Reply 100 of 262, by Joakim

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Watched the Netflix documentary on Jimmy Saville. I have strange interest in minds of psychopaths and the like. Not the best documentary though. I find that Netflix' documentaries often beat about the bush for too long.

Reply 101 of 262, by chris2021

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This is the 3rd.time.I've only gotten.to watch the very ending of the History channel's doc of the holy grail. I know that guy from his speculation on the historical.king arthur and his research is insane. Phillip Graham.That I saw on a different channel though.

Reply 102 of 262, by BitWrangler

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I can't sit through History Channel and Discovery "documentaries" any more, 40 minutes of preview, tease and recap and trying to get you excited for the big reveal which is 2-5 min of actual info.

Unicorn herding operations are proceeding, but all the totes of hens teeth and barrels of rocking horse poop give them plenty of hiding spots.

Reply 103 of 262, by chris2021

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Ok, so maybe I haven't missed anything 🤣. The info at the end of the holy grail doc was intriguing though.

Reply 104 of 262, by darry

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BitWrangler wrote on 2022-04-12, 22:20:

I can't sit through History Channel and Discovery "documentaries" any more, 40 minutes of preview, tease and recap and trying to get you excited for the big reveal which is 2-5 min of actual info.

I wholeheartedly agree. There is more filler than anything else . It feels a bit like watching a cable news loop on a slow news day .

Thank goodness for written material.

Reply 105 of 262, by chris2021

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If anyone is inclined, you can binge Scrubs on the overnight. I must say it's the least funny show I find myself viewing with any regularity. Oftentimes it's attempts at humor are downright embarrassing. I feel embarrassed.

Reply 106 of 262, by chris2021

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darry wrote on 2022-04-13, 01:11:
BitWrangler wrote on 2022-04-12, 22:20:

I can't sit through History Channel and Discovery "documentaries" any more, 40 minutes of preview, tease and recap and trying to get you excited for the big reveal which is 2-5 min of actual info.

I wholeheartedly agree. There is more filler than anything else . It feels a bit like watching a cable news loop on a slow news day .

Thank goodness for written material.

Well the Discovery channel is lately bent on serving a huge demographic lately, the 1000lb-trans-lesbo community. I'm feeling left out.

Reply 107 of 262, by buckeye

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appiah4 wrote on 2022-04-12, 18:38:

Apparently Moon Knight is good?

Wondering this myself. Hopefully won't be any "girl power" or woke checklist involved.

Asus P5N-E Intel Core 2 Duo 3.33ghz. 4GB DDR2 Geforce 470 1GB SB X-Fi Titanium 650W XP SP3
Intel SE440BX P3 450 256MB 80GB SSD Asus V7700 GF2 64mb SB 32pnp 350W 98SE
MSI x570 Gaming Pro Carbon Ryzen 3700x 32GB DDR4 Zotac RTX 3070 8GB WD Black 1TB 850W

Reply 108 of 262, by ratfink

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Battlebots (2018 ) - being shown on ITV4 in the UK.

Reply 109 of 262, by Shreddoc

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Now watching the cosplay Mills-and-Boon that is Outlander. With the Mrs, naturally. It's a well made show that's entertaining to watch, but it'd be a hard slog if you're not at least a little bit the romantic type. (looks above at Marvel and Battlebots, and assumes there's probably not gonna be a lot of time for that sort of thing, at a place like this!... 🤣 )

I despise all that cosplay machismo that is 'Marvel anything'. Daredevil season 1 was cool, and it all was downhill fast from there, into formulaic corporate spew.

Supporter of PicoGUS, PicoMEM, mt32-pi, WavetablePi, Throttle Blaster, Voltage Blaster, GBS-Control, GP2040-CE, RetroNAS.

Reply 110 of 262, by chris2021

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buckeye wrote on 2022-04-13, 13:10:
appiah4 wrote on 2022-04-12, 18:38:

Apparently Moon Knight is good?

Wondering this myself. Hopefully won't be any "girl power" or woke checklist involved.

I don't have a problem in the world with girl power, whatever that means in it's context. As long as girl power doesn't translate into kill all the men, just leave a few to propagate girl society. There have been female superheroes forever. Some are damned cool.

Reply 111 of 262, by ratfink

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Rank Oldbie
Shreddoc wrote on 2022-04-14, 00:34:

Now watching the cosplay Mills-and-Boon that is Outlander. With the Mrs, naturally. It's a well made show that's entertaining to watch, but it'd be a hard slog if you're not at least a little bit the romantic type. (looks above at Marvel and Battlebots, and assumes there's probably not gonna be a lot of time for that sort of thing, at a place like this!... 🤣 )

I despise all that cosplay machismo that is 'Marvel anything'. Daredevil season 1 was cool, and it all was downhill fast from there, into formulaic corporate spew.

Almost agree about Marvel, but the only one I liked was the Toby Maguire Spiderman. As to M&B and similar, lately I've watched House of Gucci (brilliant film especially Gaga), Spencer (pretty much warts and all portrayal, not the Diana-worship I expected...), and almost the first two series of Downton Abbey (at which point it had become less fresh and too soap opera, so doubt I'll watch any more - same as I found The Sopranos after the first two or three seasons).

Reply 112 of 262, by Shponglefan

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Rank l33t

Been a month and I'm still slogging my way through the rest of GoT.

Season 7 and 8 have been so incredibly dull that I've lost interest in the series and I keep forcing myself to just finish it off. It's not even the fact the seasons are rushed, it's that there is virtually no building to anything (especially a problem in Season 7) resulting in 'payoffs' that are entirely too anti-climatic.

Just finished the Long Night episode and it was one of the more incoherent battles in the entire series. Other than the Night King's use of the winter storm to hinder the dragons, nothing else about it made any sense.

I'm also really disappointed we never got a proper sea battle between Yara and Euron. Their conflict in Season 7 should have entailed an entire Master and Commander-style episode. Instead we get a scene of Yara getting felt up before 5 minutes of annoying shaky-cam sword-fighting. Though I suppose maybe there is still something to come in the final episodes, but given all the hype around the Ironborn and their prowess with ships, it's so disappointing we've never really been shown this.

At any rate, at this pace I might be finished the series by the end of month. 😜

Pentium 4 Multi-OS Build
486 DX4-100 with 6 sound cards
486 DX-33 with 5 sound cards

Reply 113 of 262, by spiffythedog

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Rank Newbie

Finished watching season 2 of Star Trek: Picard. Here are two short clips that perfectly sum up my feelings:


Probably should have just continued working through The Expanse for my sci-fi fix. Strange New Worlds seems like a step in the right direction, though (let's just see if it can keep it up).

Reply 114 of 262, by GigAHerZ

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Rank Oldbie

Some time ago finished all 9 seasons of X-Files. (There are only 9 seasons! Don't even try to tell me anything else!)

Currently I'm at 3rd season of Stargate SG-1. 😎

"640K ought to be enough for anybody." - And i intend to get every last bit out of it even after loading every damn driver!
A little about software engineering: https://byteaether.github.io/

Reply 115 of 262, by schmatzler

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spiffythedog wrote on 2022-05-05, 17:16:

Finished watching season 2 of Star Trek: Picard.

This show is an absolute trainwreck. I continued watching it just to laugh my ass off.

I guess the writers never even watched a single episode of TNG. A 3 year old could write better stories than that.
Woke Borg really cracked me up, though. I guess now you need to give consent before being assimilated. 🤣

On another note, I got Apple TV+ and watched some of the shows there.
Severance is extremely good! It's about a guy that forgets about his private life when he's at work and vice versa - so essentially, he is living two lifes but can't remember it. It's a funny show with great humour and they really get everything out of this situation.

Also watched Foundation - this feels like an epic SciFi movie that runs for 10 hours straight. I still hate Apple for their shitty devices, but I love them for what they did to Science Fiction.

"Windows 98's natural state is locked up"

Reply 116 of 262, by chris2021

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GigAHerZ wrote on 2022-05-05, 17:23:

Some time ago finished all 9 seasons of X-Files. (There are only 9 seasons! Don't even try to tell me anything else!)

Currently I'm at 3rd season of Stargate SG-1. 😎

Never saw 1. It any good?

Reply 117 of 262, by chris2021

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I'll takr a moment to mention that I saw Braveheart for the first time scant months ago. Imho it was a poc. This doesn't have anything to do with it, but I sometimes almost like Mel Gibson, the rest of the time I regard him as pond scum. The Patriot appeared to be a better movie, I've seen perhaps 75% of it. The medieval period is far more to my liking. But alas BH was a huge dissapointment.

Reply 118 of 262, by Meatball

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'The Office' complete series. I never watched it before, perhaps bits and pieces here and there. Man is this show funny, and relatable to my former days in an office.

Reply 119 of 262, by chris2021

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I watched the 1st 5 seasons of the Office.recently. I saw the 1st 2 seasons or mostly when it was current. There are hilarious parts, but I have to admit I felt disappointed, especially on account of it's reputation. Parks and Recreation, the funny episodes, is better imo. I only started watching it about a year and a half ago. There are dry shows, the first season and probably a good deal of the 2nd is kind of bleh. It picks up though.

People should check out Communirty. I swore I'd never watch it, but the night I decided to give it a chance they aired the 2 funniest episodes. I cannot recall an instance where a sitcom had me choking and tearing. A good deal of it is kind of dry, but tbere's enough there that I bought tbe whole series. It's the most innovative comedy out there. Very enjoyable for me. #six seasons and a movie.