Dos 6 conventional memory tricks

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Reply 20 of 299, by valnar

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DOS memory management. My all-time favorite game.

Reply 21 of 299, by Jorpho

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keropi wrote:

One game that comes in mind is Fade To Black that it did not had cinematics when using SHSUCDX ...

Fade to Black is rather obnoxious about trying to determine whether you have a 2x CD-ROM drive. There have been threads about it before; it is fixable with a command-line parameter.

What other games have you had problems with?

Reply 22 of 299, by keropi

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@Jorpho: nope, the parameter does not help it, it still misses video cutscenes.... I did made my research 😀
sadly at the moment I do not remember what other games where "the last draw" so I reverted to mscdex... 🙁 it's been almost a year

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Reply 24 of 299, by swaaye

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Yeah there are a lot of interesting alternative drivers and memory managers out there but I tend to stick to the MS stuff because the games were tested with them. It works. There isn't much more that I want 🤣.

I suppose if you're fighting with SCSI drivers (etc) taking up lots of conventional and upper memory that the alternatives might be useful. But the more you complicate things the more problems you are going to run into.

Reply 25 of 299, by keropi

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I am having a question.... why in my machine MSDOS consumes 22kb??? Is it a windows98SE-DOS issue?
(I have made a custom DOS setup using windows98... ALL windows98SE stuff are gone, the machine boots normally to a dos-only enviroment. ...and I did it for the native FAT32 support in case anyone wonders 🤣 , maybe there is a fat32 "driver" that consumes all that mem?)

Modules using memory below 1 MB:

Name Total Conventional Upper Memory
-------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
MSDOS 22.160 (22K) 22.160 (22K) 0 (0K)
HIMEM 1.120 (1K) 1.120 (1K) 0 (0K)
CDROM 5.040 (5K) 5.040 (5K) 0 (0K)
EMM386 4.320 (4K) 4.320 (4K) 0 (0K)
DISPLAY 18.096 (18K) 0 (0K) 18.096 (18K)
COMMAND 10.192 (10K) 0 (0K) 10.192 (10K)
MSCDEX 28.032 (27K) 0 (0K) 28.032 (27K)
CTMOUSE 3.584 (4K) 0 (0K) 3.584 (4K)
Free 655.328 (640K) 622.480 (608K) 32.848 (32K)

Memory Summary:

Type of Memory Total Used Free
---------------- ----------- ----------- -----------
Conventional 655.360 32.880 622.480
Upper 92.752 59.904 32.848
Reserved 393.216 393.216 0
Extended (XMS)* 65.967.536 578.992 65.388.544
---------------- ----------- ----------- -----------
Press any key to continue . . .
Total memory 67.108.864 1.064.992 66.043.872

Total under 1 MB 748.112 92.784 655.328

Total Expanded (EMS) 33.947.648 (32M)
Free Expanded (EMS)* 33.554.432 (32M)

* EMM386 is using XMS memory to simulate EMS memory as needed.
Free EMS memory may change as free XMS memory changes.

Largest executable program size 622.464 (608K)
Largest free upper memory block 32.640 (32K)
Available space in High Memory Area 64 (0K)
MS-DOS is resident in the high memory area.

🎵 🎧 MK1869, PCMIDI MPU , OrpheusII , Action Rewind , Megacard and 🎶GoldLib soundcard website

Reply 26 of 299, by keropi

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OK, I had display.sys loaded (damned Infogrames installers 🤣) , removing that DOS takes 16kb and free conventional mem under EMS config is 634kb!!! will try to tweak some more now , and will make sure I use swaaye's order 😀

here is the EMS output that seems fine in my eyes, I don't use any non-ms memory managers at all:

Modules using memory below 1 MB:

Name Total Conventional Upper Memory
-------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
MSDOS 16,752 (16K) 16,752 (16K) 0 (0K)
HIMEM 1,120 (1K) 1,120 (1K) 0 (0K)
EMM386 4,320 (4K) 4,320 (4K) 0 (0K)
CDROM 5,072 (5K) 0 (0K) 5,072 (5K)
COMMAND 7,296 (7K) 0 (0K) 7,296 (7K)
MSCDEX 28,032 (27K) 0 (0K) 28,032 (27K)
CTMOUSE 3,584 (4K) 0 (0K) 3,584 (4K)
Free 681,680 (666K) 632,912 (618K) 48,768 (48K)

Memory Summary:

Type of Memory Total Used Free
---------------- ----------- ----------- -----------
Conventional 655,360 22,448 632,912
Upper 92,752 43,984 48,768
Reserved 393,216 393,216 0
Extended (XMS)* 65,967,536 578,992 65,388,544
---------------- ----------- ----------- -----------
Total memory 67,108,864 1,038,640 66,070,224

Total under 1 MB 748,112 66,432 681,680

Total Expanded (EMS) 33,947,648 (32M)
Free Expanded (EMS)* 33,554,432 (32M)

* EMM386 is using XMS memory to simulate EMS memory as needed.
Free EMS memory may change as free XMS memory changes.

Largest executable program size 632,896 (618K)
Largest free upper memory block 48,560 (47K)
Available space in High Memory Area 1,040 (1K)
MS-DOS is resident in the high memory area.

and here is the XMS one, I would really like to find a way to actually use mscdex instead, do I need some UMB manager 3rd party thingie?: I think so, any recomendations?

Modules using memory below 1 MB:

Name Total Conventional Upper Memory
-------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
MSDOS 16,752 (16K) 16,752 (16K) 0 (0K)
HIMEM 1,120 (1K) 1,120 (1K) 0 (0K)
CDROM 5,040 (5K) 5,040 (5K) 0 (0K)
COMMAND 7,440 (7K) 7,440 (7K) 0 (0K)
SHCDX33C 6,400 (6K) 6,400 (6K) 0 (0K)
CTMOUSE 3,584 (4K) 3,584 (4K) 0 (0K)
Free 614,784 (600K) 614,784 (600K) 0 (0K)

Memory Summary:

Type of Memory Total Used Free
---------------- ----------- ----------- -----------
Conventional 655,360 40,576 614,784
Upper 0 0 0
Reserved 393,216 393,216 0
Extended (XMS) 66,060,288 69,632 65,990,656
---------------- ----------- ----------- -----------
Total memory 67,108,864 503,424 66,605,440

Total under 1 MB 655,360 40,576 614,784

Largest executable program size 614,752 (600K)
Largest free upper memory block 0 (0K)
Available space in High Memory Area 1,072 (1K)
MS-DOS is resident in the high memory area.
Last edited by keropi on 2010-11-02, 19:22. Edited 1 time in total.

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Reply 27 of 299, by rfnagel

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(re: "SPEEDRV" in my posted CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files)

BTW, that was the HD and CDROM cache that I used to use. far better than SMARTDRV, and took a helluva lot less memory to run.

IIRC SPEEDRV was made by "Fast" (or possibly "Fast Track), and a stripped-out version was included with the old Norton Utilites (maybe v5.0, or v8.0?).

Rich ¥Weeds¥ Nagel

Reply 28 of 299, by keropi

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awesome awesome AWESOME!!!! using UMBPCI.SYS I get 637,040 free conventional under XMS config AND with mscdex loaded high!
That thread was an eye-opener for me that motivated my lazy ass to further investigate 🤣
I sure hope UMBPCI does not cause any compatibility issues ....

🎵 🎧 MK1869, PCMIDI MPU , OrpheusII , Action Rewind , Megacard and 🎶GoldLib soundcard website

Reply 29 of 299, by retro games 100

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This is a very interesting thread.

In Windows, more memory means more fun. 😉 But in DOS, do games run more smoothly/better/faster if there is more extra free memory remaining, after the DOS game has taken what it needs for itself? What I am saying is - say if you have 600KB of memory, and your game must have 590KB. That leaves 10KB remaining. If I tweaked my auto/config files, and managed to get 610KB of memory, which leaves 20KB free memory, is this somehow "better", or will it make either no or little impact on the game's overall general performance?

Perhaps a game will take more memory for itself, if it sees that there is more free memory available? Perhaps that is why it is important to free up as much memory as possible?

Reply 30 of 299, by HunterZ

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retro: I think it's mostly about wanting to maximize available memory at the beginning, so that you can play a wide variety of games without having to worry about messing around to get specific ones to work.

Edit: Stickied, although I think this should maybe go in the DOS forum?

Reply 31 of 299, by 5u3

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keropi wrote:

I sure hope UMBPCI does not cause any compatibility issues ....

After having used UMBPCI (and similar programs like URAM, RDOSUMB, etc...) for years, I have to say these are very compatible with games. I'm sure there are some programs which won't work with one of these drivers installed, but I couldn't recall any examples.

Reply 32 of 299, by Mau1wurf1977

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retro games 100 wrote:

is this somehow "better", or will it make either no or little impact on the game's overall general performance?

Most game either work or they don't.

Some games turn off "features" before totally refusing to start. E.g. Wing Commander is such a case and so is Flash Back. In such games you will miss out on animations or sound effects and things like that...

E.g. from the Wing Commander Qickstart Guide:

You must have between 560000 and 583000 bytes free to run the game (583000 bytes are required for full music)

So yea my take is to use memaker which will sort everything out for you. You might get a bit more through tweaking, but there are no gains to be found (apart from the feeling of achievement 🤣)

Reply 33 of 299, by Amigaz

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5u3 wrote:
keropi wrote:

I sure hope UMBPCI does not cause any compatibility issues ....

After having used UMBPCI (and similar programs like URAM, RDOSUMB, etc...) for years, I have to say these are very compatible with games. I'm sure there are some programs which won't work with one of these drivers installed, but I couldn't recall any examples.

SB Live's SB16 emulation init program doesn't work with UMBPCI

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Reply 37 of 299, by DonutKing

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So yea my take is to use memaker which will sort everything out for you. You might get a bit more through tweaking, but there are no gains to be found (apart from the feeling of achievement Laughing Out Loud)

I'm not so much doing it just for the sake of having as close to 640kb free conventional memeory as I can- its more to get one working config for the vast majority of games, so I don't have to resort to a boot menu to load different configs to play different games- which means if you want to play a certain game you need to restart the PC. I also wanted to keep my system as compatible as possible, so I wanted to stick with microsoft-provided drivers like HIMEM.SYS, EMM386.EXE and MSCDEX.EXE.
It should be noted that the DOSMAX utils I'm using isn't a replacement memory manager, they just do a few tricks to get parts of DOS to load high that normally don't.

The problem I was having was when EMS was enabled, certain TSR's wouldn't load high and would eat conventional memory- I was close to going below 580kb which is enough to stop some games from running. Scitech Display Doctor in particular doesn't like loading high when EMS is enabled- a common problem from what I've seen on the net. So it was looking like if I wanted to play a game that uses high res VESA modes, then played one that required EMS, I would need to reboot to swap configs for either game.

I could have disabled SDD, Smartdrv and other bells and whistles to free up upper memory but I decided I wasn't going to settle for that, and now I've got a heap of TSRs/drivers running with ~620kb free conventioal memory- all under one config. All the games I've tested so far run perfectly with this single config.

Even if you don't want to use dosmax, I got instantly positive results from simply adding these switches to emm386:

This allowed SDD and some other utils to load into upper memory with EMS enabled. This would probably have freed up enoguh conventional memory for nearly all games to run. So even if you wanted to stick to microsoft provided drivers only, and avoid DOSMAX, this seems to be the go.

Using the UIDEJR.SYS CDROM driver is also a great help, because I could still use MSCDEX with it and its less than 1KB when loaded in memory, unlike OAKCDROM.SYS which was something like 27KB.

I'm planning to install a network card in this machine which will mean additional drivers- I don't think I'll be able to fit the card's drivers and protocol stack into upper memory (at least without getting rid of something else) but hopefully with the large amount of conventional memory I've got free at the moment, it won't cause any problems to have them loading low.

Reply 38 of 299, by swaaye

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Well yeah the more stuff you want running makes things get trickier and trickier.

That EMM386 line scares me. 😉 It may be stable for you but that baby will not work for everybody. And I don't think DEVICEHIGH does anything when loading EMM386?

Why do you need SDD running all the time? Are you having VESA issues with your graphics card?

Reply 39 of 299, by DonutKing

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Only in certain high res games eg build engine. If I have it running all the time it saves having to load it when necessary- makes the system easier to use. I've got the memory to burn now, so why not 😁

The EMM386 line I'd expect would work for the majority of people with a basic setup- sound, video and IDE I/O card- as long as you aren't doing adapter ROM shadowing in BIOS because that's the memory ranges its including in C800-EFFF. In fact the M3 switch loads the 64K EMS page frame at C800.

Of course, the more adapter cards you have installed the more likely you are going to run into issues with the above- but for your average ISA/VLB games box I'd say it would be fine.

From what I can tell the B800-C7FF range includes video BIOS shadowing range, which is why its excluded, and the B000-B7FF range is the monochrome adaptermemory range, which is a pretty standard range for EMM386 to use on VGA machines.

The HIGHSCAN parameter supposedly causes instability on certain machines, but I've built quite a few DOS 386/486 boxes in my time and I've never seen it cause an issue.
I doubt the other parameters would cause much issue with most machines either. The MSDOS HELP explains those better than I can but they seem pretty innocuous.

But yes if people experiment and it causes problems they can alsways hit F5 while its booting and remove the offending parameters.

I don't think DEVICEHIGH does anything for emm386 but it doesn't hurt anything either. That's probably from when I was trying to optimise everything myself, I just changed all DEVICE into DEVICEHIGH after himem.sys.