First post, by VEG

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A software MIDI synthesizer for Windows, which functions as a VSTi plugin. Supports both the Yamaha XG and the Roland GS extensions, which is a unique feature of the S-YXG50. It is based on the trial version from the Yamaha SOL2 package. The full version of this VSTi had never been released, because Yamaha had decided to discontinue support of all its software synthesizers in 2003. Fortunately, the trial version have a full version of the S-YXG50 engine, so it is possible to remove the trial restrictions to get a full version. In addition to the removed trial restrictions this patch adds the portability (installation and registry keys are not needed), also it uses embedded into the DLL resources the 4MB official wavetable files, which is the best version of wavetable files for the S-YXG50.

Download: yamaha_syxg50_vsti.7z (3.0MB).
Project Page: http://veg.by/en/projects/syxg50/

Best regards, Evgeny

Reply 1 of 36, by dank0

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Rank Newbie

Cool, I will check it out. Thanks man winking face

AMD K6-II 500, Nvidia TNT2 AGP, 256 MB RAM


Reply 2 of 36, by VEG

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Rank Newbie

By the way, it uses also decrypted wave data (sxgwave4.tbl). Also I had collected some information about the structure of the voice table file (sxgbin41.tbl). I'm not planning to go deeper, but if someone would like to try to reverse engineer this format (for example, if someone wish to replace some samples), I can share what I know.

Also it would be nice to have a dump of the WAVE ROM (and other ROMs) of the Yamaha MU80 / MU50 / QS300 / DB50XG / DB60XG / SW60XG / MU10. This hardware series is very similar to the S-YXG50, and it it is very interesting to see how much they share.

Best regards, Evgeny

Reply 3 of 36, by mudlord

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Rank Newbie

Nice work.

I did a private patch for myself and some friends of Yamaha's stuff to use with the VST driver and kode's foo_midi a while back. Nice to see you did a much more thorough job. Mine involved making it portable and patching out the DRM, only that it didn't have all the extensive mods you did, like loading from resources and the extra settings.

I couldn't make it public because of potential legal issues, nice to see you don't have that issue since your host doesn't need to comply with DMCA and things like that. And plus, your country of origin doesn't have stupid copyright laws.

I wonder if there is a way to use the XGLite instruments and things from the SYXG2006LE stuff that was floating around.

Reply 4 of 36, by VEG

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Rank Newbie

If you're using this VSTi with the foo_midi v1.251 and earlier, please update foo_midi to current version. A bug with using settings of VSTi during playback was fixed in the foo_midi v1.252.

Best regards, Evgeny

Reply 5 of 36, by zaphod77

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the 4 meg waveset is the exact same one they put in the dbxg50 and swxg60, as near as I can tell.

the mu-80 might have better quality in it, but everyone agrees that the isa cards were pretty much an mu-80 on a card, so i suspect it's the same ROM.

Reply 6 of 36, by PhilsComputerLab

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Rank l33t++

Could someone do a little guide how to get this going with DOSBox?

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Reply 7 of 36, by James-F

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You already did Phil.
It is exactly the same as SC-VA, just load it into SAVIHost and point DOSBox to the right input of LoopMIDI.

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Reply 8 of 36, by PhilsComputerLab

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James-F wrote:

You already did Phil.
It is exactly the same as SC-VA, just load it into SAVIHost and point DOSBox to the right input of LoopMIDI.

I see, it's been a long time grinning face

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Reply 10 of 36, by VEG

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Rank Newbie
zaphod77 wrote:

the 4 meg waveset is the exact same one they put in the dbxg50 and swxg60, as near as I can tell.

the mu-80 might have better quality in it, but everyone agrees that the isa cards were pretty much an mu-80 on a card, so i suspect it's the same ROM.

I suppose that Yamaha MU80 / MU50 / QS300 / DB50XG / DB60XG / SW60XG / MU10 use the same WAVE ROM. We could check it, but we need dumps of WAVE ROMs of these hardware synths.

sxgwave4.tbl was created 1996/02/06. I suppose it's just an encrypted version of the same WAVE ROM which was used in all mentioned hardware synths. It would be nice to check it, but I don't know where I can get dumps of these WAVE ROMs.

Also it is interesting that S-YXG50 sounds much better at 48kHz than at 96kHz. That's strange, because official documentation of the VSTi says that it have to support 96kHz sample rate. Maybe it was a mistake, because documentation of all other S-YXG50 synths (DWM and VxD versions) don't declare 96kHz support. It seems that it is better to avoid 96kHz sample rate with this synth.

Best regards, Evgeny

Reply 11 of 36, by shiva2004

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Thank you, I've tried it today and it's incredible the difference with the standard Microsoft synth. Specially, guitars and percussion sound really good for an old 4 MB set; I suppose it'll have some weakness, but I like what I've heard so far.

Reply 12 of 36, by zaphod77

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Well should you look at the file yourself you will see right at the top..

MU50 4MB V2.0


this very strongly suggests that its' a rom dump, since that rom is known to be 4 megs.

The mu 50 has MORE instruments and drumkits than the mu80, but less polyphony

the db-50 was actually claimed by yamaha to be a mu-50 on a daughterboard,and stated that midis for the mu-50 playback exactly the same.

Reply 13 of 36, by VEG

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Rank Newbie
zaphod77 wrote:

this very strongly suggests that its' a rom dump, since that rom is known to be 4 megs.

Yes, that's true. 32Mbits = 4 Mbytes.




Best regards, Evgeny

Reply 14 of 36, by Falcosoft

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Rank l33t

I have made a video about modified/XG enhanced Duke Nukem 3D Grabbag Theme playing on S-YXG50.
I have changed channel/track 6 instrument to Vibes since Tubural Bells sound off tune on S-YXG50.

Modified Grabbag midi file:

Used SysEx messages:
F0 43 10 4C 02 01 40 4B 00 F7
F0 43 10 4C 02 01 44 00 03 F7
F0 43 10 4C 02 01 46 00 34 F7
F0 43 10 4C 02 01 48 00 50 F7
F0 43 10 4C 02 40 00 00 F7
F0 43 10 4C 02 40 01 3D F7
F0 43 10 4C 02 40 0D 41 F7
F0 43 10 4C 02 40 11 43 F7
F0 43 10 4C 02 01 5A 01 F7

After applying the SysEx messages you can use Controller 94 to set the effect amount on the given channel.

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Reply 15 of 36, by Trelokk

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There are people recommending to switch the S-YXG50 to GS mode for games. How exactly is this done (or is it unsupported right now)? I am using the VST MIDI driver under Win 7.

Reply 16 of 36, by cyclone3d

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Rank l33t++
VEG wrote:

By the way, it uses also decrypted wave data (sxgwave4.tbl). Also I had collected some information about the structure of the voice table file (sxgbin41.tbl). I'm not planning to go deeper, but if someone would like to try to reverse engineer this format (for example, if someone wish to replace some samples), I can share what I know.

Also it would be nice to have a dump of the WAVE ROM (and other ROMs) of the Yamaha MU80 / MU50 / QS300 / DB50XG / DB60XG / SW60XG / MU10. This hardware series is very similar to the S-YXG50, and it it is very interesting to see how much they share.

I have a SW60XG. I haven't tested it yet though.

What would be the tools needed and steps to dump the WAV ROM and other ROMs?

Yamaha modified setupds and drivers
Yamaha XG repository
YMF7x4 Guide

Reply 17 of 36, by Falcosoft

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Rank l33t

There are people recommending to switch the S-YXG50 to GS mode for games. How exactly is this done (or is it unsupported right now)? I am using the VST MIDI driver under Win .

Just send it a GS Reset SysEx (F0 41 10 42 12 40 00 7F 00 41 F7).

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Reply 18 of 36, by Trelokk

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That's great! But how do I forward this command to the synth? As far as I could see, the plugin doesn't offer any means for data input...

Reply 19 of 36, by Falcosoft

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Rank l33t

hat's great! But how do I forward this command to the synth? As far as I could see, the plugin doesn't offer any means for data input...

If it would be true, how it would play notes? That's data input also. SysEx can be sent to the S-YXG50 just like any other MIDI data.
Look at my previous video linked above (after the intro I send Sysex data to the synth explicitly):

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Falcosoft Soundfont Midi Player + Munt VSTi + BassMidi VSTi
VST Midi Driver Midi Mapper