Reply 500 of 1111, by Deffnator
Dege, i did more tests with WCIV
The Win95 Patched version(DOS) version still has the same black screen menu flickering and resolution problems, But it works Flawlessly with Sol's DDhack with the -i command line activated(Direct Draw rendering uses this command line)
as for the GoG DvD version, HCI left the source code for DDRAW patch, it may be useful to fix said problems with DGvoodoo.
I have linked below the source of the patches used on the GOG release of WC4 DVD. These are, basically, modified versions of Gul […]
I have linked below the source of the patches used on the GOG release of WC4 DVD. These are, basically, modified versions of Gulikoza's DXMCI and Jari Komppa's DDHack, tweaked in order to make the two patches play along with each other. Some of the changes I introduced involved adding a few game specific DLL-patches, in order to directly interface with the EXE at points that were useful, such as hack subtitle text coordinates or accessing the game Bitmap objects directly.
These changes were hacked together in a bit of a time constraint at the time, so no effort was made in order to maintain compatibility with other games (and there are a few warnings in there that have no place to be there...). Still, it compiles and works fine for WC4DVD, as long as you patch the DLL reference DDRAW.DLL to DWRAP.DLL on the game EXE (this was done on the GOG EXE). The purpose of this change was to allow the DD wrapper and real DirectDraw to work side by side, therefore allowing DirectShow to work without further wrapping DirectDraw interfaces.
And here are the sources, i hope they are useful to the community!
Thanks go out to Gulikoza and Jari Komppa for the original patches!
Here's the original thread with the development, Mario deserves everything good in his life for this one 😀 … eirdness.26080/
EDIT:Tested the DvD version with D3DRM, it recognizes everything, but it thins the entire desktop resolution to 320x240