Making this bit its own post, big junk lot of CPUs, Ram, circuit boards and HDDs arrived to day and for the most part I knew exactly what was in there but while rummaging through the ram I came across a still sealed antistatic baggie.
Well I'm not sure if the seller intended to throw it in there but I'm now the owner of a little Arduino development board, its one of the Uno R3 models and its got the socket able CPU in it, this little board is worth as much as the entire lot was. I guess I now need to figure out what to do with the little thing.
Also scored some 1gig DDR400 sticks in the lot with mirror polished copper coolers on them, things weigh quite a bit and from benchmarks online they can be run at DDR600 speed with slightly looser timings or DDR500 with 2-3-2 timings and slightly higher voltage. There was about 20 sticks of other ram in there and I saved what I could from the sticks that were not damaged but a lot of them were missing SMD components so off they will go to the local e-waste recycler.
Only one other item in the lot worth mentioning was a very sad little XP2200+ CPU, its pins got all mashed up but none of them are missing so perhaps it can be saved with a little mechanical pencil magic.