First post, by candle_86
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- l33t
So for some reason I'm having problems with games on my newest build, about to swap it out in my on use retros for something else, but maybe yall have an idea
Sempron 3000 Skt A Barton 2ghz 333mhz FSB
Foxconn 748K7AA SIS748 Chipset (NiB when I bought it in December)
1gb DDR 333 2.5-3-3-7 Crucial
ATI Radeon 9600XT with Omega 7.4 Drivers
Windows XP Home SP3
160gb Seagate 7200.7 ATA133 Drive
Games with issues
CnC Red Alert 2 it just runs like a Dog and stutters constantly
CnC Generals (Zero Hour) same issue runs poorly, FPS is around 10 by midgame and stutters, and using the Zero Lag patch
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2 and Underground are both sitting in the 25FPS range at best
Call of Duty is getting 20FPS max
Medal of Honor Allied Assault is maxing at 27FPS
Quake3 TimeDemo 58FPS
Combat Flight Simulator 1 and 2 both stutter constantly
Running out of idea's here, tried different drivers so far the best performance ive gotten is Omega 7.4, not trying to play things beyond it like FarCry, but it should be able to handle these games, but even with details turned to their lowest they run horrible.
Board does have the latest bios for it I could find that does support the Sempron.
If i can't nail this down I've got an Athlon 64 4000 with a 7900GS just waiting but i really wanted to do this early XP stuff with my NiB board.
Maybe I'm confused but I played all these games back in the day on an FX 5200 with a Duron 1600 and later Sempron 2200 on a PC Chips board based on the same chipset and remember getting better preformance, and this system way outclasses that old one.