D-Fend Reloaded (DOSBox frontend)

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Reply 1560 of 2281, by Alexander

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Rank Oldbie

The only thing I don't really like that much is, that the non-modal image viewer stays always on top of the main window.

That's not intended, but I haven't found any way to turn this off.

D-Fend Reloaded is just a frontend for DOSBox. You have got problems running a DOS game inside DOSBox so I suggest starting a new topic for example in the "DOS - Getting old DOS games working." section.

Reply 1561 of 2281, by skatz

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Rank Member

Hi, Alexander!
I've finished Russian translation for 1.2.0.
And as always here are some notes:
1. In [ExtraExeEdit] section instead of 'Parameters=…' lines is inserted line 'ExtraExeEdit=Parameters=..'
2. In dialog 'Settings for DOSBox installation' Help button has caption 'Hilfe'.
3. In screenshot list all .bmp files have same image (only bitmaps, all is ok with jpegs and other).
4. In auto setup template list (opened by F4) when you try to edit profile DFR shows message 'Listenindex uberschreitet das Maximum (0)'. If you do not get this message on the first tested profile, try several following, it may occur not on all items.

Reply 1562 of 2281, by Alexander

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Rank Oldbie

Hi Skatz,
thank you very much for updating your translation.

1. I have already noticed this copy&paste mistake earlier and fix it silently on every new translation I get.
2. Fixed.
3. I cannot reproduce this. On my system DFR is showing bmp files in the previewer area, in the previewer dialog and even as profile icons. May be it has just a problem with your bmp file. Can you PM it to me?
4. This was a bug in the code for loading the mount strings from the profile. If a string was existing but empty, this could happen.

Translation status for 1.1 so far:
Done: 6
To be updated: 8 (not even updated for 1.1: 2 of this 8 )

Reply 1563 of 2281, by skatz

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Rank Member

Hi, Alexander!
About bitmap files:
Look, please, at procedure AddScreenshotsToList in GameDBToolsUnit.pas
When loading png/gif/jpeg you use LoadFromFile(Dir+St[K]) call, but for bmp - LoadFromFile(Dir+Rec.Name) - using last file name.
Maybe you ave already changed this?

Reply 1564 of 2281, by Alexander

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Rank Oldbie

Oh, ok. fixed. I have read "all .bmp files have same image" as "all .bmp files have the same image-not-loaded placeholder image", so I had only tested using one bmp file.

Reply 1565 of 2281, by Cpt.Guapo

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Rank Newbie

Hello people. It's been some time, huh?

Alexander, see attached my part of the cake. 😉 Thanks a lot for the contact.

"Mythology is what grownups believe, folklore is what they tell children and religion is both."

Reply 1566 of 2281, by hakanates

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Last edited by hakanates on 2011-09-05, 18:24. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 1567 of 2281, by Alexander

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Rank Oldbie

Hi Cpt.Guapo,
thank you very much, I have just added your translation.

If we keep this speed, all translations are complete in less than a week.

Reply 1568 of 2281, by sst

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Rank Member

I use = D-Fend Reloaded, "v1.2b2", Portable structure.


P.S = I see some options not used, see below.

The section is inside "Packages manager" = "Auto setup templates", "Icons", "Icons set", "Language files".

Last edited by sst on 2011-08-25, 00:28. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 1569 of 2281, by sst

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Rank Member

Hi, ...

I use = D-Fend Reloaded, "v1.2b2", Portable structure.


16 ) A Bug Inside AddRepository = see screenshot.

It display empty section(s). Look at the screenshot

Last edited by sst on 2011-08-25, 00:25. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 1570 of 2281, by sst

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Rank Member

Hi, ...

I use = D-Fend Reloaded, "v1.2b2", Portable structure.


17 ) An other bug inside AddRepository = see screenshot.

It Must Be Inside URL.

Reply 1571 of 2281, by sst

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Rank Member

Hi, ...

I use = D-Fend Reloaded, "v1.2b2", Portable structure.


Where i can see "FILE_ID.DIZ", info of each software, inside D-Fend Reloaded ?

Please add "FILE_ID.DIZ" viewer, ...

Reply 1572 of 2281, by Alexander

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Rank Oldbie

Hi sst,

1. The "Auto setup templates", "Icons", "Icons set" and "Language files" sections are empty in the package manager if opened in DFR 1.2 because DFR 1.2 already comes with all available auto setup templates, icons and icon sets and of course there are also no language files released since the release (of the not yet released) version 1.2.

2. I will gray out the "Ok" button if there is no text inserted in the URL and the local file input line in the "Add repository" dialog.

3. "Try1URL" is no URL; it's not starting with "http://" or "https://" so DFR fixes this user input error and interprets "Try1URL" as a local file.

4. If you copy the FILE_ID.DIZ to the profiles data folder you can directly open it from the data folder viewer. In post 1.2 builds I will add an "Open file in program files folder" working the same way as the "Open file in data folder" but only listing files that usually contain text or image data (and of course are located in the games program folder). [BTW: Fixed a bug in 1.2b2: When opening a file via "Open file from data folder" the settings which editor or image viewer should be used where ignored. When opening the same file via the data viewer panel at the bottom of the program window everything was right.]

Reply 1573 of 2281, by sst

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Rank Member

Bonjour, ...
V1.2 Traduction "Français Canada".
Maintenant: NSISLanguageID=3084
Autres changements

Hi, ...
V1.2 "French Canada" translation.
Now: NSISLanguageID=3084
Others changes

Reply 1574 of 2281, by sst

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Rank Member

Hi, ...

I use = D-Fend Reloaded, "v1.2b2", Portable structure.


"GameData" and "Confs" directorys is not created, when install "D-Fend-Reloaded-1.2.0b2-Portable.paf.exe".

Is this normal ?

Reply 1575 of 2281, by sst

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Rank Member

Hi, ...

I have a problem with the dosbox icon = it display black icon square, on some size.

Then i have created an other icon file = with dont make black icon square.

Please include my icon, if no problem with the original creator of the old icon.

That new icon go inside IconLibrary = "D-Fend Reloaded\IconLibrary".

See file attached, ...

Reply 1576 of 2281, by sst

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Rank Member

Hi, ...

I use = D-Fend Reloaded, "v1.2b2", Portable structure.


18 ) Error Message "maximum (0)"

It's when use the option = "Convert absolute to relative paths"
346 confs profiles, in the confs directory.
See file attached.

Reply 1577 of 2281, by Alexander

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Rank Oldbie

Hi sst,

1. The installer only creates directories in which it also copies files. All other directories are created by DFR itself. Also the D-Fend Reloaded user data folder (C:\Users\<you>\D-Fend Reloaded) is created and filled by D-Fend Reloaded.

2.+3. Thank you for the updated language file and the updated DOSBox icon.

4. The bug in the "Convert absolute to relative paths" function is fixed.

Reply 1578 of 2281, by sst

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Rank Member

Hi, ...

I use = D-Fend Reloaded, "v1.2b2", Portable structure.


No new bug reported, ... since my last forum message, ...
Did it's mean that is near, ReleaseCandidate version ?

Reply 1579 of 2281, by sst

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Rank Member

Hi, ...

I see an update from, ...


DOSBox 0.74 SVN builds are now available.
Sep. 3. 2011
Based on SVN 3751

Last edited by sst on 2011-09-06, 02:18. Edited 1 time in total.