Reply 20 of 119, by Action Replay
Joseph_Joestar wrote on 2022-06-23, 12:54:Too bad about the AudioDrive functionality. Have you tested that with an older Solo-1 model and did it work there? As for the date code, I think it's K040. Here's a pic of the card if it helps:
Thanks, yes K040. That's the same code as the chip on my SL card which has a September 2000 assembly label on the back. Does your card also have an assembly date label on the back? If so can you read the year and month in red?
My older card (now sold) I did not test the Audiodrive sound in any games but the ESSVOL utility did work on the card. Which is why I'm surprised the same utility claims not to find the newer card, even though it is initialised correctly by ESSOLO.COM.