First post, by dosmax

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Using hal-9000s NE2000 network patch doesn't work as expected when connecting dosbox to a wlan card. Dosbox can only connect to its host machine in these cases but not to other machines on the local network or the internet. I'm not sure if this is true for all wireless cards, but I would guess so.

There is a very simple solution to this problem. All you need is a loopback network device and a network bridge. No extra files are needed for this. The guide is for Windows 7, but the same thing should be possible in Vista or later versions of XP. In XP the actual 'bridge building process' will be somewhat different.

This it how it works in Windows 7 click by click (I did this on a German Win7, so I have to guess some English terms):

  • 1. Open a command shell with administrative rights (one way to do this: type "cmd" in the start menu searchbox, then right-click on the cmd.exe icon and select "Run as administrator"

    2. Type hdwwiz.exe, press Enter to get the old XP-style hardware wizard

    3. Click on Next

    3. Choose "Install Hardware manually" (the second option), click Next

    4. Choose "Network adapter" from the list, click Next

    5. In the next window choose "Microsoft" in the left pane and "Microsoft Loopback adapter" in the right pane

    6. Click, Next, Next to install the device

    7. Open the Network and Sharing Center from the Control Panel

    8. Choose "Change adapter properties" (3rd option) in the left menu. You should now see your installed network adapters

    9. Select your active wireless connection and the "Microsoft Loopback adapter" at the same time (hold ctrl, left click both icons)

    10. right-click one of the icons while both are highlighted select "Create Bridge" (the 4th option)

    11. Now you can install Windows 95 following HAL-9000s instructions ( http://home.arcor.de/h-a-l-9000/ ) or reconfigure any networked Dosbox you might already have.

    12. While configuring Dosbox be sure to select the "MS Loopback Driver" as realnic for the virtual NE2000, otherwise this won't work.

That's it. Now you have full LAN- and internet access in Dosbox over a wireless connection.

Reply 1 of 7, by ashujaku

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Thanks for This guide . It only inspired me more. I am sharing it now with others.

Lets say you have a scenario where you don't have internet connection at all, LAN or Wirelless. If you bridge connections (like in the previous guide) it will not work when you disconnect the real NIC or Wirelless.

There is a solution

Scenario 1- no internet, only want communication between HOST an DOSBOX

-Install on the host , Microsoft Loopback Adapted (presuming that you already installed winpcap) .

-put an IP address like on "microsoft loopback adapter" (host machine) and you put on your NEC2000 (dosbox).

Wolla , you have a coonection, and the best of it, your real LAN or Wireless (INTERNET CONNECTION) , can be disconneced but HOST (win7 or winxp) and DOSBOX (win9x) are communicating with another.

Scenario 2- Internet on the DOSBOX when you have on HOST, + always connected regardsless of internet status.

In this scenario, you install Microsoft Loopback Adapter on the HOST, you do internet connection sharing beetwen REAL NIC( if your internet is with cable) or Wirelless (if your internet is wlan) and MICROSOFT LOOPBACK ADAPTER . Microsoft Loopback adapter will get an IP address (win7) or (winxp) and will serve as DHCP server for DOSBOX. DOSBOX will always get an ip address, an it will stay connected with the HOST.

Maybe my writing is unorganized, but anyone with enough computer knowledge will know what i am talking about..

I hope this guide will serve other people , like previous guide inspired me.
Be free to fill an organize my writing

Reply 2 of 7, by HardwareExtreme

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I hate to bump this thread, but using ykhwong's dosbox build and with Windows 98 SE installed inside it doesn't recognize the NE2000 emulation. And yes, I have WinPcap. PM me if this thread is closed.

Q: Why didn't Intel call the Pentium the 586?
A: Because they added 486 and 100 on the first Pentium and got 585.999983605.

Source: http://www.columbia.edu/~sss31/rainbow/pentium.jokes.html

Reply 4 of 7, by Tertz

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Rank Oldbie
HardwareExtreme wrote:

with Windows 98 SE installed inside it

I'd try other version of win9x. Intrsuctions are there.

collector wrote:

You do realize that Win9x is not supported in DOSBox, don't you?

It's kinf of supported in ykhwong's port about wich he asks. As it's general DOSBox section and there is no special secion for different ports of DOSBox, hence it may be appropriate place to discuss. You may ask moderators to move the theme in better place.

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Reply 6 of 7, by Tertz

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collector wrote:

But not in official DOSBox, which is what these forums are for.

Windows 9x works in official DOSBox too and hence it's supported by this "official" DOSBox by evident facts.
While this forum's section is just about DOSBox, but not about "official" variant of DOSBox. As by fact you may find here themes about different ports of DOSBox and about realy "not supported" features lacking in "official" variant, wich administrators allow here for years.
As Windows 9x works (and not bad) in DOSBox so there is basis and use for such discussions. As I understand administrators allow guides for installation and work of Windows 9x in DOSBox, but paradoxically are against discussions about this, at least against some of them.
On today DOSBox stays as one of the most useful emulators for Windows 9x guests for games.

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