Reply 1980 of 2281, by Alexander
Confirmed and will be fixed in 1.4.0b2.
Thank you very much but development on 1.4.0 is not completed yet. There will be more new language strings in 1.4.0b2. 1.4.0b2 will be string complete to 1.4.0 then.
That's strange. Maybe there was something wrong on updating your data reader configuration file. From 1.3.5 to 1.3.6 the configuration file format has been extended and so not to break data reader for old version completely I have stopped uploading new configuration files but directly delivered a configuration file with a higher version number (10) than on the server (7). So 1.3.6 and 1.4.0b1 should use its initial configuration file (with version number 10) and old installations should not get an incompatible configuration file. But because 1.3.6 has been released long enough time ago, I have uploaded the configuration file version 10 to the server now. This means if you update your data reader configuration file (Help|Search for updates) everything should be fine again for you, too. You can have a look in your configuration file here: [your profile]\D-Fend Reloaded\Settings\DataReader.xml. If there is written version='7' you still have the old file; version='10' is the new one.
I'm still using Delphi 2007 because I don't want to buy an new version at the moment. The DFR source should be ready to be compiled without any special configuration.
At the moment there is still one thing on the feature wish list to be implemented before 1.4.0b2.