Yeah. I know that asrock is no exotic hardware, unless it will be if we look at how fast the boards are failing.
I have two boards from them, and they have both had their cap's replaced by me. That's after 8 years of use.
It will be sad to see them go. I really like old asrock boards. They have some sort of simplicity-feeling over them.
Now I have all drivers, manuals etc. for the 50 boards they have online.
If I want to buy a new asrock 478 board, then there is only one model avaliable online here in Denmark.
(There might be others in small shops around the entire country)
Wich means, that the 478 board's from Asrock are pretty much a discontinued line of products.
I am just looking 5 to 10 years in the future, when people are looking for this stuff, as Mau1wurf1977 is stating.
Then I can give them a copy of what they need. Only thing that would have been even more cool.
Is if I had a iso file of every single board's driver-cd. See... That would have been a keeper. 😀
I can not find any MVP3 drivers on VIA's website. Eighter they do not have it, or the site is too messy to find anything.
I have found some drivers around the web. Just that it would be cool to have access at the manufactor.
Just to check and be shure that I have all drivers that are related to my board.
Don't eat stuff off a 15 year old never cleaned cpu cooler.
Those cakes make you sick....
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