First post, by Spieleklassiker

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Rank Newbie

im having problems with the mouse in the game "Jagged Alliance 1".
the mouse in the game is invisible. The mouse itself works fine( i still can click and choose "new game" for example but cant see the mouse, just knowing that i`m in the right position because the button lights up).
For any reason the mouse is visible the first time i start the game(after installation screen(that green dos window) there is the line "C:\JAGGED> "
If i type " JA " in that line ( the name of the .exe to start the game) it works fine. But if i close the game and want to start it a second time the mouse disappears.
Dont know if its an problem with the mouse because it works the first time,
maybe some graphic problem? Im using the "microsoft wheel mouse optical usb". The mouse is also compatible with PS/2, but i cant find the adapter so i dont know if it would work with a PS/2 mouse. I have tried D-fend aswell, but same problem here. I also activated "usb legacy support" in the bios.
im using the german version of the game(but shouldnt be a problem) and dosbox 0.72.

Anyone knows how to solve the problem?
(sorry for my bad english)


Reply 1 of 5, by MiniMax

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Rank Moderator

The type of mouse you use should not matter. Sounds like a problem with the game (or DOSBox). A problem with how the game draws the cursor.

You could try some of unofficial versions of DOSBox:
DOSBox SVN Builds

They have fixes for known problems-

DOSBox 60 seconds guide | How to ask questions
Lenovo M58p | Core 2 Quad Q8400 @ 2.66 GHz | Radeon R7 240 | LG HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH40N | Fedora 32

Reply 2 of 5, by ADDiCT

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Rank Oldbie

I've played through the game some time ago, i think with official DOSBox 0.72 on XPSP2 (SP3 wasn't out at that time, if memory serves), and didn't notice any problems with the mouse. Did you update the game? Look here for patches. Like MiniMax said, the type of mouse shouldn't matter in DOSBox - a mouse is simply a pointing device provided by the OS to DOSBox.

What OS are you using? Are you using any special mouse driver, or animated mouse pointers or something like that? What about other mouse-driven games in DOSBox, do they work?

Btw, i didn't even know there's a german JA. I guess the speech is still in the original english form, right? If it isn't, you're missing out bigtime on the nice and funny speech lines (; . Very often, german dubbing in games (especially older games) plainly sucks. One of my favourite examples, which i show often to friends in order to convince them to play games in english language, is "Day of the Tentacle" with it's horrible german dub.

Reply 3 of 5, by nudgegoonies

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Rank Newbie

Btw, i didn't even know there's a german JA. I guess the speech is still in the original english form, right?

No. There is a full german version of the game. Including speech. I have it too. But not the boxed version. Only the Bestseller Games cover CD version.

Reply 4 of 5, by Spieleklassiker

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Rank Newbie

im using windows xp, sp2. I tried the patch for JA(just unziped the files in the JA directory) but then the message "ERROR: Problem reading CDRom. Please check" appears when i want to start. I think the patch wouldnt solve it anyway because i got the same problem with another game i tried (Game: "Tyrian"). Im using the official microsoft IntelliPoint mouse driver.
But its strange because the first time(after installation and without closing the dos window) there is a mouse, just if i want to start the another time i cant see the mouse.
I also tried to play the game at a computer of my friend(with PS/2 mouse), but same problem.
Maybe its the game itself? The game is from the magazine "PC-Games" but its a fullversion. If its the game, other games should work fine, but they dont.
please help, i really want to play that game.

Last edited by Spieleklassiker on 2008-09-09, 10:33. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 5 of 5, by nudgegoonies

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Rank Newbie

Just a thought. Maybe this is no DOSBox problem. There are games that leave DOS in an unstable state when quitting. For example Netherworld. That game does not quit right. I had less DOS memory available and the next program that went into graphicsmode always crashed. Maybe JA has a similar problem.