PC/PCI or SB-LINK cable. How to make?

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First post, by valnar

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Does anyone have some guidance on how to make a SB-LINK cable to connect a sound card to a SB-LINK header on a motherboard? I imagine I could probably hack up an old CD audio cable, but I don't know the pinouts. I'd like to do this with the least amount of trial an error.


Reply 2 of 34, by valnar

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Rank Oldbie

Can you buy those components and a crimper anywhere? Shoot, I have nothing like that laying around. I suppose I could solder each wire, but I'd rather not do that.

Reply 3 of 34, by gerwin

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Rank l33t

You don't need a crimper for these. keywords: female 2x3 RM/Pitch 2.54
In Holland or Germany you can buy such things at Conrad mail order.

--> ISA Soundcard Overview // Doom MBF 2.04 // SetMul

Reply 4 of 34, by valnar

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I'll look it up! Thanks.

Reply 5 of 34, by Stull

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Is this cable the same pin-for-pin on both ends? I've been staring at the picture and I can't tell how those plastic connectors work with the wiring.

Reply 6 of 34, by gerwin

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Rank l33t
Stull wrote:

Is this cable the same pin-for-pin on both ends?

It has been a while since I messed with it, but that is what it seems to be on the photo.

Here is more info on the signals, as found in an Asus P2B Manual. DGND / 'Digital Ground' is easy to verify.

--> ISA Soundcard Overview // Doom MBF 2.04 // SetMul

Reply 7 of 34, by ik777

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Is it enough to replace real or DIY one?

Just $1 for each.

Reply 8 of 34, by Scylla

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Now that we speak about this SB_LINK stuff, is Sound Blaster AWE64 PCI the only card with a SB_LINK header?

I have this header also on my IBM PC 300PL and I haven't been able to secure one single card that uses this stuff.

Reply 9 of 34, by gerwin

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-Terratec ESS Solo Soundcards 'Terratec PCI 128i'
-Several Yamaha YMF724, 744, 754 based cards.

--> ISA Soundcard Overview // Doom MBF 2.04 // SetMul

Reply 10 of 34, by jhill1977

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Rank Newbie

Can anyone point me to a source for a SB-LINK cable here in the US? I'm playing around with building a DOS gaming box and have an old SE440BX-2 board with a PC/PCI port and need the cable to attach to my Yamaha PCI sound card


Reply 12 of 34, by jxalex

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what for is the SB-LINK cable exactly? Which emulation does work and does not work without that cable?

Current project: DOS ISA soundcard with 24bit/96Khz digital I/O, SB16 compatible switchable.
newly made SB-clone ...with 24bit and AES/EBU... join in development!

Reply 13 of 34, by Jo22

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In simple words, SB-Link provides the DMA and IRQ lines of the ISA bus, so that old DOS software can program - or see -
PCI sound cards exactly the same as ISA sound cards. Unlike the other methods, this is no emulation per se.

See http://ftp.tekwind.co.jp/pub/asustw/misc/sb_link.pdf

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In what to one race is no time at all, another race can rise and fall..." - The Minstrel

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Reply 14 of 34, by gdjacobs

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PC/PCI carries ISA specific I/O information over these external cables. DDMA allows those same signals to be carried internally over the PCI bus, but it requires a compliant PCI controller. DSDMA/Ensoniq AudioPCI/Aureal etc. do it with software tricks.

All hail the Great Capacitor Brand Finder

Reply 16 of 34, by GigAHerZ

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There shouldn't be anything special about SB-Link cable, therefore any 6pin ribbon cable would work. From AliExpress one can buy such cable for less than 0.50$.

"640K ought to be enough for anybody." - And i intend to get every last bit out of it even after loading every damn driver!
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Reply 17 of 34, by kolderman

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Reply 18 of 34, by appiah4

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Just buy a pack of female to female dupont cables and connect the pins individually. If you really want, you can use electric tape to on either end to bundle them into 2x3 connectors.

Reply 19 of 34, by Cuttoon

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Rank Oldbie

...or you could just saw a random old floppy cable or COM breakout into pieces or go to town with a soldering iron ;)

Nobody has a pinout, ever.
Everyone has a continuity tester!

I like jumpers.