First post, by Qbix

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Rank DOSBox Author
DOSBox Author

Messages which are double or badly formulated (missing information)
will be deleted on sight.

This includes asking questions that have been asked many times before or discussing games discussed many times before.

You may find this harsh or unfair, but due to ammount of useless/double posts were forced to do this in order to keep forum clean and useful.

Reposting has no use. Just try to find the answer or a thread that allready discusses your problem/game.
Read it and post questions in that thread if you still have them.

The DOSBox Moderators.

Water flows down the stream
How to ask questions the smart way!

Reply 1 of 3, by mirekluza

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Rank DOSBox Moderator
DOSBox Moderator

Messages not belonging to where they are are moved elsewhere (e.g. game specific questions do not belong to "DOSBox General").
Or the title was made more sensible - if it is a game specific problem, there should be the name of the game in the title (I occasionaly correct it, leaving the old title in () ).


Reply 2 of 3, by eL_PuSHeR

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Rank l33t++

To make things easier for users I am now sending Private Messages whenever I move a topic (when available).

Intel i7 5960X
Gigabye GA-X99-Gaming 5
8 GB DDR4 (2100)
8 GB GeForce GTX 1070 G1 Gaming (Gigabyte)

Reply 3 of 3, by Qbix

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Rank DOSBox Author
DOSBox Author

I removed a few closed threads in which there was a lot of negativity going on.
I would like to leave that behind us and would ask everybody to regain their joyful selves.

Water flows down the stream
How to ask questions the smart way!