Reply 20 of 276, by Dege
dgVoodoo 2.62 is released:
- Fixing bugs in the DXBC generator (Halo CE, Splinter Cell 1, The Sims 2)
- Fixing a drawing bug causing polygon corruption (The Sims 2)
- Adding DX feature level 11.0 as output API for 16K size textures (DX8/9)
- True software vertex processing in Draw* methods in DX modules for special cases, when needed (Nosferatu)
(but it was a general long outstanding compatibility problem)
- Some DDraw blit refactor + adding option DirectXExt\PrimarySurfaceBatchedUpdate for batched update for primary surface changes
- Some DDraw improvement for GDI interaction (Bad Mojo Redux video playback)
- Size of the emulated hw cursor is now scaled according to the forced resolution and integer scale factors
- Fixing the behavior of the emulated cursor when no any draw-changes made on the app side
- Fixing bugs in handling rendering windows (Requiem)
- Now all sections of the configuration are accessible through the CPL GUI (Ext sections are hidden by default though)
- Adding a new option for, and implementing Display ROI (region of interest)
Now a subrectangle can be defined for scaling modes done by the wrapper. Useful for applications rendering into a widescreen subrectangle inside a 4:3 resolution - the widescreen subrectangle can be defined as display ROI, the input of the scaling process
- Dithering didn't work for render targets with format A2R10G10B10, fixed