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Reply 60 of 137, by dekkit

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A reproduction of an old Toshiba port replicator (it adds an external vga socket, ext keyboard, ext mouse) for a few models that dont have a vga port.

It does this by using a pcb edge connector to mimic a proprietary socket. Adding in case anyone else needs one or would like to modify the design.

Gerbers, schematic, link to design files here:

https://github.com/dekkit/Mini-Port-Replicato … Keyboard-Mouse-



Discussion thread here:
Help with obscure Toshiba docking station

Reply 62 of 137, by Horun

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matze79 wrote on 2022-05-31, 08:22:

Cool ! I have an old one with the AcuMos AVGA1 chip and it does work well in both 8bit and 16bit slots, looks nearly identical to Marco's except green PCB.
Maybe I should post the BIOS for it somewhere 😀

Hate posting a reply and then have to edit it because it made no sense 😁 First computer was an IBM 3270 workstation with CGA monitor. Stuff: https://archive.org/details/@horun

Reply 63 of 137, by wiretap

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Amiga 500 USB keyboard adapter with CTRL+AMIGA+AMIGA reset mappable function and LED passthrough. Uses a RP2040 Pi Stamp to provide the interface between the A500 keyboard connector and a HID USB keyboard (not-PS/2). Fits in conjunction with the RGB2HDMI Denise adapter. Tested and working. I designed this for my A500 tower build and figure it could help out other people. It will work inside the original A500 case as well, due to the low profile. DIY build cost is $25-30.

Demo video:

Files attached for KiCAD, gerbers, BOM, etc.

Uses borb's (nine) firmware found here: https://github.com/borb/amigahid-pico

To program, compile the AmigaHID-pico source above, then plug my board's micro-USB into your Windows/Linux/Mac computer while having a jumper on the USB BOOT jumper. It will present itself as a USB drive. Drop the amigahid-pico.uf2 file from build/src/ folder that you compiled onto the Pi Stamp's storage that popped up. It will disconnect itself automatically. Remove the USB BOOT jumper, and is ready to install into the Amiga. There are two keyboard headers on this board, type A and type B depending on the rev A500 board you have. If one doesn't work, use the other.

The attachment PXL_20220730_122535830.jpg is no longer available
The attachment PXL_20220730_123734997.jpg is no longer available
The attachment amiga-500-usb-kb-stamp_REV1.zip is no longer available

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Reply 64 of 137, by Jura Tastatura

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wow, that keyboard! wanna see more! 😁

Reply 65 of 137, by wiretap

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The one hooked up to the Amiga in the video is a 40% Romeo keyboard with GMK Laser keycaps and a 3D printed case from Thingiverse.
Keyboard: https://www.cftkb.com/shop/romeo
Case: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4540218/files
Keycaps: https://drop.com/buy/drop-mito-gmk-laser-cust … ctionIds=968364
Switches: Gateron Green 5-pin https://www.aliexpress.com/item/2255800821908641.html

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Circuit Board Repair Manuals

Reply 66 of 137, by digger

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Nice! Looking forward to see what other cool new retro projects based on the RP2040 people will be coming up with! ☺️

Reply 68 of 137, by wiretap

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Same concept as the A500 USB keyboard adapter above, but this is for the Amiga 2000. Sits on U300 CIA chip. Program as per above, using the amigahid-pico firmware.

The attachment amiga-2000-usb-kb-stamp.png is no longer available
The attachment amiga-2000-usb-kb-stamp.zip is no longer available

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Reply 69 of 137, by Roman555

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A recently uploaded wonderful new Z80 project "DIY 8-Bit Z80 Single Board Computer" by Ivan Farafontov

A description of the project was taken from the Youtube video:

It has Zilog Z80 10Mhz CPU, 8Kb ROM, 8Kb VRAM, 48Kb RAM (64Kb total), 2 serial ports (Zilog SIO IC), 2 Atari-compatible joystick ports (first Zilog PIO IC), AY-3 sound generator by General Instruments, built-in mechanical keyboard (second Zilog PIO IC) and Zilog CTC clock chip servicing blanking video interrupts.

[ MS6168/PII-350/YMF754/98SE ]
[ 775i65G/E5500/9800Pro/Vortex2/ME ]

Reply 70 of 137, by wiretap

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3.6-4.5VDC External Battery for EXT_BATT header: https://github.com/wiretap-retro/EXT_BATT-4.5V-Version

The attachment pic.jpg is no longer available

3VDC / 6VDC External Battery for EXT_BATT header: https://github.com/wiretap-retro/EXT_BATT-3-6V-Version

The attachment pic2.jpg is no longer available

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Circuit Board Repair Manuals

Reply 72 of 137, by Sphere478

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wiretap wrote on 2022-08-08, 00:05:
Amiga 500 USB keyboard adapter with CTRL+AMIGA+AMIGA reset mappable function and LED passthrough. Uses a RP2040 Pi Stamp to prov […]
Show full quote

Amiga 500 USB keyboard adapter with CTRL+AMIGA+AMIGA reset mappable function and LED passthrough. Uses a RP2040 Pi Stamp to provide the interface between the A500 keyboard connector and a HID USB keyboard (not-PS/2). Fits in conjunction with the RGB2HDMI Denise adapter. Tested and working. I designed this for my A500 tower build and figure it could help out other people. It will work inside the original A500 case as well, due to the low profile. DIY build cost is $25-30.

Demo video:

Files attached for KiCAD, gerbers, BOM, etc.

Uses borb's (nine) firmware found here: https://github.com/borb/amigahid-pico

To program, compile the AmigaHID-pico source above, then plug my board's micro-USB into your Windows/Linux/Mac computer while having a jumper on the USB BOOT jumper. It will present itself as a USB drive. Drop the amigahid-pico.uf2 file from build/src/ folder that you compiled onto the Pi Stamp's storage that popped up. It will disconnect itself automatically. Remove the USB BOOT jumper, and is ready to install into the Amiga. There are two keyboard headers on this board, type A and type B depending on the rev A500 board you have. If one doesn't work, use the other.




Wow very nice :p

Sphere's PCB projects.
Sphere’s socket 5/7 cpu collection.
SUCCESSFUL K6-2+ to K6-3+ Full Cache Enable Mod
Tyan S1564S to S1564D single to dual processor conversion (also s1563 and s1562)

Reply 75 of 137, by mr-spain

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Sphere478 wrote on 2022-09-23, 02:31:

Btw: OP, I have since condensed my projects into a single post available in my sig.

I'm looking for someone that might be able to help me design up some 72 pin sim PCBs for 1m x 16 chips - I'm importing some 50ns FPM parts and would like to be able to produce the boards too and that's way outside of my skillset for right now. Any way you'd be interested in that? I've put your 3.3v PCI parts into an order that I should be getting next week 😀

Reply 77 of 137, by mr-spain

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Sphere478 wrote on 2022-10-08, 07:32:

Might reach out to oxcats. He has already designed a 72 pin simm. Seems like he did a pretty good job with it also.

Awesome, thanks! I'll put it in here if we go anywhere with it. I should get your prototype boards early next week and will post some pics and results.

Reply 78 of 137, by RayeR

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And is there some project replicating 36-bit parity 72p SIMM? I would need some higher capacity for my Alpha and they are much more rare than common 32-bit SIMMs...

Gigabyte GA-P67-DS3-B3, Core i7-2600K @4,5GHz, 8GB DDR3, 128GB SSD, GTX970(GF7900GT), SB Audigy + YMF724F + DreamBlaster combo + LPC2ISA

Reply 79 of 137, by Sphere478

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mr-spain wrote on 2022-10-08, 17:17:
Sphere478 wrote on 2022-10-08, 07:32:

Might reach out to oxcats. He has already designed a 72 pin simm. Seems like he did a pretty good job with it also.

Awesome, thanks! I'll put it in here if we go anywhere with it. I should get your prototype boards early next week and will post some pics and results.

Test for shorts. Be careful 😀

RayeR wrote on 2022-10-08, 23:28:

And is there some project replicating 36-bit parity 72p SIMM? I would need some higher capacity for my Alpha and they are much more rare than common 32-bit SIMMs...

I haven’t seen one. It seems to be more of a novelty than a necessity though as no one is using simms for mission critical applications anymore and error rates on stable systems are basically a non issue/rare.

That said, I’d love to have some ecc 128mb and 64mb simms.

But for now I use the ones that are for sale on ebay. They seems to be new or new old stock. (non parity/non ecc)

Sphere's PCB projects.
Sphere’s socket 5/7 cpu collection.
SUCCESSFUL K6-2+ to K6-3+ Full Cache Enable Mod
Tyan S1564S to S1564D single to dual processor conversion (also s1563 and s1562)