I keep having this problem with "Star wars episode I racer" on my Windows 9x on DOSbox SVN 5/6/2013.
When everytime I start or reset a race the CPU opponents some times go off the track and start driving around in circles, I tried crashing to see if everything is fine, but it wasn't I crashed int the rock and the game on DOSbox freezes. The FPS of the game is fine now on Windows 9x when playing on DOSbox by cause I have output set on openglnb, Voodoo with opengl and I have Glide set on emu but still... And some times the same thing happens when I don't crash.
I don't have footage of the crashing one. But here is the one with the no crashing but dosen't show the other racers going off the track. But... I have picture proof of the racers going off the track if you look on the map. (I think the reason why is the DOSbox pentium is only 70Mhz while the game requires 166mhz.)
Picture proof of the racers off the track for the reason of it freezing when not crashing. (PS I have Windows 9x on DOSbox on fullscreen mode.)
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Video footage.
If anyone knows a trick on how to fix this, I would like to know.