First post, by bofh.fromhell

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Two of them of course!
Presenting Acer's awesome Ferrari 3000 and 3200 laptops.

I'll start this of with some pictures and add the usual tech stuff later on.

One in good condition, the other is as new!:

The 3000 is as new, even the stickers are flawless:

Pristine Ferrari logo on the 3000.
The 3200 (in the background) is a bit more used and missing one sticker:

The 3000 was the first Acer Ferrari variant, logo still has the peel off plastic on.
No keys or the touch pad shows any signs of wear whatsoever, only a few specks of dust!:

With the 3200 Acer added some real carbon fiber, its glued to plastic tho so purely decorative:

3200 in the foreground looking all shiny.

3200 on the left has a warped Acer metal badge and cleary more scratches then the as-new 3200:

More goodies to come!

Reply 1 of 16, by RetroGamer4Ever

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I worked retail when those were being sold and I remember how sweet they looked up close. Only a few of them ever made it back to the tech benches though, cause they didn't sell well and were rarely seen outside the store.

Reply 2 of 16, by bofh.fromhell

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Rank Oldbie
RetroGamer4Ever wrote on 2021-08-02, 01:29:

I worked retail when those were being sold and I remember how sweet they looked up close. Only a few of them ever made it back to the tech benches though, cause they didn't sell well and were rarely seen outside the store.

Possibly it was because you could get a similarly specced and, apart from the cool logos and paint, near identically looking Aspire model for a lot less money =)

Reply 3 of 16, by Hezus

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What are the specs on these puppies?

Visit my YT Channel!

Reply 4 of 16, by DaveJustDave

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So get yourself a microfiber towel and some automotive polish (or you can just pick up a tube of Meguiar's Scratch X.,.. if you're in europe, you can probably find a polish from Sonax that will do the job) ... and polish that out! its a shame to see all the swirls/scratches on that otherwise beautiful red finish.

I have no clue what I'm doing! If you want to watch me fumble through all my retro projects, you can watch here: https://www.youtube.com/user/MrDavejustdave

Reply 5 of 16, by mothergoose729

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I saw one of these featured on LGR. Really interesting and unique laptop. From the pictures it looks like you found two in excellent condition. Congrats and thanks for sharing 😁.

Reply 6 of 16, by bofh.fromhell

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Rank Oldbie

Under the hood:

The 3000:

And the 3200:

I think most chassi parts are interchangeable.
And further disassembly requires the bending of both MB and plastic parts.
Which is needed if you want to swap out the CMOS battery (coin cell), located roughly on the flip side of the black "tape".
Motherboard layout is slightly different, but dimensions are the same.

When it comes to actual hardware used the 3200 is a way better laptop.
More on that later!

Reply 7 of 16, by bofh.fromhell

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Rank Oldbie
DaveJustDave wrote on 2021-08-02, 17:47:

So get yourself a microfiber towel and some automotive polish (or you can just pick up a tube of Meguiar's Scratch X.,.. if you're in europe, you can probably find a polish from Sonax that will do the job) ... and polish that out! its a shame to see all the swirls/scratches on that otherwise beautiful red finish.

The picture was deliberately taken reflecting the sun to show tiny scratches =)
In normal conditions you cant see any.

And TBH I'd be weary of using polish on theese.
Who knows how thick paint they layed down on them.
I know from other, more used, Ferrari's that the silver pain on the touch pad mouse buttons wears of fairly fast.

Reply 8 of 16, by Socket3

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Hezus wrote on 2021-08-02, 15:01:

What are the specs on these puppies?

15" 4:3 display and Athlon 64 Mobile 2800/3000/3200/3500+ paired with a Radeon Mobility 9600 or 9700, depending on model.

Reply 9 of 16, by Errius

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Rank l33t

A Ferrari One 200 came to me for repair about a decade ago.

Is this too much voodoo?

Reply 10 of 16, by BitWrangler

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bofh.fromhell wrote on 2021-08-02, 01:34:
RetroGamer4Ever wrote on 2021-08-02, 01:29:

I worked retail when those were being sold and I remember how sweet they looked up close. Only a few of them ever made it back to the tech benches though, cause they didn't sell well and were rarely seen outside the store.

Possibly it was because you could get a similarly specced and, apart from the cool logos and paint, near identically looking Aspire model for a lot less money =)

Yeah, top of the line fully optioned Toyota Camry at only Ferrari pricing, I don't get why they didn't sell millions [/sarcasm]

To be fair, I don't think they quite had the gall to charge 3x what a similar spec other make laptop would cost, like Apple does, they only went to something like 2.5 times.

Unicorn herding operations are proceeding, but all the totes of hens teeth and barrels of rocking horse poop give them plenty of hiding spots.

Reply 11 of 16, by SpectriaForce

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If I remember correctly Asus made a Lamborghini laptop around 2007.

Reply 12 of 16, by chrismeyer6

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You are correct David Does Tech Stuff has done videos on the Lambo laptop and just recently the Ferrari one.

Last edited by Stiletto on 2022-03-14, 22:15. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 13 of 16, by Kahenraz

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Rank l33t

I remember seeing this on an episode of LGR. It's an impressive laptop, but curved keyboards make my brain hurt. Whomever thought that this was a good idea must have never used as keyboard before in their life.

Reply 14 of 16, by PcBytes

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Kahenraz wrote on 2022-03-13, 23:36:

I remember seeing this on an episode of LGR. It's an impressive laptop, but curved keyboards make my brain hurt. Whomever thought that this was a good idea must have never used as keyboard before in their life.

What's worse is that they continued the trend well into 2008. Just look at some of the Extensa 52xx and 56/57xx units, as well as Travelmates of the same series.

"Enter at your own peril, past the bolted door..."
Main PC: i5 3470, GB B75M-D3H, 16GB RAM, 2x1TB
98SE : P3 650, Soyo SY-6BA+IV, 384MB RAM, 80GB

Reply 15 of 16, by Kahenraz

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I remember seeing it in the Travelmate series. Such a waste of an era.

Reply 16 of 16, by Intel486dx33

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I prefer a Porsche. But I do like the sound of a Ferrari engine. I just hear bad things about maintaining them and repair costs.
But an old Porsche will Nickel and dime you till your broke too.