Best OS for Ibook G4?

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Reply 20 of 26, by BetaC

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Rank Oldbie
songo wrote on 2022-01-09, 14:02:
BetaC wrote on 2022-01-09, 09:34:

What do you mean by that? do you mean full screen games/apps running in a small window? If so, that's not uncommon for classic Mac OS applications.

No, entire desktop screen is reduced to half-screen.

Have you made a thread about this on 68kmla? They might be able to help a bit more.


Reply 21 of 26, by songo

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Rank Newbie
BetaC wrote on 2022-01-09, 19:49:

Have you made a thread about this on 68kmla?

Never heard os such forum, thx but for now I'll try Sorbet Leopard of which I've never heard as well.

BTW Jaguar didn't work at my machine.

Reply 22 of 26, by songo

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Rank Newbie

I'v been testing a lot of different OS and have finally chosen the winner.

MorphOS - it hurts it's not free and licencing fee is too hight but it's blazing fast & and lean, light on resources and last time I checked it I underestimated its gaming capalitiblies. With Yamagi Quake 2, Mame and modern version of SCUMMVM (that one after merging with ResidualVM) there's already plenty titles to play. Oh, and Cripsy Doom which was slow as hell on Debian simply flies here.

And most important one - someone ported NBlood last year!

Downside: ironically for Amiga-like OS, I still coudn't run any game via E-UAE but doesn't matter, MorphOS finally cured me of OS-hopping on that machine.

Last edited by songo on 2022-04-04, 18:39. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 23 of 26, by Bruninho

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Rank Oldbie

Nice news.

Do you have enough storage for a dual boot if possible? MorphOS and some old OS X? So I think you'd have most bases covered here.

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Reply 24 of 26, by songo

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I have some space left but really, all I miss from OSX is Dark Colony so it's not worth to dual-boot.

Reply 25 of 26, by Jo22

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Rank l33t++
songo wrote on 2022-04-04, 18:41:

I have some space left but really, all I miss from OSX is Dark Colony so it's not worth to dual-boot.

You don't have to. In OS 9, just run Tiger for x86 or Kalyway in Virtual PC.
It's unsupported and overkill for sure, but might run. If it does, Cocoa/Carbon applications could be run. For both x86 and PPC (through Rosetta).

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Reply 26 of 26, by songo

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Rank Newbie

Actually, Dark Colony is an OS9 app which I used to run via Classic Environment. If there was an MacOS emulator for MorphOS that would be able to run it close to native speed... need to investigate further.