D-Fend Reloaded (DOSBox frontend)

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Reply 1380 of 2281, by sst

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Hi, ...

I use your = D-Fend Reloaded, "1.0.3", D-Fend Reloaded PortableApps package".

Is it possible for you to add another column in the games list for the number of people that can play a game, or whether it's hotseat, network or simultaneous?


Also, for each game = a game played counter.

In example = each time a game is opened then add 1

dosbox game not played
dosbox game played 1
dosbox game played 2
dosbox game played 3


wintergame game played 2


Reply 1381 of 2281, by Alexander

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Rank Oldbie

@Neville and Lucile:
For me it's no problem if the support for the Spanish translation moves from Neville to Lucile.

Transferring game play stats to the Internet is no good idea for three reasons:

  • Most people really do not like programs phoning home (me too).
  • There is no common scheme for naming profiles. If somebody else has given the same game another profile name they won't be recognized as the same game.
  • If a DFR installation would send a "game started notify" to the server lets say be requesting a web page like AddGamePlayed.php?Name=Commander%20Keen%201, some one else could get the idea to call AddGamePlayed.php?Name=Buy%20Spam.

But I have implemented a local only version of this feature now: First I have made the history function much faster now. (Opening the history dialog sometimes took very long.) And second I have added a "started x times" line to the games list tooltips and also a setup option to add a "Number of starts" column to the games list itself.

But on large game lists and long history files the additional column could decrease the performance significantly. The number of game starts is not stored in the profiles but in a separate history file (since DFR 0.1). There's no link between both. So when displaying the games list DFR has (for each game) to search in the history file how often the game got started. By using a lot caching this is quite fast now, but it still tokes more time than just not displaying this information.

General questions

While adding some setting features for the ykhwong DOSBox builds I still have some questions. Does somebody now

  • possible base addresses for the Glide support (default is 600) and
  • possible interrupts and base addresses for the NE2000 support (default is interrupt 3 and address 300).

Reply 1382 of 2281, by Anonymous MOS

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Sorry for the confusion Alexander. My request was just one or two simple columns for information on the games player limit and if it was hot seat, modem, network, simultaneous or turn based. 😀

It didn't want DFR to contact anyone. 😀


Alienware Aurora R7
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8400 CPU @ 2.80GHz
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NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070
Windows 11 Home, 64-bit

Reply 1383 of 2281, by Sladi

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Thanks again for your app. The help function and updater are nice!

Reply 1384 of 2281, by Alexander

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Rank Oldbie

Hi everybody,

I have just released the a first beta version of D-Fend Reloaded 1.1 (see beta versions page). This version is not feature complete and not string complete, so please do not start translating this version. The second beta version will be language string complete and therefore ready for translation. At the moment I'm planning to release beta 2 beginning of next year.

Reply 1385 of 2281, by sst

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Hi, ...

I use = D-Fend Reloaded, "1.1 Beta 1", D-Fend Reloaded PortableApps package.


Division By Zero Bug = It's when i press the "Zoom" button, before installing codec.

Do you think to disable the "Zoom" button, before the codec is installed ?

See file attached

Last edited by sst on 2010-12-15, 11:27. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 1386 of 2281, by Anonymous MOS

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Rank Newbie

Hello Alexander,

I use your DFR 1.1 Beta 1 Normal package.

As soon as I load the new version, only the first game shows up in the list, and I get an error window that reads: "Listenindex uberschreitet das Maximum (1)"

Alienware Aurora R7
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8400 CPU @ 2.80GHz
16 Gigs RAM
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070
Windows 11 Home, 64-bit

Reply 1387 of 2281, by skatz

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Hi, Alexander!
Testing DFR1.1b1:
1. History browser: sorting by date/time columns is alphabetical, instead of chronological.
2. “Number of starts” column in history list should be sorted as numeric.
3. Program setup dialog, “columns in games list” page: something is wrong in checkbox list – checkmarks cannot be set (click on one may change another). (Solved: remove NoFlicker on checkboxlist)
The same problem is on 'user interface' page (iconsets list)
4. The "Starting DOSBox failed" dialog is shown with default captions for all controls. (missed OnShow Event)
5. If you add any user-defined column to games list, any attempt to fill games list brings index error
6. "Columns in games list" (as in 3). Second to last item cannot be moved down.

Reply 1388 of 2281, by IIGS_User

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Ranthalion75 wrote:

and I get an error window that reads: "Listenindex uberschreitet das Maximum (1)"

Somethin' like "List index larger than maximum value", probably means = there are more entries than maximum value.

Looks like a debug message, but when such msgs are shown to the public (like beta versions are), they should be translated, too.


Reply 1389 of 2281, by Huggybaby

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Rank Newbie

Hello Alexander,

ykhwong's build has nice extra features like glide support. Is it possible to add support for extra features like this?

Reply 1390 of 2281, by Powzone

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Is this thread meant for feature requests also? 😁

I was checking the "more emulators" feature and added WinVICE to it. After failing some attempts to start the games properly and fighting with commandline parameters for VICE, I got it working!

Only thing I'm missing: Looking at emulation type in the categories section to the left, I noticed that WinVICE is not listed as an extra type. I called it Commodore 64 in the settings dialog, so it would be nice if it is listed with the name, the emulator was registered within D-Fend. The C64 games are listed within the Windows type games.

Hope this is a good idea and a nice addition to D-Fend. 😉

Reply 1391 of 2281, by Alexander

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Rank Oldbie


Also fixed some bugs reported via PM.

DFR already supports many features of the ykhwong's builds. (The GUI for this settings is turned off by default but can be enabled via the setup dialog.) What exactly is missing?

That's not easy. In the DFR data base there are only three possible values for the emulation type (DOSBox, ScummVM and Windows). When adding a game for some user defined emulator, DFR is just creating a Windows profile with the name of the emulator as the program name and the name of the selected file to be executed in the emulator as the parameter (may with some additional parameters defined in the setup dialog). So here is what I can do (and already have done): User defined emulators will be listed as sub types in "Emulation type". When selecting an user defined emulator DFR will check if Profil.GameExe==UserEmulator.EXE and show the profile only in this case. If selecting "Windows" as "Emulation type" still all Windows based profiles will be displayed (including the Windows profiles in which some user defined emulator is used).

1.1b2 still is planed to be released beginning of next year.

Reply 1392 of 2281, by Huggybaby

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Rank Newbie

DFR already supports many features of the ykhwong's builds. (The GUI for this settings is turned off by default but can be enabled via the setup dialog.) What exactly is missing?

Probably nothing. I'll check out that setup dialogue, thanks Alexander.

Reply 1393 of 2281, by skatz

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Rank Member

Hi, Alexander!
A pair of translator's requests:
a. May you make a 'Do not Show Again' checkbox in 'DOSBox Failed' form more wide (to fill the rest of window). I can cut translation, but there is enough place.
b. A form 'Settings for DOSBox installation' has width more than 800. May you make it shorter by, say, 100 pixels. It will still have plenty of free place. but fit to 800x600 resolution (which is enough for most D-Fend Reloaded modules)
c. Modern profile editor, graphics page. A caption for Frameskip edit in Russian has two words and overlaps caption for pixel shader by 1.5 letter.
Suggestion (I know, it is bad): make Frameskip edit wider. shrinking betweens by half.

And one new bug: export games list with columns selector -
a. 'Select all' button does nothing
b. Maybe 'Select none' button should of uncheck 'Name' as we cannot really uncheck it (it is considered checked internally)

Reply 1394 of 2281, by Alexander

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Rank Oldbie

All done.

Reply 1395 of 2281, by Anonymous MOS

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Happy Holidays everyone!

Alienware Aurora R7
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8400 CPU @ 2.80GHz
16 Gigs RAM
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070
Windows 11 Home, 64-bit

Reply 1396 of 2281, by Anzi

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Rank Newbie

Hallo Alexander,

Happy New Year auch von meiner Seite an alle.

Zuerst einmal möchte ich ein RIESENGROSSES Lob ausprechen für die Arbeit und den Ehrgeiz, den du in dieses Projekt bereits gesteckt hast und auch weiterhin investierst. Ich nutze DFR nun auch bereits seit über einem Jahr und bin begeistert, wie sich die Software so entwickelt.

After some serious meant honoring now switching to english so it's more understandable for all readers here.

To give you some idea about my intention for using DFR:
I am collecting games, having much more than 1000 games (mostly DOS & early windows games) physically in my collection. For this collection I am running a webbased database holding many additional information such as buying price, age rating, where they are stored etc.. I am using a lot of data from TheLegacy and as return service I add data and Covershots etc. to TL.
I tested a lot of game frontends and finally worked with the old DFend for quite some time in the past before I switched and started again with Dfend Reloaded having also many hundreds of abandonware games set up & running (which I not necessarily own in my collection).
I now would like to combine or better migrate both datasources to one common database or better said both DB's should hold the same info for easy echange and update. My userdefined columns in DFR are the same as in my Online Database.

This may be a problem as you are not working with a standard database which I can easily access.

I have following feature-request to add some day to DFend Reloaded.
- Export games list: to csv or similar format which can be read/imported by/to for example excel.
The current export format is not line based (e.g. 1 line for each game having according columns). Working with my information (such as "running in DOSBox, Win 95,98...", "portable", "Copy protected" etc.) stored in your "Database" is very inconvenient. Btw, also it is not exporting the "Benutzerdefinierte Informationen" und die "Bemerkungen"

- Import games list: also helpful would be an import & updating function working with the same format. Leading database would/should always be DFR, but for the start with DFR one collector could import his games list in the beginning and work them down.

I am using DFR fully portable and despite holding my game collection infromation one of my personal goals is also to get most of my (Windows-)Games fully portable either by NoCD cracks or providing the ISO's or Disk-Images.
In general (mis-)using your DFR as a Collectors-Database automatically leads to a lot of additional requests, but for the first I leave you with this one "only" and are awaiting your comment. 😀 Probably I am the only one who wants to use DFR as a "Eierlegende Wollmilchsau" (have fun while google-translating this, Folks 😀) and can't expect to spent your time in features no one else wants to have.

Many thanks for your time in advance

best regards

Reply 1397 of 2281, by Alexander

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Rank Oldbie

Before Christmas I thought, D-Fend Reloaded 1.1b2 was ready to be released. - And then I got some bug reports. For example starting DOSBox failed, when using a portable DFR installation on network share not connect to a drive letter ("\\server\path" and not "X:\path" path names). This is already fixed, but there are still some problems to be solved before 1.1b2 can be released.

Exporting games list
D-Fend Reloaded can export games lists as csv tables or html files - just change the file extension and you will get some other content. In the help page for the games list export dialog this is already mentioned but anyway I will add some information text in the dialog.

I can confirm "User defined information" and "Remarks" did not work. Fixed.

Importing games list
I do not understand completely this request. What exactly do you want to import? When creating a games list, the information is taken from the profiles. But when importing a games list, what exactly do you want DFR to do? Just from name, genre etc. DFR cannot create profiles. Information like the correct DOSBox settings (and of course the game files itself) are missing in this case. Perhaps we should discuss this via PM.

Reply 1398 of 2281, by T.B.

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Rank Newbie

Hello Alexander,

hope you had have nice xmas and a happy new year 😉

I'm also having three wishes (requests) for D-Fend Reloaded.

1.) It would be nice if D-Fend could remember the last cursor postion in the game list after a restart.

2.) A way to disable the file description below the screenshots. A checkbox inside the "Program settings" would be perfect.

3.) This one is a bit tricky. If I am in the "Profile Edior" of a game, I frequently test or reset settings by using the "Tools"-Button. Now I want to avoid that everytime the info on the "Program Information" page will be overwritten.
A way to achieve that could be a new entry like: "Reset/Change everything except this page" or a small "Lock" icon in the corner which will generally protect pages from changes if pressed.

Or if you're really bored, some kind of comparison tool would be great 😁
OK, just kidding 😜

Thank you for your superb work, Alexander.

Reply 1399 of 2281, by sst

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Hi, ...

I use = D-Fend Reloaded, "1.1 Beta 1", D-Fend Reloaded PortableApps package.


The computer screen have a video-mode of 1920x1080.

See file attached