First post, by kennyPENTIUMpowers

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hi there guys..
ive got an old pentium system that im wanting to put a p200 (non mmx) in but havent been able to find one to buy ..
ive got 3 p166's here and i thought why not try to run them at 200..

cpu 1 = su072 1996 week 34
cpu 2 = su072 1997 week 07
cpu 3 = sy016 1997 week 07

what do u guys think my chances of success are... im not going to alter voltages, im just going to up the multiplier from 2.5x to 3x and keep bus at 66mhz..
these dont have a locked multiplier do they?
which one do you think i will have the greatest success with? better chance with later build chips?
does chipset matter much in this sort of overlocking (multiplier change not FSB)... ive got a FX and a HX board i can try it on (if it matters)..
have any of you guys had luck with the 166's? remember this is not an mmx chip...


Reply 1 of 29, by jnemo2004

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dear Sirs, somebody of you knows for what are used the metallic strips on a Pentium1-120. Thank you.

Reply 2 of 29, by jnemo2004

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Also in Pentium Pro

Reply 3 of 29, by RaiderOfLostVoodoo

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kennyPENTIUMpowers wrote on 2022-10-14, 17:38:

these dont have a locked multiplier do they?

Nope, they don't! That started with the slot CPUs.
All Socket 7 CPUs have an open multiplier.

Just try it. They don't produce much heat, so don't worry. Overclock it, grab an old version of Prime95 and heat the CPU up.

Reply 4 of 29, by Repo Man11

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Here is a helpful chart: https://www.pchardwarelinks.com/cpuspeed.htm

After watching many YouTube videos about older computer hardware, YouTube began recommending videos about trains - are they trying to tell me something?

Reply 5 of 29, by Sphere478

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RaiderOfLostVoodoo wrote on 2022-10-14, 22:31:
Nope, they don't! That started with the slot CPUs. All Socket 7 CPUs have an open multiplier. […]
Show full quote
kennyPENTIUMpowers wrote on 2022-10-14, 17:38:

these dont have a locked multiplier do they?

Nope, they don't! That started with the slot CPUs.
All Socket 7 CPUs have an open multiplier.

Just try it. They don't produce much heat, so don't worry. Overclock it, grab an old version of Prime95 and heat the CPU up.

Actually, There were not only locked pentium mmx chips, but also when locking these intel sometimes scrambled them, I assume unintentionally. Meaning that one motherboard setting could have as many as three results depending on what cpu specimen was used (all the same s-spec believe it or not) It seems that the pentium mmx tillamook may also have gotten 4.5x locked but 300mhz chips are so rare that I haven’t been able to confirm it. My 233 tillamooks are unlocked for 4x but can’t say if all are.

I can’t recall if the non mmx chips got locked, I believe some of them did. I would have to check my notes or test some of my chips, but I believe some were indeed locked.

So at OP, your 166 may or may not be locked but a chip like that has the possibility of 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, and 3.0 X. Using bf0, bf2 registers.

Bf0 bf1
On on
On off
Off on
Off off

Idk what those metal strips are. They aren’t part of the processor.

Sphere's PCB projects.
Sphere’s socket 5/7 cpu collection.
SUCCESSFUL K6-2+ to K6-3+ Full Cache Enable Mod
Tyan S1564S to S1564D single to dual processor conversion (also s1563 and s1562)

Reply 6 of 29, by melbar

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Overclocking Guide:

Overclocking The Intel Pentium

#1 K6-2/500, #2 Athlon1200, #3 Celeron1000A, #4 A64-3700, #5 P4HT-3200, #6 P4-2800, #7 Am486DX2-66

Reply 7 of 29, by Sphere478

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melbar wrote on 2022-10-15, 04:11:

Overclocking Guide:

Overclocking The Intel Pentium

It’s interesting that it claims that they disabled a bf pin to lock the cpu this wouldn’t by its self explain the scrambling I observed.

I should test a batch of cpus and see if I can find a difference on the bf pins between locked and unlocked ones with a ohm meter.

Sphere's PCB projects.
Sphere’s socket 5/7 cpu collection.
SUCCESSFUL K6-2+ to K6-3+ Full Cache Enable Mod
Tyan S1564S to S1564D single to dual processor conversion (also s1563 and s1562)

Reply 8 of 29, by AlessandroB

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The metallic strip i usually find in a Pentium cpu installed in a IBM socket5/7 computer. In my experience If you have a PPGA cpu (the black plastic version) 100% that the 166mhz version work perfectly at 200. I have a regule 166mhz and 200mhz version ad both work perfect at 200 without overvolting and at the same temperature. My opinion is that the cpu coma from the same wafer, just marketing to sold 166 or 200mhz primted on.

Reply 9 of 29, by kennyPENTIUMpowers

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Rank Newbie

ok im back with my first test report..

this is for cpu 2 = su072 1997 week 07

it seems to run stable at 3x66 (200)... POST's and will run basic bench marks and brief windows session ran fine ..
ran the phils benchmark pack.. all stable..

now the main issue is it doesnt show up as 200Mhz, it shows 166 at the POST screen.. this may be due to having an older BIOS mar 96 ... the p200 didnt exist back in mar 96... it does show as 200 on CHKCPU program from the dosbench pack..

so to see if it is really running faster i did the quake bench 640x4.. tests..
FPS figures are:
100mhz = 10.3
133mhz = 11.9
166mhz = 12.8
200mhz = 13.6

so yes it is running faster at 200 than at 166 but wow thats pretty poor frame rate increase for the clock speed increase.. (yeah yeah video cards etc)

6.25% real world difference for a 20% clock increase
look at the 133/166 difference .. 7.5% for 24% clock increase...

Reply 10 of 29, by kennyPENTIUMpowers

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Rank Newbie

and you know what is pretty wrong ... jumping in on someone else's thread with your own post and contributing nothing to this one

Reply 12 of 29, by AlessandroB

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kennyPENTIUMpowers wrote on 2022-10-15, 06:00:

and you know what is pretty wrong ... jumping in on someone else's thread with your own post and contributing nothing to this one


Reply 13 of 29, by kennyPENTIUMpowers

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Rank Newbie
AlessandroB wrote on 2022-10-15, 06:10:
kennyPENTIUMpowers wrote on 2022-10-15, 06:00:

and you know what is pretty wrong ... jumping in on someone else's thread with your own post and contributing nothing to this one


i was talking about jnemo2004 .. the guy u were answering about the metal strip to ..
his first post ever is a thread bomb .. should be totally ignored

Reply 14 of 29, by kennyPENTIUMpowers

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Rank Newbie
Sphere478 wrote on 2022-10-15, 06:06:

What does cpu-z or memtest say? Speedsys?

speedsys says 66.4 x 3.0 199.1mhz ..

dont have cpu-z installed

Reply 16 of 29, by RaiderOfLostVoodoo

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kennyPENTIUMpowers wrote on 2022-10-15, 05:59:

now the main issue is it doesnt show up as 200Mhz, it shows 166 at the POST screen.. this may be due to having an older BIOS mar 96 ... the p200 didnt exist back in mar 96... it does show as 200 on CHKCPU program from the dosbench pack..

BIOS update available?
If there is no BIOS update for the board available, the i200 could still be added to the list. It's not that hard from what I've heard. One of the easiest things when modding BIOSes.

Reply 17 of 29, by kixs

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Rank l33t

166 can be OC to 200 with great succes. 166MMX can be OC to 250MHz - with SS7 boards and 100MHz FSB. I used to run it back then.

I wouldn't care if BIOS showed wrong CPU speed.

Visit my AmiBay items for sale (updated: 2025-02-16). I also take requests 😉

Reply 18 of 29, by jnemo2004

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kennyPENTIUMpowers wrote on 2022-10-15, 06:17:
AlessandroB wrote on 2022-10-15, 06:10:
kennyPENTIUMpowers wrote on 2022-10-15, 06:00:

and you know what is pretty wrong ... jumping in on someone else's thread with your own post and contributing nothing to this one


i was talking about jnemo2004 .. the guy u were answering about the metal strip to ..
his first post ever is a thread bomb .. should be totally ignored

Sorry for that!. I Thought I was in the right post. Sorry again.

Reply 19 of 29, by kennyPENTIUMpowers

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Rank Newbie

report 2.
long gaming session has resulted in a couple of crashes for this overclocked cpu..
about 45 mins into a Nascar racing session it freezes or produces garbage on the screen..
this is with the standard little fan cooler on it..
so to me i consider this a fail..

i havent begun to thoroughly test the other 2 cpu's yet..
of the other 2, 1 has a fan cooler and the other a solid heatsink... the fan ones have the fan stuck to them, i have no idea how to get it off and i dont really want to...
the other heatsink one is a problem because i dont remeber where i put the thermal paste..

Last edited by kennyPENTIUMpowers on 2022-10-16, 13:37. Edited 1 time in total.