This seems to be one of the places you end up if you're searching the internet regarding problems with The Ultima Collection's version of Akalabeth, running on Windows 2000.
The fix: Instead of using DOSBox, get VDM Sound, which is coincidentally maintained on this forum ( Link: VDMSound General ). Install it. Right-click AK.EXE, choose "Run with VDMS." You'll see options for default or custom configuration. Just set it up with default, then finish, then right-click the new AK file that created (the icon looks like a little DOS box), and choose Properties. Check "Enable basic VESA support." Hit Okay. From now on, when you want to run the game, double-click this file.
Miscellaneous details: This version was recoded to include colors, background music and sound effects. The sound effects are bleeps and bloops during combat, picking up treasure, and running into mountains on the world's surface. Sadly, the background music, comprised of five MIDI songs (Intro, Lordbrit, Shop, Dungeon, and Over) is not enabled via this fix. However, you can run them in a media player, such as Winamp, in the background while you play. (This is a handy idea anyway, since the Ultima Collection's next installment, Ultima 1, will have no background music at all, and there are several places on the internet where you can download Ultima background music.) I have a feeling that an issue with MIDI mapping, or MIDI emulation settings, might be involved. These can be accessed via the aforementioned Right-click, Properties, and then, the Advanced button. If someone reading this is knowledgable in this area, feel free to help solve this one last mystery. Even if you're not knowledgable, feel free to test random configurations. I will do the same, but I wanted to get this fix for basic playability on some forums ASAP, so the search engines could index it ASAP.
Notes on VDM Sound: As of this posting, the program's Sourceforge entry has not been updated since 2001, and that's an old version. Be sure to use this forum's updated version, or you'll miss out on those necessary configuration options. Also, digging through Sedryn Tyros's "Ultima Classics" help file ( Link: ), I came across a line that recommended putting a line in the AUTOEXEC file. I did not need to do this. If my fix does not work, try going to the aforementioned Advanced Properties, then, under the DOS Environment tab, put this line under AUTOEXEC.BAT additional options: SET BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 P330 T3.
Last resort: The pseudonymous "MinerJr" ported Akalabeth to the PC from its original Basic code (Link: ). This will run fine, and is one stand-alone executable. There are differences with this original version. There are no colors, no music, and no sound effects. The initial quests are easier, but starting resources are thinner. These are just the differences I noticed at a glance. MinerJr's website also features some graphical remakes. These tile the surface world with trees and grass, and add colors, skins and textures to the monters and walls in the dungeons. More Ultima remakes and patches can be found at and .
Additional reading: If you're a programmer, you may find this interesting. I found a website in my searches, which references the SIGSEGV error in the screenshot in one of the other replies. The website is called "Known DJGPP problems on Windows 2000 and XP" (Link: ), and as of this writing, it is the third problem down. The workaround apparently involves "patching each DJGPP binary," and there is a patch supplied. Also, the thing that tipped me off to the "Basic VESA support" fix, was that when I was trying to configure Akalabeth's SETUP.EXE file through DOSBox, one of the errors that I got was along the lines of "cannot locate VESA."
End note: Please feel free to post this elsewhere if you think it will help another Ultima player. The original post can be found at Akalabeth (Ultima 0) Crash, or just by going to and searching for "akalabeth." Please include this endnote, so that people can come see the error screenshot I mentioned. This fix worked for me. It may not work for you. I hope I helped.