First post, by filipetolhuizen

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Rank Oldbie

Today I found out SC2K will crash under Win7 whenever you attempt to load or save a city. But I found a patch for it that also bypasses the 16 bits install on 64 bits systems. Credits goes to MRC (we surely need him around here). However, I haven't tested the Win3.1 version of SC2K to see if it's also affected by this bug. Please share it, it was somehow difficult to find.

Edit: attachment removed.

Reply 1 of 4, by Jorpho

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Rank l33t++

Which version of SimCity 2000 are you referring to? I thought there was only the 16-bit Windows 3.1 version and the Network Edition which is completely and utterly broken on 2K/XP/Vista/7.

Reply 2 of 4, by filipetolhuizen

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Rank Oldbie

There is a Special Edition which is different from those 2 and was made for Windows 95, but installs fine on any 32 bits system. I used this patch on that version.

Reply 3 of 4, by iGREKKESS

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Rank Newbie

Hello guys,

because this patch only works with the English version of SC2000, you might be interested to know that I made a "conversion" of this fix for the French versions of the game.
I also made a "RegSetup" batch file, as an alternative to "SimCity 2000 installer" by Aldude999. But I recently noticed that InstallShield Wrapper will allow a complete installation of the game from the original CD (!) 😊

Because there's at least 2 french binaries for SC2000, I made a patch for each one (need to compare CRC).

PatchFX version (detects CRC)
Patch Build#1 + RegSetup FR / CRC:3C437152 (sc2kse_fr_b1_w7_patch.zip, 32.4KB)
Patch Build#2 + RegSetup FR / CRC:4B02ACF3 (sc2kse_fr_b2_w7_patch.zip, 32.4KB)

BSPatch version
Patch Build#1 + RegSetup FR / CRC:3C437152 (sc2kse_fr_b1_w7_bspatch.zip, 32.4KB)
Patch Build#2 + RegSetup FR / CRC:4B02ACF3 (sc2kse_fr_b2_w7_bspatch.zip, 32.4KB)

Full story (in french)

Reply 4 of 4, by VMwired

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Rank Newbie

Can someone make a "load and save patch" for the German Simcity.exe?

The attachment German SIMCITY.zip is no longer available

Worked it out with the HxD. Compared with patched french Version.

The attachment SimCity 2000 Sorglospaket.rar is no longer available

Thank you iGREKKESS