CGA Composite Mode under DOSBOX (Commited r3804)

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Reply 100 of 760, by BdR

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Rank Newbie

Actually, there is no original B/W line version. I converted the treefrog photo to a 160*200*16 colors bitmap, so that is my 'original' file. The B/W line dithered version is then generated by my BMPDITH gwbasic program, using the 16 color .BMP as input.

So, you can generate the B/W line version by running BMPDITH.BAS (see BMPDITH2.ZIP already posted here) in DOSbox, load the treefrog image and press CTRL-F5 to save a .PNG screenshot of the B/W line version. It will save a 640*400 image, so you have to pixel-resize it to 640*200. Hope that helps.

Reply 101 of 760, by Paul_Holmlund

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Rank Newbie

The 16 color BMP is what I meant to ask for.

That will be perfect, if you'll let me have a copy?



[EDIT] Was in your *.ZIP! Excellent!

Reply 102 of 760, by Paul_Holmlund

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Rank Newbie

When I have some more CGA Composite color Eye Candy, I will post it too.


Reply 103 of 760, by nikiniki

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Forget this one. I forgot to quote. I can't delete this post. Please check my next post.

Last edited by nikiniki on 2010-09-17, 16:25. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 104 of 760, by nikiniki

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ripsaw8080 wrote:
FYI, you can easily toggle composite color with BASIC code: […]
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FYI, you can easily toggle composite color with BASIC code:

SCREEN 2: REM cga mode 6 (640x200x2)
OUT &H3D8,&H1A: REM enable color burst
OUT &H3D8,&H1E: REM disable color burst

Can be possible to do with screen 1 unstead screen 2?

Reply 105 of 760, by ripsaw8080

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It is possible to enable color burst for SCREEN 1 (mode 4, 320x200x4) with machine=cga, but DOSBox doesn't generate a composite palette for it automatically like it does for mode 6, so another port write is needed:

SCREEN 1: REM cga mode 4 (320x200x4)
OUT &H3D8,&H1A: REM enable color burst
OUT &H3D9,&H3F: REM generate composite palette

However, the colors are not correct for mode 4, because the current composite palette algorithm doesn't support it.

Reply 106 of 760, by nikiniki

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Thank you. It works.

Reply 107 of 760, by Paul_Holmlund

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That "COMPOSITE COLOR TEST" image is my current desktop image.

It's so * sniff.. * beautiful.. I look at it every day! * big silly grin *

I didn't realize that you could make the gradients, along the bottom, since the grey repeats. That is just epic. I look at it every day and get wilder and wilder ideas.

I promise to very soon, package up my *.GIF to *.CGA converter program, and the viewer, and a few example video files, and post on youtube the thing in action, so you guys can see what I did there.


Your GW-Basic program works quite well! I like it alot!

Reply 108 of 760, by Jorpho

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Rank l33t++

...Would anyone like me to edit the thread title, considering this hasn't had the slightest thing to do with Fooblitzky in a very long time? 😉 (Please suggest something appropriate.)

Reply 109 of 760, by eL_PuSHeR

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Rank l33t++

Changed it. I hope the OP won't be mad.

Reply 110 of 760, by Jorpho

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eL_PuSHeR wrote:

Changed it. I hope the OP won't be mad.

(Psst, that's me.)

Reply 111 of 760, by Paul_Holmlund

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Rank Newbie

I asked, way back when, to put [SOLVED] on it.

"Would anyone like me to edit the thread title, considering this hasn't had the slightest thing to do with Fooblitzky"

I didn't post a new thread, because I doubted anyone would make anything out of it. I'm not exactly the most likable person on this forum. I've seen my account go "INVALID ACCOUNT" on me, behind my back. I guess either I did a big no-no, or someone remembers me, and just thinks I'm a little twerp.

~Paul Holmlund aka Kiyotewolf

Reply 112 of 760, by Paul_Holmlund

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Rank Newbie

Not to mention the fact, that the moderators seem to comment, right AFTER I post too.

If you guys have an issue with me personally, don't hide it, flat out tell me.

I'll just walk away if I must, but I really like this thread, so I'd prefer to be allowed to stay.


Reply 113 of 760, by wd

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DOSBox Author

I'm not exactly the most likable person on this forum.

If you derive this from nobody bothering to add a SOLVED tag to this thread
(because nobody cares anyways) or because for possibly technical reasons/flaws
your old account was invalidated, i can assure you everybody still loves you
and at least 50% of the female board visitors want children from you.
Apart from that, everybody nice again, yes?

Reply 114 of 760, by BdR

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Rank Newbie

After my quick .GL animation test, I couldn't resist making a better video example. So I've created three 640*200 2 color animations that can make use of the CGA colorburst mode (including a nsfw one 🤣). The GLVIEW.EXE player cannot switch to composite mode, so you do need the COMPCGA3.EXE tool.

Each animation is an endless loop and has around 15 frames, because I assume GRASP can't handle >1MB files (I didn't test it). Besides, it was actually a lot more work than I expected converting the frames one by one, so making a .GL animation is not the preferred way.

Although it was pretty much an exercise in futility, the result looks kind of cool. It has a nice retro feel to it. 😎 It would probably be possible to create some sort of streaming video demo using CGA composite, similar to the "8088 Corruption" demo by Trixter. Though 160x200x16 color CGA mode would need a bit more data per frame, compared to 80x25 text mode.

Reply 115 of 760, by BdR

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Rank Newbie

*kicks thread*

Someone took a Doom gameplay video in normal VGA mode and ran the video through some post-production video filter to simulate CGA modes. So this is not the CGA Doom patch, it's just made to look as if it is running on CGA.


The "CGA composite" filter starts at 4:55, pretty nerdy but kinda cool too

Reply 116 of 760, by kiyotewolfe

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Rank Newbie


This is my *.CGA format file viewer, and 3 example videos converted to *.CGA video.

-Paul Holmlund


I will package up the converter I wrote to make the *.cga files, in a day or so, with instructions.

I use short clips, from any video source, then convert to an animated gif which has a resolution less than 320x200, in SUPER VIDEO CONVERTER, then use a modified animated gif viewer to do the converting.

Reply 117 of 760, by kiyotewolfe

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More screenshots

Reply 119 of 760, by kiyotewolfe

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Anyone interested in the source codes of both the player & the transcoder?

They require QuickBasic to be compiled into *.EXE files.


o3o Anyone like what they have to play with now?