First post, by wiebermensch

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DOSBox 0.61's HGC/CGA support is improved a lot comparing to 0.60
But, it still doesn't completely emulate HGC.
Open DOSBox.conf and change machine=... line to machine=hercules.
Then run SIMCGA40.COM on DOSBox.
Then you will only see this error message.
"ERROR - SIMCGA will not work with an Enhanced Graphics Adapter."

Reply 1 of 23, by canadacow

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This strikes me as the equivalent to trying to compile Cygwin under Wine using a Cygwin version of Wine running under Cygwin in Wine. Why, after you've got a real choice of emulated Hercules or CGA, would you want to force DosBox to internally try to emulate CGA using the Hercules emulation?

Reply 2 of 23, by Srecko

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Game can use same method to detect hercules or ega (theoretically) 😖

Reply 3 of 23, by wiebermensch

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To tell the truth, I want to analyze SIMCGA.
Does anybody know how SIMCGA works?
Besides, I am curious about WHY.
Because of what does DOSBox can not emulate real hercules perfectly?

Reply 4 of 23, by Qbix

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well analyze it then.
It's not that hard. Actually dosbox can even do it. Just make a debbugger enabled version of dosbox.

Water flows down the stream
How to ask questions the smart way!

Reply 5 of 23, by taiken7

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From the debugger:

00DF:038D B4C1 mov ah,C1
00DF:038F CD10 int 10
00DF:0391 3DAAAA cmp ax,AAAA
00DF:0394 7512 jne 000003A8 ($+12)
... (where 3A8 gets the message "Enhanced Graphics...", and exits)

So we set (int10/ah=c1) returns 0xAAAA if (machine==MCH_HERC).
ie. add the following to int10.cpp

	case 0xc1:
if (machine==MCH_HERC) reg_ax=0xaaaa;

Then it will load.

Reply 6 of 23, by wiebermensch

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Rank Newbie

Thanks, taiken7.
I used debug.exe in windows (previous version of DOSBox didn't support
debug.exe, but on DOSBox0.61 it's fine.)
and stopped execution before check-routine(G 0391), changed AX value(R AX AAAA), and continued(G).
Then I played King's Valley. It was the same as CGA. 😀

p.s. C:\Windows\command\debug.exe (in Win9x)
or C:\WinNT\System32\debug.exe (in Win2k) does ONLY support
8086 instructions and 16-bit addressing! It does NOT support 80386, 80486 instructions NOR 32-bit addressing!
So now I attach DEBUG32, which is from Larson Computing and much better than default debugger. The interface is also improved.

Reply 7 of 23, by canadacow

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taiken7 was refering to the DosBox specific debugger that is built into it. There is a build that has such facilities running all the time, though its breakpoint abilities are far greater than what Debug or Debug32 can do.

Reply 8 of 23, by wiebermensch

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Rank Newbie

canadacow, can you please attach debugger-included DOSBox0.61 if you have?
I have DOSBox0.50, 0.56.1, 0.56.2, but I don't have DOSBox0.61
If you know where I can download executive or source file, please let me know.

Reply 10 of 23, by wiebermensch

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Rank Newbie

Do you have binary(EXE) file?
I have source files, but I don't know how to change option when compile
in order to make Debugger-Enabled DOSBox.exe
So if somebody has (debugger-enabled) DOSBox.exe,
please upload and attatch that.
p.s. I have Visual C++ 6.0
I don't have any other compiler.

Reply 11 of 23, by Harekiet

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That 0xc1 test in int10 is it's own test for seeing if simcga is already loaded. It tests again later on 0xc000:0 if the word there is 0xaa55 and if it is it assumes it's an ega. Change that and it starts up, but doesn't really seem to do a good job at emulating cga though 😜

Reply 12 of 23, by wiebermensch

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Rank Newbie

Well, I found DOSBox 0.61 debugger-included version.
So I attach that.

Reply 13 of 23, by taiken7

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... It tests again later on 0xc000:0 if the word there is 0xaa55 and if it is it assumes it's an ega ...

Interesting. 0xC000 = Video Ram area, 0xaa55 is a "magic number" bios uses to signify a device loader is at that offset. ( bios scans memory (from memory at 4k segment intervals) for that magic number, and runs any code there, which is how we end up with the bootstrap procedure; video-int 10 loader, network card etc, finally bootdisk..).

Reply 14 of 23, by jal

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Rank Oldbie
taiken7 wrote:

Interesting. 0xC000 = Video Ram area, 0xaa55 is a "magic number" bios uses to signify a device loader is at that offset.

C000:0000 is the start of the EGA/VGA ROM BIOS chip. Since the CGA and Hercules do not have their own BIOS, the presence of a ROM chip at that particular location is taken as an indication that an EGA card is present. Of course, it could be some other expansion card, so it's a rather error prone test...

Reply 15 of 23, by Harekiet

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Working on some new changes to use crtc6845 emulation when running in hercules,cga,tandy mode. This helps simcga a bit since it at least gives some kind of decent output now.

Reply 16 of 23, by taiken7

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Nice work Harekiet! Are the changes in CVS yet -- I found that
Electronic Arts' WORLD TOUR GOLF has a few issues with Hercules
at the moment (black screen, unsupported Int 10 / crtc6845 features).

Reply 17 of 23, by Harekiet

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Hmm no not yet comitted, lot's more testing to be done 😀 And checked world tour golf, that seems to think it's it's running on a color system instead of monochromo, must be some bios flag somewhere i think

Reply 18 of 23, by Harekiet

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Hmm that world tour golf doesn't even detect hercules, if you want to use hercules you need to supply a /h command line, that's the only place it sets a certain variable to run in hercules mode.

Reply 19 of 23, by taiken7

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Sorry, I should have mentioned the "/h" option, but from there the screen
remains blank.. although it could be some hacking Ive done my side..
If its working for you thats good news 😁