Reply 120 of 215, by DosFreak
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There's also SoundFX 2000. It was designed for NT but it's open source now so if you have some programming skills then you can have at it.
There's also SoundFX 2000. It was designed for NT but it's open source now so if you have some programming skills then you can have at it.
wrote:You do not need vdm sound under win98se. […]
You do not need vdm sound under win98se.
Win98 has a soundblaster pro emulation build in.
Just open a dos-box inside Win98 and type SET.
There should be a line displayed BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 T4.
This works for most Dos-Games.
OK. I can confirm this and makes sense since XP dropped DOS support so SoundFX 2000 had to be made. But I am getting a lock in a game when I set it to use the sound blaster or the sound blaster pro. It will play the digital music and then lock up after 3-4 seconds. When I don't have sound the game is fine and runs. Is there any reasonable reason why this would happen? I am running the dell at 600 and the game is made for 386/486 so is it possible the PC is too fast and it locks up but only with SB emulation?
wrote:There's also SoundFX 2000. It was designed for NT but it's open source now so if you have some programming skills then you can have at it.
That's hilarious. Apparently just getting VDMSound for Win9x into its current alpha state was a herculean effort.
wrote:OK. I can confirm this and makes sense since XP dropped DOS support so SoundFX 2000 had to be made. But I am getting a lock in a game when I set it to use the sound blaster or the sound blaster pro. It will play the digital music and then lock up after 3-4 seconds. When I don't have sound the game is fine and runs. Is there any reasonable reason why this would happen? I am running the dell at 600 and the game is made for 386/486 so is it possible the PC is too fast and it locks up but only with SB emulation?
Why not just name the game you're having trouble with, rather than leaving us to guess?
wrote:That's hilarious. Apparently just getting VDMSound for Win9x into its current alpha state was a herculean effort. […]
wrote:There's also SoundFX 2000. It was designed for NT but it's open source now so if you have some programming skills then you can have at it.
That's hilarious. Apparently just getting VDMSound for Win9x into its current alpha state was a herculean effort.
wrote:OK. I can confirm this and makes sense since XP dropped DOS support so SoundFX 2000 had to be made. But I am getting a lock in a game when I set it to use the sound blaster or the sound blaster pro. It will play the digital music and then lock up after 3-4 seconds. When I don't have sound the game is fine and runs. Is there any reasonable reason why this would happen? I am running the dell at 600 and the game is made for 386/486 so is it possible the PC is too fast and it locks up but only with SB emulation?
Why not just name the game you're having trouble with, rather than leaving us to guess?
oh..shadow president. On this D600 everything works but sound. On my P2 350 with Win95 I get sound but the video is off center for some reason, but I can use DOS in 95 to get it to work. Would 250Mhz be enough to mess with the SB timing? The sequel Cyberjudas works great in both.
yes the build in emulation is not perfect.
But it works for most games (tryed nascar racing, duke3d, toonstruck, the need for speed, wing commander 3)
It fails with screamer2 / screamer rally.
How fast is your cpu?
I have a 1.7 ghz P4, running win98se.
And for games that do not run under dosbox of win98:
I installed Win2000 (dual boot menu).
In win2k i use dosbox-emulator for screamer2 / screamer Rally with sound.
Looks like Shadow President has an official patch that might fix sound issues. Did you get the patch?
wrote:And for games that do not run under dosbox of win98:
I installed Win2000 (dual boot menu).
In win2k i use dosbox-emulator for screamer2 / screamer Rally with sound.
Doesn't DOSBox (the emulator) run under Windows 98?
wrote:Looks like Shadow President has an official patch that might fix sound issues. Did you get the patch? http://www.patches-scroll […]
Looks like Shadow President has an official patch that might fix sound issues. Did you get the patch? for games that do not run under dosbox of win98:
I installed Win2000 (dual boot menu).
In win2k i use dosbox-emulator for screamer2 / screamer Rally with sound.Doesn't DOSBox (the emulator) run under Windows 98?
Thanks for the link. I am playing it from the cd version which should include the patch, but I will check and make sure. Can you think of any reason why the game would be off center while playing in win95? The screen is moved down and to the right. I haven't seen this in anything else.
wrote:yes the build in emulation is not perfect. But it works for most games (tryed nascar racing, duke3d, toonstruck, the need for sp […]
yes the build in emulation is not perfect.
But it works for most games (tryed nascar racing, duke3d, toonstruck, the need for speed, wing commander 3)It fails with screamer2 / screamer rally.
How fast is your cpu?
I have a 1.7 ghz P4, running win98se.
And for games that do not run under dosbox of win98:
I installed Win2000 (dual boot menu).
In win2k i use dosbox-emulator for screamer2 / screamer Rally with sound.
the laptop is at 600 and my P2 is 350. Have you played any Dos glide games in Win95/98?
I have a Pentium 200 with Voodoo1 Card.
And i play Carmageddon/Screamer2/ScreamerRally in dos and Win98.
The soundcard is a SB16 ISA.
Next PC is a Pentium3 500Mhz
Soundcard is a SBLIVE 5.1
I play Carmageddon/Screamer2/Rally inside Win98, because i use dgVoodoo as an 3dfx Emulator.
GFX-card is an Geforce 5200.
Has also a voodoo2 build in, bur removed it because voodoo2 only displays 640x480 on older 3DFX games.
dgVoodoo has a higher resolution and Antialising.
And the other PC is Pentium 1.7 Ghz with ati-x600 and onboard Sound.
I play the games inside win98 because i have no sound drivers for Dos.
i use dgVoodoo as 3dfx emulator too.
I installed win2k because dosbox (emulator) did not run under win98.
And for XP there is to less ram (512 mb) so its to laggy to playing games.
On witch system is the screen out of center?
Maybe it is a problem with the resolution and refresh rate.
How do you run glide games on the Dell? it has no voodoo card installed.
Do you use a 3dfx emulator, or use software rendering in glide game?
The official version of DOSBox (0.74 as of today) works on Windows 95 (w/ IE active Desktop) \NT4 and above.
Other versions of DOSBox you may have downloaded elsewhere are likely compiled with a version of Visual Studio that is incompatible with 9x.
Reinstalling Windows 98SE at the moment and I'm going to apply the instructions Sammy mentioned and see how well this works. So far Windows 98SE has managed to glitch itself more than I've experienced with Windows 10 e.e Somehow after installing basic stuff like the main system updates in the service pack or even internet explorer, Windows 98 always finds some way to screw it up. Sometimes the cardbus driver completely refuses to work oddly...I've reinstalled Windows 98SE at least 30 times separate times in the past year...
Could this be linked to the fact my system is using 1gb ram? Windows 98 and ME have been about as stable as a house of cards if not worse.
EDIT: Windows 98 managed to glitch once again...
wrote:On witch system is the screen out of center? […]
On witch system is the screen out of center?
Maybe it is a problem with the resolution and refresh rate.
How do you run glide games on the Dell? it has no voodoo card installed.
Do you use a 3dfx emulator, or use software rendering in glide game?
Shadow President on my P2-350 it is out of center when playing it in windows (it is a dos game), but other games are fine. I don't do any glide on the laptop. I play them on the P2 with Win95 and Voodoo card. Have you played any DOS glide games inside windows? I can't get them to work on my P2.
wrote:Reinstalling Windows 98SE at the moment and I'm going to apply the instructions Sammy mentioned and see how well this works. So far Windows 98SE has managed to glitch itself more than I've experienced with Windows 10 e.e Somehow after installing basic stuff like the main system updates in the service pack or even internet explorer, Windows 98 always finds some way to screw it up. Sometimes the cardbus driver completely refuses to work oddly...I've reinstalled Windows 98SE at least 30 times separate times in the past year...
Could this be linked to the fact my system is using 1gb ram? Windows 98 and ME have been about as stable as a house of cards if not worse.
EDIT: Windows 98 managed to glitch once again...
Yes I have read that over 512mb causes problems. I don't believe you need over 256mb for 95 or 98.
While I go figure out how to make Windows 98 only see 512 mb ram, looks like I finally found the modem driver's name: Conexant D480 MDC. Figured it out when using the program Snappy Driver Installer (Offline version) while giving my D600 a dual boot of 98SE and XP.
I play Dos GLIDE games inside Win98SE but i did not try with Win95.
Some work, some work not. Depends on the Game.
wrote:While I go figure out how to make Windows 98 only see 512 mb ram
This is another problem that has been addressed many, many times over the last twenty years. There are edits you can make to system.ini that may or may not solve the problem, or you can use HIMEMX or XMSDISK in your startup to limit the amount of available RAM. Or there are apparently user-made patches which will fix the bug in the Win9x memory handling that causes the problem to begin with.
Keep in mind that if you find yourself installing Win9x over and over again, you might want to consider just making a backup immediately after the installation, and then restoring the backup. You can either use a program that images the hard drive, like Paragon or Marcium Reflect, or you can (in theory) just copy the whole Windows directory to another drive.
wrote:While I go figure out how to make Windows 98 only see 512 mb ram, looks like I finally found the modem driver's name: Conexant D480 MDC. Figured it out when using the program Snappy Driver Installer (Offline version) while giving my D600 a dual boot of 98SE and XP.
Got this for you.
System Configuration Utility: Use the SCU to limit Windows to using 768MB, or 512MB, or less
- or - enter
in the [386Enh] section of System.ini.
3. Physical memory: Limit the amount installed to 512 MB or less (Yes! Take some out!)
Using MaxPhysPage in System.ini to limit maximum memory used by Win9x.
To limit Enter this line in To limit Enter this line in
Memory [386Enh] section Memory [386Enh] section
to this of System.ini to this of System.ini
------ ----------------- ------ -----------------
960 MB MaxPhysPage=3C000 256 MB MaxPhysPage=10000
896 MB MaxPhysPage=38000 224 MB MaxPhysPage=0E000
832 MB MaxPhysPage=34000 192 MB MaxPhysPage=0C000
160 MB MaxPhysPage=0A000
768 MB MaxPhysPage=30000
704 MB MaxPhysPage=2C000 128 MB MaxPhysPage=08000
640 MB MaxPhysPage=28000 96 MB MaxPhysPage=06000
576 MB MaxPhysPage=24000 88 MB MaxPhysPage=05800
80 MB MaxPhysPage=05000
512 MB MaxPhysPage=20000 72 MB MaxPhysPage=04800
448 MB MaxPhysPage=1C000
384 MB MaxPhysPage=18000
320 MB MaxPhysPage=14000
wrote:I play Dos GLIDE games inside Win98SE but i did not try with Win95.
Some work, some work not. Depends on the Game.
OK. maybe it is the game that is the problem.
Hello all.
Still having Wireless troubles. Not able to install the drivers correctly. When clicking have disk and going to the driver it shows a driver file but when I click on the driver file, it does not show any actual driver inside.
Just checking, my particular Wireless card has a chip on it that says BCM4318KFBG is that what you guys have?
Also I notice every time I freshly install WIN98, after I install the Ethernet driver WIN98 takes at least a minute and a half to startup. Any ideas?
Edit: Running Registry Cleaner after installing the Ethernet driver solves the startup issue.
wrote:I install the Ethernet driver WIN98 takes at least a minute and a half to startup. Any ideas?
If you do not have anything plugged into the Ethernet port, then it is looking for a network and eventually timing out, if I'm not mistaken. The easiest solution would be to simply keep the Ethernet card disabled in Device Manager until you actually need it.
Edit: Running Registry Cleaner after installing the Ethernet driver solves the startup issue.
You mean Microsoft's RegClean? That is not technically supported.
wrote:Hello all. […]
Hello all.
Still having Wireless troubles. Not able to install the drivers correctly. When clicking have disk and going to the driver it shows a driver file but when I click on the driver file, it does not show any actual driver inside.
Just checking, my particular Wireless card has a chip on it that says BCM4318KFBG is that what you guys have?
Also I notice every time I freshly install WIN98, after I install the Ethernet driver WIN98 takes at least a minute and a half to startup. Any ideas?
Edit: Running Registry Cleaner after installing the Ethernet driver solves the startup issue.
I've mentioned this in the instructions; you must go to C:/Win98 for the proper file when Windows 98 does this. Its very annoying, I know.
About to re-upload the driver bundle link (Now includes buffalo wireless utility for WPA, rloew's universal usb driver, somewhat updated instructions). Will try to include Windows 98's built in sound blaster emulator.
wrote:wrote:Hello all. […]
Hello all.
Still having Wireless troubles. Not able to install the drivers correctly. When clicking have disk and going to the driver it shows a driver file but when I click on the driver file, it does not show any actual driver inside.
Just checking, my particular Wireless card has a chip on it that says BCM4318KFBG is that what you guys have?
Also I notice every time I freshly install WIN98, after I install the Ethernet driver WIN98 takes at least a minute and a half to startup. Any ideas?
Edit: Running Registry Cleaner after installing the Ethernet driver solves the startup issue.
I've mentioned this in the instructions; you must go to C:/Win98 for the proper file when Windows 98 does this. Its very annoying, I know.
About to re-upload the driver bundle link (Now includes buffalo wireless utility for WPA, rloew's universal usb driver, somewhat updated instructions). Will try to include Windows 98's built in sound blaster emulator.
Thanks. I was just trying to install a slightly different way. I am posting this from the D600 running on wireless. Since getting this working I have been having an unknown device to try to install itself on startup. Any ideas what it might be? The last two devices not installed are PCI Card and PCI Universal Serial Bus.