Cobra42898 wrote on 2020-08-27, 16:45:
My wife used to have a bigger collection than mine when she was younger - I got a keeper.
It must be nice to have a hobby like that in common in a couple . My wife very graciously accepts my retro PC hobby and its occasional excesses, but that is about it .
I think this the first time I read about a couple sharing interest in the retro PC hobby on vogons . I wonder how common that is .
I also wonder about the gender divide in the hobby . In real life, I know several women (both born as such and trans, before anyone asks me to specify) who are either tech savvy or actually work in the tech field, so I feel the gap in the tech field is finally closing . However, still in real life, I do not know any women who are into the retro PC hobby or, for that matter, any men either .
I have heard about women being harassed, objectified, insulted and threatened online solely due their gender in various "mostly male" online circles, so I would definitely understand if they avoid publicizing their gender (by choosing gender-neutral screen names, for instance) in any way on such venues . Not that it is necessary to disclose anything gender-wise, but having to be afraid about casually or accidentally mentioning it is definitely a sad state of affairs .
Anyway, I hope the next 25 years will help bring about a world where people can more freely express who they are without fear of negative repercussions and where differing opinions are a basis for constructive and open-minded debate rather than closed-minded zealous proselytizing and ensuing hate .
Sorry, about the thread hijacking .