D-Fend Reloaded (DOSBox frontend)

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Reply 1740 of 2281, by sst

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I use = D-Fend Reloaded, "v1.3.2", Portable structure.

I have updated, from v1.3.1.x , Portable structure to final v1.3.2, Portable structure. After, i use the option to create all GameData directorys. Then now i have severals problems, inside "GameData" directory.

1 ) There is severals sub-directorys that contain, "digit numbers" at the end of the directory name, than the real value dont have a "digit numbers".

2 ) Inside "GameData" directory. = There severals game name duplicated with 1, 2, 3, ... see below.

GameData \ game
GameData \ game1
GameData \ game2
GameData \ game3

GameData \ Jeu
GameData \ Jeu1
GameData \ Jeu2

3 ) if i use the option to create all Capture directorys, the "Capture" section and "sub-directorys" dont have that problem, ... see below.

Capture \ game

Capture \ Jeu

4 ) Please verify if old "AutoSetup" section, is compatible with latest D-Fend Reloaded. (I will try at my side to detect if old type of config file(s), inside "AutoSetup directory"). Maybe verry old config file.

No other problem found.

Reply 1741 of 2281, by Alexander

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Rank Oldbie

Hi sst,
I cannot reproduce your problems. D-Fend Reloaded is creating the capture folders and the game data folders name from the profile names. While doing this it is checking there is no collision with some existing directories. If needed it adds a number to the directory name to avoid using an already existent directory name. Maybe there have been some subfolders in your main capture folder before you have let D-Fend Reloaded choose the directory names?

4 ) Please verify if old "AutoSetup" section, is compatible with latest D-Fend Reloaded. (I will try at my side to detect if old type of config file(s), inside "AutoSetup directory"). Maybe verry old config file.

What is the "old AutoSetup section"? All auto setup templates are compatible with the latest D-Fend Reloaded release. There have been no fundamental changes to the file structure used for the templates ever.

Reply 1742 of 2281, by sst

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I use = D-Fend Reloaded, "v1.3.2", Portable structure.

Hi sst,
I cannot reproduce your problems. D-Fend Reloaded is creating the capture folders and the game data folders name from the profile names. While doing this it is checking there is no collision with some existing directories. If needed it adds a number to the directory name to avoid using an already existent directory name. Maybe there have been some subfolders in your main capture folder before you have let D-Fend Reloaded choose the directory names?

Respond = I have found severals ".prof" files, inside "Confs directory", that have "ExtraGameIdentify" strange texts, see below. It seem thats the problem with GameData directorys, is when it use "ExtraGameIdentify" section, inside ".prof" files. Please verify at your side.

In example the "Skunny Kart" game contain = [ExtraGameIdentify] with like the quote below.

[ExtraGameIdentify] File1.Filename=WACKY.DAT File1.Checksum=0C6EFBDD891D8825ACE39EA746B26485 File2.Filename=WWHELP.EXE File2.Che […]
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Last edited by sst on 2012-10-30, 02:15. Edited 3 times in total.

Reply 1743 of 2281, by sst

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I use = D-Fend Reloaded, "v1.3.2", Portable structure.

An other bug, after try to create all "GameData" directorys option, it have been created a "GameData" directory inside root of D-FendReloadedPortable. And it contain at the end on the directory name a "1" number.

Seem strange place to crate the GameData directory!

See example = below.

|--- App
|--- Data
|--- GameData
|--- |--- Game1
|--- |--- Gameb1
|--- |--- Gamec1
|--- Other

Reply 1744 of 2281, by Alexander

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Rank Oldbie

Hi sst,

the keys in the [ExtraGameIdentify] section of the profile files (in particular of the auto setup templates) are used for identifying games when using the new profile wizard and when importing games. Most games can be identifyed exactly just by the file name and the checksum of the program file. But there are some games having exactly the same fingerprint as some other games. For these games D-Fend Reloaded checks the file names and the checksums of some other files to exactly determine which game you just want to import. These additional information are stored in the [ExtraGameIdentify] section of the prof files. There is no connection between the information needed to identify games when importing them and the creation of game data folders.

An other bug, after try to create all "GameData" directorys option, it have been created a "GameData" directory inside root of D-FendReloadedPortable.

The D-Fend Reloaded folder "D-FendReloadedPortable" is the base folder for D-Fend Reloaded. D-Fend Reloaded is not completely using the PortableApps directory structure. In particular it's not using the "App" and "Data" folder. It's using the same directory structure on any type of installation. And I'm not going to rewrite DFR and break compatibility with everything just to fulfill all of the PortableApps rules. We have already discussed this a couple of times!

Reply 1745 of 2281, by sst

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I use = D-Fend Reloaded, "v1.3.2", Portable structure.

An other bug, after try to create all "GameData" directorys option, it have been created a "GameData" directory inside root of D-FendReloadedPortable.

The D-Fend Reloaded folder "D-FendReloadedPortable" is the base folder for D-Fend Reloaded. D-Fend Reloaded is not completely using the PortableApps directory structure. In particular it's not using the "App" and "Data" folder. It's using the same directory structure on any type of installation. And I'm not going to rewrite DFR and break compatibility with everything just to fulfill all of the PortableApps rules. We have already discussed this a couple of times!

Respond, ... = Please understand, that "i dont whant" that you change the directory(s) structure, and "i dont whant", that you change thePortableApps rules.

I have really found a "GameData" folder inside D-FendReloadedPortable. I have not created myself that "GameData" folder. That folder appear when i use the option "Create game data folders for all profiles" inside "Files | Program options | Service".

Did someone else than me, have a "GameData" folder inside "D-FendReloadedPortable" ?

|--- GameData

Edit: I have found how to reproduce the "GameData" folder inside D-FendReloadedPortable, with a completly new installation of D-FendReloadedPortable v1.3.2.

Then first, go to "File | Program options... | Mode Advanced | Service" section. Then after push the button [Restore "DOSBox DOS" profile], after it ask if you whant to overwrite the existing "DOSBox DOS profile, then press the "yes" button. After press the button "Create game data folders for all profiles". Then after press the "Ok" button.

Then second, go again inside "File | Program options... | Mode Advanced | Service" section. Then after push the button [Restore "DOSBox DOS" profile], after it ask if you whant to overwrite the existing "DOSBox DOS profile, then press the "yes" button. After press the button "Create game data folders for all profiles". Then after it create a "GameData" folder inside "D-FendReloadedPortable" that folder will have inside "DOSBox DOS1".

Please test at your side, ...

Reply 1746 of 2281, by Alexander

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Rank Oldbie
sst wrote:

|--- GameData

This is correct and as intended.

Reply 1747 of 2281, by predcon

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Rank Newbie

Is there an easy way to enforce a 4:3 aspect ratio in fullscreen? No matter which options I choose, I can only get it to work in windowed mode. Fullscreen is always 'stretched' because of my widescreen monitor.

Reply 1748 of 2281, by viritys

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Rank Newbie


First of all: THANKS FOR THE BEST FRONTEND ON THE PLANET! The thing that does it for me is the ability to add Windows, ScummVM and "Other emulators". I love the fact that you're not purist. I like to have a single launcher for all my gaming needs and you're delivering.

One thing I would like to see in the future is what DBGL is doing: importing game descriptions from MobyGames. DBGL has it on a separate tree to the right - if you don't want that even as an option, the ability to download the said description under "Download game information" with a checkbox saying "replace the existing Notes with game description" would make even bigger fanboy than I already am. Right now I've just been copy/pasting them by hand and that gets a bit old after a while 😀

Here's a screenshot so that you know what I'm talking about:
http://members.quicknet.nl/blankendaalr/dbgl/ … mg/066large.png

Reply 1749 of 2281, by Alexander

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Rank Oldbie

Setting up the aspect ratio is a quite tricky thing. For some games I also haven't found good settings yet. This is more a DOSBox than a D-Fend Reloaded related problem. D-Fend Reloaded is just passing your settings to DOSBox. So I think there is not much I can do for you to solve this problem. The aspect ratio chosen by DOSBox also depends on the graphics resolution of the game. So you might get help when telling your problem in the game releated subforum.

First, reading out the game information from the MobyGames homepage is really hard. I'm happy my program code is working and I hoped never have to need to look at it again. But anyway reading out the game description makes sense. I'm have added this to my D-Fend Reloaded todo but I'm very, very busy at the moment, so I won't have time to implement this before end of this year.

Reply 1750 of 2281, by skatz

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Hi, predcon!
For aspect correction on widescreen monitor try to use following steps:
In D-Fend Reloaded profile editor in Graphics tabs
1. Select Fullscreen resolution "0x0" (that means "your desktop resolution")
2.Switch "Keep correct aspect ratio" ON
3. Do NOT use "Surface" Render. For me "opengl" and "overlay" work fine.

If that doesn't help then follow Alexander's advice, I have no better ones.

Reply 1751 of 2281, by predcon

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Rank Newbie

That works. Thanks.

Reply 1752 of 2281, by Alexander

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Rank Oldbie

Some good news: I have just implemented the moby games description reader in my development version of DFR 1.3.3. With a little luck we can have 1.3.3rc1 within a week and 1.3.3 just before Christmas.

Reply 1753 of 2281, by sst

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Rank Member

I have just implemented the moby games description reader in my development version of DFR 1.3.3.

Respond = 😎 😁

With a little luck we can have 1.3.3rc1 within a week and 1.3.3 just before Christmas.

Any text(s) that will need translation for v1.3.3 ?

Reply 1754 of 2281, by Alexander

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Rank Oldbie

No, 1.3.3 will be a minor update with no new language strings.

Reply 1755 of 2281, by Alexander

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Rank Oldbie

Hi everybody,
I have just uploaded D-Fend Reloaded 1.3.3rc1 to the beta versions page. There are only some smaller changes since 1.3.2. I will try to finish 1.3.3 within the next 2 weeks.

Reply 1756 of 2281, by predcon

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Rank Newbie

Can we update to Beta versions through the update interface?

Reply 1757 of 2281, by Alexander

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Rank Oldbie

No, the D-Fend Reloaded update function works quite simple. It just reads out this file:
If the version written in the first line of this file is newer than the installed version it downloads und installs the update which URL is written in the second line. There are no separate release and beta update channels.

Reply 1758 of 2281, by viritys

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Rank Newbie

That was really fast, thanks! Could you kill one bug to the next release, please? 😀 When adding a windows game with game wizard, capture folder will be off - it'll default to the capture root instead of the game-specific folder.

Reply 1759 of 2281, by HunterZ

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Rank l33t++

When playing DOSBox-wrapped games that I buy from GOG.com, I have been importing their .conf files into D-Fend for easier tweaking of various DOSBox options. However, it still takes a lot of fiddling around to manually convert the contents of the [autoexec] section to D-Fend things like "program file" and "drives".

It might be nice if the .conf importer were able to parse the [autoexec] section and more intelligently populate the resulting D-Fend profile. I know it might be hard, though, because the [autoexec] section is pretty free-form.