Bought these (retro) hardware today

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Reply 56040 of 56317, by weedeewee

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dionb wrote on 2025-02-08, 19:15:
Hit the Terratec jackpot today: […]
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Hit the Terratec jackpot today:

The attachment PXL_20250208_185302148.jpg is no longer available

EWS64XL in (rather battered) box with all the manuals, driver disks and even paperwork and correspondence with the Terratec importer

But if you know EWS64, you're missing what makes this the XL- the 5.25" bay breakout box. And it is missing, but something else isn't:

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The attachment PXL_20250208_185443580.jpg is no longer available

The Waldorf microWAVE PC synth breakout box that turns this EWS64 into an XXL.

No DOS support for the Waldorf, but this is a perfect excuse to convert my Tualatin Win2k system to Win98SE (EWS64 and Win2k is not a great combo...)

Interesting. fyi, I have an XXL in the box. pretty sure it's complete.

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Reply 56041 of 56317, by dionb

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weedeewee wrote on 2025-02-09, 19:32:


Interesting. fyi, I have an XXL in the box. pretty sure it's complete.

This was bought as an XL, then later the Microwave PC was bought separately, in december 1998, for "HFL" [sic] 1164 i.e. EUR 515 (although allowing for inflation it would be more like EUR 965 today). The paperwork is all still there. Just a shame the XL breakout bracket isn't. That said, I already had an XL with its bracket. I bought this purely for the MIcrowave.

Reply 56042 of 56317, by PcBytes

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Funny thing I just realized... the A7N8X-X I bought earlier came with a SB-Link cable.

Now... what to do with it? 🤣

"Enter at your own peril, past the bolted door..."
Main PC: i5 3470, GB B75M-D3H, 16GB RAM, 2x1TB
98SE : P3 650, Soyo SY-6BA+IV, 384MB RAM, 80GB

Reply 56043 of 56317, by AGP4LIfe?

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Picked up a K7-900Mhz Orion to compare against the A-900Mhz Thunderbird I have. I want to see how much of a performance difference you gain going to Thunderbird on Slot A! Should be some fun benches.

Oh yea, and I'll definitely crack it open to replace the TIM and see what's inside!

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Reply 56044 of 56317, by zuldan

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AGP4LIfe? wrote on 2025-02-10, 07:38:
Picked up a K7-900Mhz Orion to compare against the A-900Mhz Thunderbird I have. I want to see how much of a performance differen […]
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Picked up a K7-900Mhz Orion to compare against the A-900Mhz Thunderbird I have. I want to see how much of a performance difference you gain going to Thunderbird on Slot A! Should be some fun benches.

Oh yea, and I'll definitely crack it open to replace the TIM and see what's inside!

The attachment PXL_20250209_012035147.jpg is no longer available

Looking forward to seeing the results!

Reply 56045 of 56317, by Ozzuneoj

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PcBytes wrote on 2025-02-10, 01:09:

Funny thing I just realized... the A7N8X-X I bought earlier came with a SB-Link cable.

Now... what to do with it? 🤣

It can probably be used for SB-Link on boards that support that, but if this is the same board you have, then it's supposed to be for the onboard SPDIF header.
(Green connector to the left of upper PCI slots)

Anyway, that's a cool bonus. Just having a proper SB-Link cable is nice, even if it was originally intended for something else. 😁

Now for some blitting from the back buffer.

Reply 56046 of 56317, by Lennart

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dionb wrote on 2025-02-08, 19:15:

Hit the Terratec jackpot today:

Nice, I was wondering who had picked that one up!

dionb wrote on 2025-02-08, 22:21:

There's a lot of stuff about the regular EWS64 out there (in fact I've posted about it before as I already have an XL), in games it basically sounds like any other card with Dream synth and lots of sample RAM. The Waldorf though... I've not been able to find any examples of that playing game music. If I get it running and it turns out to be able to play them - which it should, it is a MIDI sound module after all - I might make a topic about that 😀

I guess theoretically it's possible, but the microWAVE PC wasn't exactly made with that purpose in mind as you probably already know. For starters, it only has 10 voice polyphony, whereas GM compatibility requires at least 24. And the sound presets are definitely not anything like the bread and butter GM sounds.

Having said that though, it's a really fun synthesizer to play with and it's capable of creating some awesome sounds. Getting it to run should be easy. Just start the included program to upload the firmware and the default sound set and you're good to go. You can still find all the resources for the microWAVE PC here: http://ultron.info/Audio/EWS/microWAVE/

In case you haven't done so already, do check out the resources on the Waldorf site as well: https://waldorfmusic.com/legacy-microwave-ii-xt-xtk-series/ The Waldorf microWAVE II/XT/XTk are essentially the same as the microWAVE PC, so most of the documentation applies to the microWAVE PC as well. You can also find some additional sound sets there which you can upload to the microWAVE PC, as well as a few demo recordings.

Reply 56047 of 56317, by Lostdotfish

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Surprisingly long....

Untested GUS Max doing its thing. Was not expecting this to work. Can't believe the price I paid... (£150)

Reply 56048 of 56317, by debs3759

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£150 for a card you expected to be dead? WOW! I'm amazed that a sound card can be that valuable. Mind you, I never really got into sound cards because I'm tone deaf, so the best budget card sounds like the best of everything (I can tell if a card is crap though, just can't tell what is really good)

See my graphics card database at www.gpuzoo.com
Constantly being worked on. Feel free to message me with any corrections or details of cards you would like me to research and add.

Reply 56049 of 56317, by Lostdotfish

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debs3759 wrote on 2025-02-10, 18:39:

£150 for a card you expected to be dead? WOW! I'm amazed that a sound card can be that valuable. Mind you, I never really got into sound cards because I'm tone deaf, so the best budget card sounds like the best of everything (I can tell if a card is crap though, just can't tell what is really good)

Gravis Ultrasound cards are sought after these days and getting quite rare. I see them sell for £400+ fairly regularly. So yep, £150 was a gamble for sure, but I have the technical skills to repair most things. Almost a little disappointed to not have to get the scope and soldering iron out...

Reply 56050 of 56317, by PcBytes

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Treated myself to a nice retro laptop that should be here tomorrow - Dell Latitude C810.

I assume a Geforce 2 Go and a Maestro 3 are some of the best you can get? (I know there's the Satellite 2805 but haven't found one yet, only the older 2800 cousin with S3 Savage IX (which IMO isn't bad either)

"Enter at your own peril, past the bolted door..."
Main PC: i5 3470, GB B75M-D3H, 16GB RAM, 2x1TB
98SE : P3 650, Soyo SY-6BA+IV, 384MB RAM, 80GB

Reply 56051 of 56317, by Kahenraz

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It's too bad the ESS Maestro's Adlib synthesis is hot garbage. How does a company with ESFM fall from such grace?

Last edited by Kahenraz on 2025-02-10, 22:58. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 56052 of 56317, by scaltech

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Hello everyone, I found a Olivetti modulo 133 SL at my grandfather house. I made some researches but I can't find any information about this computer. Does someone have some details or an idea of its values? I found also the keyboard and the mouse.
Thank you

Reply 56053 of 56317, by devius

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If you're looking to sell it: 1€
If you're looking to keep it: priceless

Reply 56054 of 56317, by marxveix

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Bought today Chaintech CT-7AIV, but i have one question. CT-7AIA did get many bios updates, but the CT-7AIV did none. Is it possible to flash newer 7AIA bios to 7AIV CT-7AIA (KT133) / CT-7AIV (KM133) has same specs and same product page, just KM133 has integrated VGA, i use AGP card anyway. Possible to crossflash them or not?
https://web.archive.org/web/20020219041443/ht … ocketA/7AIA.HTM

I have 686B version
CT-7AIV = 11/07/2000-8365-686A-IV6LNC0CC-00 (686A UDMA66)
CT-7AIV-100 = 11/07/2000-8365-686B-IV6LNC0CC-00 (686B UDMA100)
CT-7AIA = 07/28/2000-8363-686A-IA6LMC0CC-00 (686A UDMA66)
CT-7AIA-100 = 08/13/2001-8363-686-IA6LMC0DC-00 (686B UDMA100)

CT-7AIV MB also does not have regular VGA out @ backplate

CT-7AIA-100 = at least 4 bios versions


CT-7AIV (686A and 686B) only 1 old bios and first release i see.

Maybe i just cant find newer bios for CT-7AIV? Thank you!

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Reply 56055 of 56317, by marxveix

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Bought today Chaintech CT-7AIV, but i have one question. CT-7AIA did get many bios updates, but the CT-7AIV did none. Is it possible to flash newer CT-7AIA (KT133) bios to CT-7AIV (KM133)? They have same specs and same product page, just KM133 has integrated VGA, i will use AGP card anyway. Possible to crossflash them or not? https://web.archive.org/web/20020219041443/ht … ocketA/7AIA.HTM

I have 686B version
CT-7AIV = 11/07/2000-8365-686A-IV6LNC0CC-00 (686A UDMA66)
CT-7AIV-100 = 11/07/2000-8365-686B-IV6LNC0CC-00 (686B UDMA100)
CT-7AIA = 07/28/2000-8363-686A-IA6LMC0CC-00 (686A UDMA66)
CT-7AIA-100 = 08/13/2001-8363-686-IA6LMC0DC-00 (686B UDMA100)

CT-7AIV MB also does not have regular VGA out @ backplate

CT-7AIA-100 = at least 4 bios versions


CT-7AIV (686A and 686B) only 1 old bios and first release i see.

Maybe i just cant find newer bios for CT-7AIV? Thank you!

30+ MiniGL/OpenGL Win9x files for all Rage3 cards: Re: ATi RagePro OpenGL files

Reply 56056 of 56317, by momaka

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Let's see... this weekend's car boot sale hunt was kinda scarce in terms of retro PC hardware. Only things I bought were two Bestec ATX PSUs and a silver-plated Sony IDE CD-DVD-RW drive... all for the grand total of about $1.50. 🤣
However, the coolest find (IMO) this weekend was: original Half-Life, Counter-Strike (1.5), and Opposing Force CDs. The best part about them was that they were beneath a pile of 2nd hand clothes leftover from someone that abandoned their stand. And what's funny is that people had already picked through everything that was leftover on that stand. So it's like these CDs were waiting there for me to take them - a classic case of "the right person at the right time", I suppose. 😀
Now, I already do have Half-Life and CS, but not Opposing Force (only have it on Steam.) So this is a nice little addition to my CD hoard collection.
I also found someone's bootleg copies of Unreal Tournament, GTA VC, Diablo, Diablo II, and a few others games whose names escape my mind now - again, all abandoned stuff for the price of just having to bend over to pick them up off the ground.

And that's pretty much it. Some of the things I saw that I thought were cool but didn't buy for various reasons:

- Slot A board + slotket + socket 7 CPU shoved into the slotket. Didn't buy it because I don't like the "seller" who had this. In retrospect (hehe), the price wasn't too bad ($10, which is probably laughable for some of you here)... but that kind of money can get me 2-3 old/retro PCs on this place. Moreover, the mobo had every single cap bulged and was handled very very roughly, with one of the ISA slots having a few destroyed pins. I showed this to the seller, but he didn't want to budge from the price and said this is how much they go for online. I mean, yeah they do, but most of those are at least not as damaged as his. He is literally selling scrap boards at the price of working stuff, so that's why I avoid buying anything from this guy. But I might check it again next weekend. If the socket 7 CPU is anything interesting, I might go for it, as that alone could be worth the price, I think.

- somewhat decent socket A heatsink with 80 mm fan by Titan - a popular one from back in the days. Was the all-aluminum kind, though, with no copper insert. So I passed on it. And the price was somewhat high at $3, considering it was dirty and a bit dinged up. Normally I get similar CPU coolers for $1-2 max here.

- two FSP350-PNR/PNF ATX PSUs - one with APFC and the other with PPFC. Didn't ask about the price as the seller there didn't seem like one that would give me a good price. And moreover, I wasn't too interested in buying the APFC unit. Meanwhile, the PPFC unit was quite heavy... which was a concern, given my back pack was already starting to weigh down on me quite a bit. Not sorry about this one either, as these units typically require a recap and aren't such a great design for oldschool 5V-heavy retro PCs IMO.

marxveix wrote on 2025-02-10, 21:18:

Bought today Chaintech CT-7AIV, but i have one question. CT-7AIA did get many bios updates, but the CT-7AIV did none. Is it possible to flash newer CT-7AIA (KT133) bios to CT-7AIV (KM133)? They have same specs and same product page, just KM133 has integrated VGA, i will use AGP card anyway. Possible to crossflash them or not? https://web.archive.org/web/20020219041443/ht … ocketA/7AIA.HTM

Whatever you do... if that picture above is of your board, MAKE SURE to recap it first *BEFORE* attempting any flashing.
With those electrolytic caps in such poor/failed condition, it's asking for a bad flash to happen and brick your board.
I suppose if you have one of those programmers, then OK, not that big of a deal if that happens. But if you don't, then you'd be kinda screwed.

Reply 56057 of 56317, by Shponglefan

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Lostdotfish wrote on 2025-02-10, 17:37:

Surprisingly long....

Untested GUS Max doing its thing. Was not expecting this to work. Can't believe the price I paid... (£150)

That's a heckuva good deal for a GUS MAX!

Pentium 4 Multi-OS Build
486 DX4-100 with 6 sound cards
486 DX-33 with 5 sound cards

Reply 56058 of 56317, by Kahenraz

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momaka wrote on 2025-02-10, 21:24:

Let's see... this weekend's car boot sale hunt was kinda scarce in terms of retro PC hardware.

Can I borrow someone's time machine? Where are you people that you can find someone selling vintage tech out of a car? I can't even find this stuff in thrift stores anymore.

Reply 56059 of 56317, by momaka

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Kahenraz wrote on 2025-02-10, 21:48:

Can I borrow someone's time machine? Where are you people that you can find someone selling vintage tech out of a car? I can't even find this stuff in thrift stores anymore.

Hehe, well, it's not so much of a car boot sale, but more of a flea market, I suppose. Or bizarre bazaar would be just as accurate. Most "sellers" there are actually gypsies who don't even have cars. A good part of the stuff is trash-picked garbage, brought on either makeshift "hand carts" or horse carriages.
Then again, I'm in Bulgaria - one of EU's poorest member countries. As such, a lot of the computer hardware was used for many more years past its prime before getting retired... which is why only now are LGA775 and AMD AM2/AM3 systems starting to appear on the used market / flea market "en-masse". And right behind them was P4 and Athlon XP, so those are also really easy to find here. Going a little further back to Pentium II/3... things get a little more scarce, but I can usually still find at least one every other weekend and not for too much (most gypsie sellers don't care about what PC they are selling, but only that they sell it for more than they would if they were to turn it in for scrap metal... though some of them will occasionally ask for silly high prices, based on what someone might have told them that they saw on the internet.)