First post, by Gewehr98

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Rank Newbie

Hello All

I'm trying to get TIE Fighter to work for the umpteenth time and DOSBox is being a PITA

I found this guide to solve the problem I'm having, but a new problem arises:

What am I doing wrong?

PS: I am on Win 7 64 bit using 0.74

Reply 1 of 9, by P4R4D0X

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This one should be easy. Just use the the \ instead of using / in your commands and you have to type D:\ too for accessing the CD-ROM drive you mounted. I guess you forgot that.

If the Tie Fighter disk has audio tracks you won't be able to hear it in DOSBox. If you have the original retail disk please just use this command: mount d e:\ -t cdrom

That way you can install your game to your C:\ drive you just mounted. If you want to change the directory on your virtual D:\ drive you can do that, but you need to be on the active drive first. That's the reason why it says Unable to change to: tiecd.

Reply 2 of 9, by Gewehr98

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Rank Newbie

I can't access the D: through DOSBox and install it because it gives me this error: "You cannot select this install option while running the install program from the hard drive."

http://www.site2241.net/ this link has an explanation of my program and a fix, but it's not working for me.

Reply 4 of 9, by Gewehr98

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Rank Newbie

Okay, I changed around the slashes and still cant cd to TIECD. I go into the D: drive to install and I get the hard drive issue.

Reply 6 of 9, by Gewehr98

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If I knew where it was I would! It's been missing for a very long time.

Reply 7 of 9, by ripsaw8080

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The install program disables the installation options on its menu when it can't find the file \ASTREAM\A.WRK on the cdrom, so it seems your folder copy is missing at least that file, possibly others.

Reply 8 of 9, by P4R4D0X

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If you have lost your copy maybe you should look for one, because the game should be copy protected. The game will ask for the CD if you run the game. And first thing is to stop following that tutorial because it doesn't mentions how to install it.

Can't confirm any of your issues, because I tried installing the game from the disk and from the hard drive, and both seems to be working fine. You are doing something wrong by looking at those screenshots. Clearly there's no TIECD directory on your mounted C:\ drive or your dosprog folder. By looking at the tutorial I can already see that the guy have installed before. Probably from the same folder he mounted.

Follow me closely if you are confident that you are not missing any files and none of them are corrupted. Here's what I did in the exact order.

1. I made a folder in my C:\ drive called test
2. Inside the test folder I created another directory called disk
3. In this disk folder I copied all the files from the CD, you should do the same with the contents of your tiecd folder you got on your drive E:\. It should be ~517MB worth of data. There are no audio tracks so there's nothing to worry about.
4. Launched DOSBox this time, and started mounting stuff in this order:

mount c c:\test
mount d c:\test\disk -t cdrom

5. I switched to drive D by using this command:


6. I ran the installer by typing in INSTALL.EXE and chosen "Maximum Install" and I continued with the default installation path C:\TIECD the setup utility gave me.
7. After the files are copied over and installed you must set up your sound card in the iMuse configuration utility. Just hit E for Express and follow the onscreen instructions. It should automatically detect a Sound Blaster 16 card and you will hear some sound tests if everything is working correcty. Nothing special, only a few Enter and Y key pressing.
8. You will get a message telling you that the installation is done. Just choose OKAY! because there are no other options to choose
9. Just choose Exit Install from the menu and hit that PLAY button. If you have done everything correctly the game should start automatically.
10. Enjoy the game!

Here's a screen recording if that is easier for you: http://www.screencast.com/t/K9ZEIKxFm0PN

Just remember, every time you want to play the game you must mount the exact same drives in DOSBox, but if you want to launch the game you must switch to the C:\ drive you mounted. Then CD into TIECD and run TIE.EXE. Basically the same thing just like in the tutorial you followed before. Nothing special.

I hope this helped, if it doesn't work you did something wrong, or your copy is corrupted/missing files. If that's the case just buy an used copy. Look on auction sites and I'm sure you can find one.

Reply 9 of 9, by mijuraut

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I had no luck installing from the original collector's CD either - had the same problem you had "can't install from hard drive" while I was installing from CD (in DOSBox).

I found a workaround (this link here helped: http://www.resolveitcomputers.com/how-to-play … r-on-a-newer-pc). To put it short, I made an ISO file from my CD, mounted it in DOSBox using

imgmount d D:\Pelit\CD\TIECD.iso -t iso

and ran the install program within DOSBox. All 3 install options were now available!

Hope this helps.