wow guys.
Never heard of them before.
Any clue about, besides the clock, how do they compare vs Intel 486 DXs in terms of performance in different areas, architecture, etc.?
Compatibility? MS-DOS, Windows 3.xx, etc.
How would you hook somehow a good SVGA to that thing/module?
The diagram mentions a "PCI BUS" to which the Ethernet port is connected:
Then, I wonder, Vogons' experts could be able to grab iron, solder, and wires, and to "manually" interface an "external" piece of PCI slot (like a PCI riser or things like that) to the existing PCI BUS, so to also have a couple of slots besides the Ethernet port, would that be possible?
They said therefore to him: Who are you?
Jesus said to them: The beginning, who also speak unto you
Computers should be fun inside not outside! 😉 (by Joakim)