actually a full fledged X-Fi card able to support EAX 5.0 in games and if i need some driver trickery to actually get the card to behave correctly.

If you wanna check a blue ball playing retro PC games
MIDI Devices: RA-50 (modded to MT-32) SC-55

Reply 1 of 9, by mihai

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It is a full card, I also have one of those and it works well. Have a look at daniel k’s drivers for painless usage / instalation.

Last edited by mihai on 2022-10-31, 11:03. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 2 of 9, by iraito

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Rank Oldbie
mihai wrote on 2022-10-31, 10:29:

It is a full card, I also have one of those and it works well. Have at daniel k’s drivers for painless usage / instalation.

Nice, i found the drivers, thank you!

If you wanna check a blue ball playing retro PC games
MIDI Devices: RA-50 (modded to MT-32) SC-55

Reply 3 of 9, by iraito

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Rank Oldbie
mihai wrote on 2022-10-31, 10:29:

It is a full card, I also have one of those and it works well. Have a look at daniel k’s drivers for painless usage / instalation.

The driver doesn't see the card even though the system sees an HD audio device, os there a specific driver i should look for (XP) ?

If you wanna check a blue ball playing retro PC games
MIDI Devices: RA-50 (modded to MT-32) SC-55

Reply 4 of 9, by mihai

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Oops, it is an HP OEM card; I was under the impression that daniel k's drivers work with all cards.

Unpack daniel k's driver, go to Audio\Setup\ and replace support.cab with the one from the archive below. Alternatively, you may try HP drivers.

source: https://web.archive.org/web/20090602091512/ht … -oem-cards.html

Reply 7 of 9, by iraito

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Rank Oldbie

Update, the card was sold as 0670 but it ended up being a 460, the card seem to be one of those not provided with the EMU20K1 chip BUT just to be sure i took the heat sink out to have full conformation, it seems to be a fully capable card but now, which driver?

If you wanna check a blue ball playing retro PC games
MIDI Devices: RA-50 (modded to MT-32) SC-55

Reply 8 of 9, by mihai

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Rank Member

0460 is XtremeMusic and it should work with these drivers: https://danielkawakami.blogspot.com/ or with retail drivers.

I have no other ideas on how to remotely troubleshoot the issue, maybe it would be good to know the complete Hardware ID.

Reply 9 of 9, by iraito

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Rank Oldbie

It was a stupid problem, the internal HD audio device was left active in the BIOS, this probably kept the IRQ for the PCI occupied and didn't let the card to be recognized, i always forget that this is a common thing with PCI.

If you wanna check a blue ball playing retro PC games
MIDI Devices: RA-50 (modded to MT-32) SC-55